Shave of the Day Thread - 2017

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Date: 04 June 2017

Brush: - Semogue Special Edition 2012 Badger/Boar knot 24/55mm
Cream/Soap: - Wholly Kaw - Man from Mayfair (tallow) 3x
Razor: - Colonial Razors "The General Alum. Head" with iKon Bulldog Handle
Blade: - Kai Captain Titan Mild (Pink) #27
Post: - Thayers Witch Hazel 'Lemon' / Lucky Tiger Aftershave Lotion

Yep! the Kai Captain Titan Mild (Pink) is starting to loose it's edge very quickly and I think I could either squeeze 1 or 2 more shaves, so far no nicks or cuts and also no irritation so far as I've created a very good slick protective lather using Wholly Kaw shaving soap and MAN! this soap is FANTASTIC!! ;) smell like Barbershop.......well sort of :unsure::happy:
= Gillette Superspeed 1953
= Gillette Super Stainless Made in Australia E-2 @4
= Williams Mug (I might begin to stash this stuff... nah that would be folly ...?)

= The elusive Gillette Wild Rain cuvee 2001 (if you find a bottle, don't share it!)

WTG, XTG + ATG on the moustache area. Fresh and ready for the gym *thumbs up

Brush: Simpsons PJ2
Soap: Dr Jon's, Aphrodite
Razor: Gem, Micromatic OC
Blade: Gem SS
Post: Dr Jon's Aphrodite

A few days growth swiftly dealt with by the magic of the Micromatic.
Two passes for a DFS and one for luck.

Have a great weekend, enjoy your shaves​

Any rust issue with Dr Jon's metal container? The inside of my tub had rust spots less than 3 month after purchase.
Any rust issue with Dr Jon's metal container? The inside of my tub had rust spots less than 3 month after purchase.
I've had this and the Sunrise for maybe a month, I bought them on BST so not sure how old they are. Couple of tiny spots on the outside of this one, none on the inside of either, so nothing I would call an issue.
I've had this and the Sunrise for maybe a month, I bought them on BST so not sure how old they are. Couple of tiny spots on the outside of this one, none on the inside of either, so nothing I would call an issue.

If they were from me, they are around a year and half old. You need to keep those blasted tins dry else they spot up like it's no ones business with rust. I guess a thin film of oil might prevent it, or, you know Dr Jons could plastic tubs to begin with.
Indeed they were from you @todras , and a very good deal they were too, thanks again.

I have had no issue with the them and I rather like the aesthetics of a tin but now that I know there is a potential issue I will take a little more care keeping them dry
Razor: Vintage British Aristocrat #15
Blade: Vintage Schick Super Platinum (10)
Brush: Shavemac 'Americana' DO1
Soap/Cream: Mystic Waters Sardinian Honey
Aftershave Splash: Chatillon Lux Delor de Treget Aftershave Splash

Wanted something warm and soothing this morning - the Mystic Waters Sardinian Honey delivered in spades! Not sure that the Delor de Treget was a great match but I also wanted some Chatillon Lux in my morning - so this was it. The orange is strong but then it develops into something more, richer and deeper.

Last shave for the Schick Super Platinum I think. Not sure what to try next.

Just saw news of what has happened in London. Sad, angry, thoughts and prayers with those impacted.

Preshave: Coconut Oil
Brush: Shavemac 177
Soap: Homemade cold process
Razor: Friodur Henckels 6/8
Scuttle : HG
Post Shave: Mix of Jojoba, essential oils, vodka.
A review of the Shavemac 177 says it has backbone. It's a beautiful brush to use, I wouldn't part with it. If I purchased another brush I'd get one slightly stiffer.
The Friodur Henckels was very sad when I purchased it. Scales had had their day so I rescaled with the TI scales which are great to work with. The heel and toe of the blade had suffered some damage but not enough to affect a shave significantly. Honed beautifully and it's one of my favourites in my rotation.

Preshave: Coconut Oil
Brush: Shavemac 177
Soap: Homemade cold process
Razor: Friodur Henckels 6/8
Scuttle : HG
Post Shave: Mix of Jojoba, essential oils, vodka.
A review of the Shavemac 177 says it has backbone. It's a beautiful brush to use, I wouldn't part with it. If I purchased another brush I'd get one slightly stiffer.
The Friodur Henckels was very sad when I purchased it. Scales had had their day so I rescaled with the TI scales which are great to work with. The heel and toe of the blade had suffered some damage but not enough to affect a shave significantly. Honed beautifully and it's one of my favourites in my rotation.
The Shavemac 177 can get a little floppy. Shavemac 2 Band hair has (IMHO) much more backbone and makes for a better brush. D01 2 band even more so (but only if you like a bit of scrub). Beautiful razor BTW.
Just saw news of what has happened in London. Sad, angry, thoughts and prayers with those impacted.

My younger brother who emigrated from Aussie 15 years ago lives proximate to London, (he is fine) however understandably angry as are many people in the UK, not scared or distressed but angry and determined. I called him earlier, very reasonably I thought.

He said to me during our chat 'We keep going mate and we enjoy our country, our way of life and the way we always do things in the UK, they have bugger all chance of changing England and we will have the bastards anytime'. He passionately attends and follows Football matches, is blue collar and proud of it (and I of him) so the latter part of the sentence is in keeping with his world-view.

Last shave for the Schick Super Platinum I think. Not sure what to try next.

A Feather would be a welcome change, allow me to send you some!

Please just for once...for me...can you shave with a blade that is not 30-60 years old, hand made in Pre-War Sheffield, and obtained from one of the first brush turners that Worked for Simpson in their first location that one of the 'old guys' you know visits as he has a cupboard full of them at his respite care home.

What is it the kids say these days.. 'shots fired' :p

Before someone mentions the bleeding obvious about Schick Platinums, just don't. It will ruin the joke and I will sigh in resignation and add you to my ignore list.
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My younger brother who emigrated from Aussie 15 years ago lives proximate to London, (he is fine) however understandably angry as are many people in the UK, not scared or distressed but angry and determined. I called him earlier, very reasonably I thought.

He said to me during our chat 'We keep going mate and we enjoy our country, our way of life and the way we always do things in the UK, they have bugger all chance of changing England and we will have the bastards anytime'. He passionately attends and follows Football matches, is blue collar and proud of it (and I of him) so the latter part of the sentence is in keeping with his world-view.

A Feather would be a welcome change, allow me to send you some!

Please just for once...for me...can you shave with a blade that is not 30-60 years old, hand made in Pre-War Sheffield, and obtained from one of the first brush turners that Worked for Simpson in their first location that one of the 'old guys' you know visits as he has a cupboard full of them at his respite care home.

What is it the kids say these days.. 'shots fired' :p

Before someone mentions the bleeding obvious about Schick Platinums, just don't. It will ruin the joke and I will sigh in resignation and add you to my ignore list.

Challenge accepted - Feather chosen. Now which razor to match it with?

London survived the Blitz, the IRA and will survive these latest attacks. They all come at a cost though. We can never give in but also never forget those who have paid a price.
London survived the Blitz, the IRA and will survive these latest attacks. They all come at a cost though. We can never give in but also never forget those who have paid a price.

This of course is true, post IRA the emergence of new threat forms that are purely asymmetrical and often decentralized I think in reality dictates an astute response, we remember those lost through awareness and determination as this action prevents your neighbor, our neighbor or someone else's from succumbing to the same atrocity.

The reported 8 minute interval that saw the effective and immediate expiry of the 3 active threats from the situation attests to the adaptation prowess of the UK intelligence and armed response services to this new mode, and more saliently the situational awareness and determination of the British people. The mood in the UK at the moment Mark is one of determination and anger, the country is still in mourning from more recent abominations and from what I gather the feeling is that their is only so much grief and rememberance a people can bear before their resolve turns to steel.

If this post is inappropriate, offtopic please have no compunction in removing it. I have most of my family in the UK and Scotland and I have strong feelings anchored in these events.
If they were from me, they are around a year and half old. You need to keep those blasted tins dry else they spot up like it's no ones business with rust. I guess a thin film of oil might prevent it, or, you know Dr Jons could plastic tubs to begin with.
MY Anne Bonny tin has quite a few rust spots too - outside only.
Shave of the week - Monday to Friday
Last Sunday evening I had the fluorescent bulb in the Shave shed/den/man-cave ... ... yeah, the bathroom, decided to refuse to turn on/started intermittent flickering; well one flick followed by darkness for about 4-5 seconds, another flicker and so on. With my work hours I could not attend the hardware until yesterday so, discretion being the better part of valour, no straight was getting near my face.


Cold water shave
Soap: Shaver Heaven Aladdin
Brush: cheap synth
Face lather
Blade: GEM 1912 SE

Great razor to use even with just faintest of light entering the bathroom at that time of the day. Smooth and close.

Normal transmission resumed with a new fluorescent tube purchased on Saturday morning. A nice 3-pass shave on Saturday around 11.00am with the George Butler Keen 6/8 straight.

Although the SE was a bit"boring" to use, the quality of shaves during the week were impressive so I dragged the GEM down off the shelf again this morning. So impressed I will use it again each morning this week before work. Think of the power I'm saving by having the bathroom light on for 10 minutes less each morning. The greenies will love me.
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