Shave of the Day Thread - 2017

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Razor: Vintage Personna Micrometric
Blade: Vintage Personna [England] blade (6)
Brush: Vintage Butterscotch Simpson 'H2' boar
Soap/Cream: Klars Seifen Rasiereife
Aftershave: Chattilon Lux - Unconditional Surrender Aftershave
Cologne: Chattilon Lux - Unconditional Surrender EDT

Well, a couple of days at home and then off again into the wilderness of of travel shaves. Made the last one at home a good one :)

Happy hump day guys!

Boots Manchurian
Gillette Slim
Eufros GEA
Eufros GEA Aftershave Balm
Australian Private Reserve le courrier Aftershave
Australian Private Reserve le courrier Aftershave Balm
Australian Private Reserve le courrier EDP

A nice mid week refresher with the cool change persisting, a chance to use a modern fern interpretation by way of Manuel's GEA and my own contribution the Mail. A very enjoyable two passes, whenever I return to using Manuels soap's I always immediately appreciate his artisan skill in handmaking the soap, it is the extra care taken, the extra time to ensure that his product and scent is just right. An absolute pleasure to use as always. A standard two pass affair for me today, I used some of my own aftershave balm as well as his as my formulation contains a fair few more 'skin beneficials' and actives,and it was a good opportunity to provide an extra layer of the wonderful fragrance.

Have a blindingly good day and do enjoy your shaves! :pompous:
Gillette Blue 2 (5)
Proraso brush
Col Conk's Lime Glycerine Soap
Re-lather and cold rinse

I've been cracking out the disposable a bit lately just for something a bit different and I've actually gotten some pretty decent shaves with it - BBS earlier on and DFS today (it's probably time to dispose of it!). Been using the Platypus brush for the last few days but went back to the boar today, again for a change. This soap can't be used in a rush - the first pass was pretty average because I didn't put enough work into it. Second pass was much better with more product, more water and more lathering but the result probably isn't good enough to justify the extra work required. I will still keep it though - again when it's time for another change - they say a change is as good as a holiday!
The Mainstream Gent Shave

Razor: Merkur Futur (2)
Blade: Perma-sharp SS (2)
Soap: T&H Trafalgar
Brush: K Shave Worx Gamechanger
Postshave: Alum + Azzaro Chrome AS Splash + Keith Cole Mankind EdT

1) The Futur is a super-efficient razor. A 2 setting created an almost BBS 2 pass shave magically for most of my face but NOT for my chin and lip. Lots of weepers there on second pass so went back to 1 for that area. I don't think I need to go to a 3 setting because I'd have a one pass shave and no mouth left. This razor is the best $53.40 I've spent on eBay; I suspect it's going to be a gateway drug for modern razors.
2) Didn't use Lavanille again because @TomG is probably going to steal it. Went back to one of my absolute faves - T&H is an excellent soap and the scent is divine.
3) Thought the Trafalgar might be good for some of the modern mainstream scents I've picked up accidentally over the past 6 months and haven't played with much / at all. The Azzaro Chrome AS is perhaps the most bland AS in the history of bland AS. Not even a big burn after a VERY close shave. No fear the scent will clash with anything - it's "clean". The Keith Cole job is similar in the sense of being a "clean" sort of modern EdT. Very office friendly. I won't use these two much in the future but they were very cheap buys at the time and probably a good option in the right circumstance...

Date: 15 February 2017

Brush: - Semogue SOC Boar in Cherry Wood 24/55mm
Lather: - Stirling Pharaoh's Dreamsicle Shaving Soap
Razor: - Parker Variant Adjustable (WTG #5, XTG #2, ATG #2)
Blade: - Vintage Polsilver Stainless #4
Post Shave: - T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent / L'endroit orange (The Orange Place) made by @todras another fantastic aftershave.

Razor: Edwin Jagger Kelvin
Blade: Bolzano Superinox (1)
Brush: Semogue SOC Boar
Soap: Phoenix & Beau Spitfire
Post: Witch Hazel, TSW Balm

A quick 2 pass this morning, finishing off the impressive Spitfire soap. Took it easy today with a mild blade and no ATG. :happy:
  • Pre-Shave: Musgo Real Glyce Soap
  • Soap: Mystic Water Lemongrass and Blue Gum
  • Brush: Paladin PK-47 28mm
  • Strop: Kanayama (?)
  • Razor: 1) Dorko 6/8" 2) Ern Es-Ex 6/8"
  • Post-Shave: Alum Block, Myrsol Plastic Shave
A Tale of Two Razors.
"It was the best of blades, it was the worst of blades...."
My first pass was with the Dorko and I felt quite a bit of tugging. Only 4 shaves on this razor (and a superlative edge from @Mark) so I must have done something whilst stropping I guess. I reached for the Es-Ex as I knew it was the only razor I had that didn't need a strop as it had come off of the hones this weekend (8k and 12k Naniwa then CrOx). Wow. Night and day. The type of shave where you need two check that whiskers are being removed because it sure doesn't feel like it. An exceptional shave
Very happy with my ability to refresh an edge, but a little worried that my stropping technique is pants.
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Pre: Myrsol Emulsion
Brush: Thater 4125/2
Soap: Eufros Jabonman Incensio
Razor: Wacker Classic 2
Post: alum, witch hazel, TSW After Balm, APR Idoru prototype

Lather got sloppy and dried out too quickly lately. I need to revisit back to basics. Been on a bad lather streak lately... Started drying out before I even shave half my face.

Like @Psmith, I recall my first shave with the wacker I acquired from @Draco Noir was amazing. Smooth and keen. Now it's getting a little sloppy and been nicking like crazy. Poor stropping + Poor lather pretty much spells disaster. I will spent some time tonight to watch some stropping videos. They all say it's not rocket science, but it sure is for me!

Finished off with the Idoru, which is a special release @todras will be releasing soon in his line of arsenal. Notes are Ylang ylang, myrrh, hinoki (Japanese cypress), ginger, black pepper, patchouli, rosewood. Stay tuned!
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Pre: Valobra Glycerlanolina soap, Myrsol Antesol and Emulsion
Brush: P&C LE Platypus 2017
Soap: APR Generals Ledger
Razor: Wilkinson Sword Sticky
Blade: Vintage Wilkinson Sword French Brown (5)
Post: Myrsol Antesol and Emulsion
EDT: Erik Kormann Dezember

Whoa - the soap was the star tonight! I rated the APR as very good on first use - it is better than that. The lubricity was outstanding. It allowed me to get a DFS+ after only two passes with a mild (but efficient) razor. Face was feeling great after the third pass, so went back for minor cleanup to yield a BBS result.
Post shave feel was stellar, and I'm digging the fragrance. I don't have APR GL as a reference (yet), but I'm betting that that Olfactory Oracle @todras has skilfully crafted the earthy notes of the Washpool Farm base with the Generals Ledger components to produce a symbiotic outcome. Overly verbose from yours truly? You bet! That shave was as good as I've experienced to date.
  • Pre-Shave: Musgo Real Glyce Soap
  • Soap: Mystic Water Lemongrass and Blue Gum
  • Brush: Paladin PK-47 28mm
  • Strop: Kanayama (?)
  • Razor: 1) Dorko 6/8" 2) Ern Es-Ex 6/8"
  • Post-Shave: Alum Block, Myrsol Plastic Shave
A Tale of Two Razors.
"It was the best of blades, it was the worst of blades...."
My first pass was with the Dorko and I felt quite a bit of tugging. Only 4 shaves on this razor (and a superlative edge from @Mark) so I must have done something whilst stropping I guess. I reached for the Es-Ex as I knew it was the only razor I had that didn't need a strop as it had come off of the hones this weekend (8k and 12k Naniwa then CrOx). Wow. Night and day. The type of shave where you need two check that whiskers are being removed because it sure doesn't feel like it. An exceptional shave
Very happy with my ability to refresh an edge, but a little worried that my stropping technique is pants.

Hmm, try and strop post shave, this will help make sure the razor is 100% dry. I skipped this part and noticed that I got micro rust spots that degraded my edge too quickly.

How do you like the strop?
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SOTE: 15th Feb

Preshave: Facescrub Banh soap.
Razor: Gillette Aristocrat #16 w/Wilk.sword
Soap: SV 70th Anniversary
Brush: Brad Sears Chubby Manchurian.
Post shave: Thayers unscented, SV balm, Aqua Dee Geo (perfume parlour clone)

Tonight the Brad Sears brush unleashed its full love, its taken 6-7 shaves to get there but i think the SV combined with the stunning good looks of the Aristocrat finally convinced it to give up the fight, and give its all. What a shave:smuggrin::love:


La Toja Pre
SJOL 26mm
ATT Colossus R1
Truefitt & Hill 1805
Truefitt & Hill 1805 Aftershave Balm
Truefitt & Hill 1805 Aftershave
Truefitt & Hill 1805 Cologne

A thoroughly enjoyable Thursday shave, another glycerin based cream with a very slick lather, top points for the post shave feel too. Two passes then on with the accoutrements, pleasing.

Have a smashing day you chaps :penguin:
Hmm, try and strop post shave, this will help make sure the razor is 100% dry. I skipped this part and noticed that I got micro rust spots that degraded my edge too quickly.

How do you like the strop?
I always give it 20 canvas, 30 leather post shave so it's not that. Probably my angle on the first pass and occasional dodgy stropping.
Love the strop btw. It's broken in nicely and I feel it makes difference to my razors. The (?) next to the Kanayama is a little tongue in cheek. It almost certainly is (and if not it's still a brilliant strop).
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