Shave of the Day Thread - 2018

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Pre-Shave: @nsavage pre-shave, cold water
Razor: Guerrilla
Blade: Ladas Super Stainless (1)
Brush: Doug Korn Epsilon 2-band
Lather: Stirling Bay Rum
Post-Shave: Alum, Thayers Original Alcohol Free Witch Hazel, South Australian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil​

A very enjoyable and smooth Monday shave with some stellar Stirling lather

I hope you all have a great start into the new week (y)
Pre: Warm water, Pb Pre Shave Emulsion
Razor: Karve, C Plate
Blade: Astra Green
Bowl: Handmade bowl, Mk1
Brush: RazoRock Silvertip Synthetic
Soap: Pb Brazilian Bay Thyme.
Post: Old Spice
Very nice shave, two passes and a touch up = DFS. The pre shave is simply outstanding thank you @Pbgoose for the goodies.

screen capture
Pre: Nothing
machine: Weber/UFO
blade: gillette Platinum
brush: BSB2 silvertip
soap: AP Reserve Frenchurch
splash: AP Reserve Frenchurch
EdP: AP Reserve Frenchurch


Finally got the full experience of the new base (full sized tub, face lather...) and I wonder... how much water can it hold :D I don't remember having to add water so many times though the brush with other soaps, and probably I could have kept doing it more times.

Pre: Nothing
machine: Weber/UFO
blade: gillette Platinum
brush: BSB2 silvertip
soap: AP Reserve Frenchurch
splash: AP Reserve Frenchurch
EdP: AP Reserve Frenchurch


Finally got the full experience of the new base (full sized tub, face lather...) and I wonder... how much water can it hold :D I don't remember having to add water so many times though the brush with other soaps, and probably I could have kept doing it more times.


Indeed, I feel like I should start dipping my brush in a water tank rather than a mug, such is the amount of water this base can hold!
Pre-shave: Hot shower
Brush: Vintage butterscotch Rooney boar/badger combination
Soap/Cream: Squadron Soap Group Captain's Blend shaving soap
Razor: Vintage Gillette Slim Adjustable (7)
Blade: Vintage NOS Wilkinson Sword 'Frenchie' (4)
Post-shave: Squadron SoapGroup Captain's Blend aftershave splash
Fragrance: None

Ahhh, so nice

thanks to a new puppy coming home on the weekend, i had my first shave today with a 4 day growth (most growth since wet shaving started). The feather / rockwell 6c combo on plate 4 mowed it down with ease :)

Pre-shave: Hot shower
Brush: Razorock Synth Silvertip Badger
Soap/Cream: Declaration Grooming Bandwagon
Razor: Rockwell 6C Plate 4
Blade: Feather
Post-shave: Thayers cucumber Witch Hazel
Post-Shave: Proraso Green Splash

Soap: Pb Nettle n Neem
Brush: Zenith Boar
Razor: Merkur 39C
Blade: Rapira Super Stainless (1)
Post: Jojoba Oil
AS: Pb The Black Spruce
Forgotten how creamy this lather is. Rapira Stainless worked well with the 39C. How do others find the Super Stainless compared to the Platinum Lux? Might have to buy 100 of these. Looking forward to getting home to my own bed. The one in our apartment is proving to be more torture than rest.

Pre: Hot Shower, Truefitt & Hill Shave Oil....
Razor: Gillette Fatboy....
Blade: Personna....
Brush: Turn-N-Shave Smoke On The Water....
Soap: Declaration Grooming YRP....
Post: Thayers, Chatillon Lux YRP Aftershave, Salv & EDT....
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