Shave of the Day 2015

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Thanks for including your review here @alfredus - let the cynics shut their eyes and poke their fingers in their ears...

I have a few synthetics and some have too strong a backbone so you need to "push through" the spring. It takes a different kind of technique to use on the face.

The Plisson is floppy and soft, so tends to slap around the face easily enough. Many of the other synthetics have a springiness that you need to smoosh hard enough to get a decent result. It's taken me a while to appreciate the difference they bring.

You mean you have to mash it in like some people do with boars?

The only place I could get the brush to open up was on my chin - not much fun just face lathering in one position :)

Will try again on Friday - Wednesday's shave is going to be from Melbourne and will be VERY different...
You mean you have to mash it in like some people do with boars?
Yeah, I guess so. Push through the springiness until it splays on the face. Or just mash the thing... Just see what works- a different technique is required.
Ran with the Pureman OC with the 7OC Yellow today. Dripped some water on top of the SC Courage and had a shower, rinsed out the brush and shook it out HARD.

Starting to work on the soap, I picked up all the bloom water and BOOM. Lather everywhere, didn't have to add water at all. Amazing thick & cushiony lather, everything shaved really nicely although the 7OC was struggling at the end of the third shave. Time to bin it.

Feels like I am starting to get the best out of these SC soaps now. Completely different method to my normal steps so it will take a while but I am definitely getting results.
Brush: Vintage Butterscotch Simpson
Soap/Cream: Jabonman Mountain
Razor: iKon Shavecraft #102 on a Weber Bulldog handle
Blade: Personna Lab Blue [2]
After-shave: Ogallala Bay Rum and Sandalwood

Still not sure that I'm a fan of this razor :(
Brush: Body Shop Synthetic
Soap: Phoenix/Italian Barber The Beach
Razor: Merkur 34
Blade: Gillette Black Label (1)
Post-shave: Alum

Holiday shave this morning at the parents house. First shave with the beach soap, it lathers great. Scent wise I like it but trying to describe it is hard.
Sunscreen comes to mind but there is other stuff going on. It smells like the beach.
5 months and two weeks ago I shelved the razor and grew a beard. I actually recommend that everyone should take a trip to the other side of the fence - a very interesting experience of beard hate and beard love. Random people feeling the need to give you their opinion on beards, ISIS, terrorism in general to some folks saying killer beard and that they wished they could grow one etc.

I slew the furry beast on Sunday but consider today the first proper SOTD

Semogue 830
P.160 Tipo Morbido
Gillette Spoiler (1)
Gillette Rocket HD
Speick ASB
Argan/Jojoba Oil

I'm worried I won't be allowed to post here anymore. Iit's all bloody artisanal this, limited edition razor blokes are almost as bad as YKW on the fad of the month stuff I swear!!
... I'm worried I won't be allowed to post here anymore. Iit's all bloody artisanal this, limited edition razor blokes are almost as bad as YKW on the fad of the month stuff I swear!!

You are welcome - without that beard !
5 months and two weeks ago I shelved the razor and grew a beard. I actually recommend that everyone should take a trip to the other side of the fence - a very interesting experience of beard hate and beard love. Random people feeling the need to give you their opinion on beards, ISIS, terrorism in general to some folks saying killer beard and that they wished they could grow one etc........

For all the newbies here, and in the 51/2 months he's been living in the dark side there are dozens of them, SYD is not small (heightwise that is) and the addition of a beard would have made him positively scary. As far as the recommendation to indulge in facial hair, aside from my moustache I couldn't do it. On the rare occasion I have a three day growth my skin, obviously conditioned to produce a new layer of epidermis every two days, produces a new layer anyhow which is seriously itchy and annoying. I don't think I could handle a few weeks of skin rash.

.......I'm worried I won't be allowed to post here anymore. Iit's all bloody artisanal this, limited edition razor blokes are almost as bad as YKW on the fad of the month stuff I swear!!

I'm worried I won't be allowed to post here anymore. Iit's all bloody artisanal this, limited edition razor blokes are almost as bad as YKW on the fad of the month stuff I swear!!

The trendoids have well and truly stormed the ramparts @SmallYetDeadly , We may need to open a separate forum for those that use Gillette razors and creams and soaps that have been around longer than 2 months. :) Still they say variety is the spice of life
5 months and two weeks ago I shelved the razor and grew a beard. I actually recommend that everyone should take a trip to the other side of the fence - a very interesting experience of beard hate and beard love. Random people feeling the need to give you their opinion on beards, ISIS, terrorism in general to some folks saying killer beard and that they wished they could grow one etc.

I slew the furry beast on Sunday but consider today the first proper SOTD

Semogue 830
P.160 Tipo Morbido
Gillette Spoiler (1)
Gillette Rocket HD
Speick ASB
Argan/Jojoba Oil

I'm worried I won't be allowed to post here anymore. Iit's all bloody artisanal this, limited edition razor blokes are almost as bad as YKW on the fad of the month stuff I swear!!

Welcome back. Nothings changed, I'm still a delight to one and all, and no rules are ever infracted.

We do have some new people here who treat this place like a shaving site, but they mostly keep to themselves from what I can see.

Mantic also called in and the bastard has a filthy mouth...Who knew?
P.160 Tipo Morbido
Gillette Spoiler (1)

I'm worried I won't be allowed to post here anymore. Iit's all bloody artisanal this, limited edition razor blokes are almost as bad as YKW on the fad of the month stuff I swear!!
Come now... You may not have the artisanal la-di-dah stuff, but you have the quality vintage can-no-longer-get soap and blades that others can't get. So who's exclusive and who's not?!

Anyways, you too can become a faddish trend-setter former-beard tottin' hipster by signing up to B&M group buy and joining the fun! [emoji14]
Brush: Simpson Duke 3
Soap/Cream: Wickhams Super Smooth - English Rose
Razor: Merkur 37C
Blade: Personna Med Prep
After-shave: Thayers Witch Hazel - Rose

Sporting a 5 day growth thanks to the Easter Hols and an extended couple of days off work to paint my house. The fuzz was irritating me so it was time to lop it off.

After a 6 month hiatus I dragged the Duke out. Not a big fan of this brush but a recent chat with @alfredus got me itching to try it again. First time with Wickhams thanks to a generous Uncle who popped over with a sample. I think it's @stillshunter who is a fan of the soap, and I can see why. Lather is top notch but the extraordinary glide was the highlight for me. The Rose scent was very pleasant.

The slant made mince meat of the forest I was growing on my face. No need to smell like a Prince when the rest of the day was going to be spent up top of a scaffold with paint brush in hand so I gave the normal AS routine a miss.

This paint job is never going to end :(
Brush: Smog 1305
Soap: Tabac
Razor: Feather AS-D2
Blade: Feather (5)
Post-shave: Myrsol F/Extra

In my quest to cull soaps I gave Tabac another go. This lather is phenomenal - but it's funny that I'm finding the scent a little on the strong cloying side. Sheesh, must be developing a thing for more subtle refined things. A Tabac trifecta (soap (in ceramic bowl), AS lotion, cologne) might be on the market very soon. Smoggy is going great guns, Feather blade seems to have hit its last shave on round five - not a bad innings. Some say F/Extra smells a little like Floid. Bullsnipped, the Myrsol is a league ahead.
First time with Wickhams thanks to a generous Uncle who popped over with a sample. I think it's @stillshunter who is a fan of the soap, and I can see why. Lather is top notch but the extraordinary glide was the highlight for me. The Rose scent was very pleasant.
Absolutely love Wickhams - great lather and well-balanced scents - big thanks to @Nightguard who introduced me to this goodness in the first place. This is the stuff of a Group Buy. I only have Southsea Spray in anything resembling a full tub. Otherwise, the rest are 10g samples:
  • Bay Rum (discontinued)
  • Spice Trade
  • Dandyism
  • Sheridan
  • Imperial Tonic
All are too good to choose a second, or third full tub of Super Smooth.
Absolutely love Wickhams - great lather and well-balanced scents - big thanks to @Nightguard who introduced me to this goodness in the first place. This is the stuff of a Group Buy. I only have Southsea Spray in anything resembling a full tub. Otherwise, the rest are 10g samples:
  • Bay Rum (discontinued)
  • Spice Trade
  • Dandyism
  • Sheridan
  • Imperial Tonic
All are too good to choose a second, or third full tub of Super Smooth.
So what's your favourite scent/soap of the lot?
So what's your favourite scent/soap of the lot?
Too hard to choose mate. Seriously one is the best and then on another day in another mood another is better. So far I keep coming back to the Sheridan but.... I promised to treat myself to a full-sized tub of my favourite - hence why I bought so many samples. But so far I cannot commit to one or even two.
Tuesday 7 April 2015


Mastro Livi CarboInox Kamisori, 7/8

Yet another fantastic shave with this Mastro Livi CarboInox kamisori. This one has a pretty long handle and this seems to be more comfortable for my not so little hands. Deep and close like a kamisori should be, it gives the well known velvety touch of Mastro Livi Carbon Damascus steel combined to the shiny beauty of mirror polished stainless steel. The finishing touch was Pinaud Clubman, a burning flame on your face yet refreshing and enjoyable.​
  • Pre-Shave: Roberts Distilled Rose Water
  • Soap: Tcheon Fung Sing Barbe Rosse
  • Brush: Omega Bristle 48
  • Bowl: Chinese Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Loom Strop and Hand Palm
  • Razor: Mastro Livi CarboInox Kamisori, 7/8
  • Post-Shave: Umbrian Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • After Shave: Pinaud Clubman Classic Vanilla
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