Shave of the Day Thread - 2018

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Karve 'C' w/ Perma- Sharp (2)
Semouge 830
AP Reserve Velours Noir Soap / Splash / EdT
TSW After Balm
@58RW There is no real scent to it. Maybe a bit from the menthol? The performance is great. It leaves your face soft and not greasey. You do feel like you have put some cream on though. It's very lightly mentholated. Enough to feel it. It also stops weepers and cuts if you run enough.

I have been using it lightly mainly as a barrier for mentholated splashes

  1. Preshave: Cyril R Salter - Lavender
  2. Razor: Gold Dollar
  3. Soap: APR Velours Noir
  4. Brush: Sam and Son 30mm silvertip
  5. Postshave: APR Velours Noir Splash
  6. Earworm: Born Slippy - Underworld
Know that a Gold Dollar may well get laughed out of town, but I'm using it to learn my honing skills. Overall, pleasantly surprised with the end result. This thing was defo not "shave ready", but I took it over some 6K and 8K stones and it came up pretty sharp and passed @Jamie's hanging hair test, so I figured it was good to go. I don't think I managed the honing completely evenly, as there were areas that dragged. But, like I said, happy with a first attempt. Will continue to practise, before trying out some of my 'nicer' razors.
@58RW There is no real scent to it. Maybe a bit from the menthol? The performance is great. It leaves your face soft and not greasey. You do feel like you have put some cream on though. It's very lightly mentholated. Enough to feel it. It also stops weepers and cuts if you run enough.

I have been using it lightly mainly as a barrier for mentholated splashes
Thanks for the feedback appreciated ;)
Really surprising Razorock and some of the now defunct artisans never did a range of Candles for their fragrances :)

Mrs Schoolforants is a candle-maker, and has on occasion made candles using some of my soap scents. Unfortunately some of the EO only scents don't perform really well burnt in soy wax as a candle. As a soy 'melt' in an oil burner however, not an issue.
"SV Sunday"
Progress @4 w/Polsilver
Frank Shaving Silvertip
SV Felce Aromatica
Anherb balm

That's the only way I can describe this silvertip! Very different from the Yaqi badger brushes I've recently gotten.
The FS is dense but contours the face really well so it's very luxurious! One of my favorites now!!


Life is so crazy at the moment! Only shaving once a week these days. Sunday arvo is the only chance I get and boy does it feel good!

Soap: Abbie and Grace - Cedarwood
Brush: Shavemac DO2
Razor: Tanifuji 6/8 Full Hollow
Post: APR - Monst Myrtle - since it’s finally heating up again.

  1. Preshave: Cyril R Salter - Lavender
  2. Razor: Gold Dollar
  3. Soap: APR Velours Noir
  4. Brush: Sam and Son 30mm silvertip
  5. Postshave: APR Velours Noir Splash
  6. Earworm: Born Slippy - Underworld
Know that a Gold Dollar may well get laughed out of town, but I'm using it to learn my honing skills. Overall, pleasantly surprised with the end result. This thing was defo not "shave ready", but I took it over some 6K and 8K stones and it came up pretty sharp and passed @Jamie's hanging hair test, so I figured it was good to go. I don't think I managed the honing completely evenly, as there were areas that dragged. But, like I said, happy with a first attempt. Will continue to practise, before trying out some of my 'nicer' razors.
Gold Dollars are great (and cheap) for practicing honing - you can actually get a reasonable edge on them. I bought 6 from eBay very cheaply -But the state of the edge from the factory is very variable.
"SV Sunday"
Progress @4 w/Polsilver
Frank Shaving Silvertip
SV Felce Aromatica
Anherb balm

That's the only way I can describe this silvertip! Very different from the Yaqi badger brushes I've recently gotten.
The FS is dense but contours the face really well so it's very luxurious! One of my favorites now!!

What a beautiful splay on the head of that Silvertip
Gold Dollars are great (and cheap) for practicing honing - you can actually get a reasonable edge on them. I bought 6 from eBay very cheaply -But the state of the edge from the factory is very variable.
This, and there was one other cheaper brand razor that @bald as got me onto when he was teaching me how to hone - cant think of the name right now.

Brush: PAA Atomic Rocket
Razor: RR Mamba
Blade: Crystal (6)
Scuttle/Bowl/Mug: Fine lather bowl
Soap: APR Suitably Attired Australian
Post: Thayers Lemon & Aloe Vera Witch Hazel / APR Suitably Attired Australian splash + TSW balm

A post CBR Meet Up post of a pre CBR Meet Up shave - Smooth, slick & fresh... Happy Fathers Day gents!
"SV Sunday"
Progress @4 w/Polsilver
Frank Shaving Silvertip
SV Felce Aromatica
Anherb balm

That's the only way I can describe this silvertip! Very different from the Yaqi badger brushes I've recently gotten.
The FS is dense but contours the face really well so it's very luxurious! One of my favorites now!!

Is that a 26mm knot?? doesn’t look like a 24mm
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