Shave of the Day Thread - 2022

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Ralf Aust 6/8 (really a 7/8) American (square) point straight razor dressed in blond horn scales, ARKO stick face lathered wit a well broken-in Proraso Pro boar brush. Result was a DFS+.


Pre-shave: Hot flannel, Pears soap
Brush: Forgotten Art "Macchiato" Snow Leopard
Soap: Pré de Prudence - No. 63
Razor: Blackland Vector
Blade: Schick Proline
Post-shave: Shower, Thayer's witch hazel w/- cucumber. Then some more... :rolleyes:
COTD: Rante Kapua Torajah, Sulawesi

After this ringing endorsement from our arch-enabler @TomG, I had to try this soap. It has a stellar reputation for one thing, and for another, '63 was my birth year. And sure enough, except for one little thing, everything about this soap is right. The scent is strong and masculine (pepper, woods, tobacco, plum...) and an intentional divergence from my usual florals. It loads easily, and lathers like a bomb, the mark of a true top-shelf product.

I mentioned "one little thing", and it is this. My skin lit up like a Christmas tree. It still hasn't quite settled down. I didn't find anything untoward in the ingredients list, so the problem may be among the fragrances, or it may be me. Bugger. I really wanted it to be a keeper.
This shave coming to you from the Land of Smiles (Bangkok, Thailand), after 2.5 years away thanks to the spicy cough. Smack dab in the middle of the rainy reason so days are humid as heck and nights are pleasantly cool. All for business, I must stress, though I’ll sneak in a cocktail or two on everyone’s behalf at some of the excellent bars here.


H- SOTD 30.08.22

Pre-shave:- Hot shower
Brush:- Grizzly Bay w/ Fanchurian knot
Soap:- Mitchell’s - Woolfat
Razor: Karve - Overlander
Blade: Wizamet - Super Iridium
Moisturiser: Duke Cannon - Ice cold


Another really enjoyable head shave. Jad 5 days growth - so was on the limits of wanting to run the clippers over it first. Glad I didn’t!

Karve Overlander & the Super Iridium’s are a fantastic combination. Absolutely confidence inspiring!

First time ever using Mitchell’s woolfat. Got to admit - I really liked it. Just had that old skool artisan feel about it. Managed to get a good lather that held too!

Forgive the newbie question - but is the idea to heat up the puck and squish it into the jar. I’ve got a horrible feeling that having the puck rattle around in the pot will soon irritate me lol

Looking forwards to trying this combination again!!


Pre-shave: Hot flannel, Pears soap
Brush: Forgotten Art "Macchiato" Snow Leopard
Soap: Pré de Prudence - No. 63
Razor: Blackland Vector
Blade: Schick Proline
Post-shave: Shower, Thayer's witch hazel w/- cucumber. Then some more... :rolleyes:
COTD: Rante Kapua Torajah, Sulawesi

After this ringing endorsement from our arch-enabler @TomG, I had to try this soap. It has a stellar reputation for one thing, and for another, '63 was my birth year. And sure enough, except for one little thing, everything about this soap is right. The scent is strong and masculine (pepper, woods, tobacco, plum...) and an intentional divergence from my usual florals. It loads easily, and lathers like a bomb, the mark of a true top-shelf product.

I mentioned "one little thing", and it is this. My skin lit up like a Christmas tree. It still hasn't quite settled down. I didn't find anything untoward in the ingredients list, so the problem may be among the fragrances, or it may be me. Bugger. I really wanted it to be a keeper.
Bugger - can empathise; I get a similar reaction with some LPL soaps, which otherwise are brilliant.
Forgive the newbie question - but is the idea to heat up the puck and squish it into the jar. I’ve got a horrible feeling that having the puck rattle around in the pot will soon irritate me lol
I haven't tried MWF, but most soaps stop rattling around once you've had a few shaves with them. I wouldn't heat it, you'll most likely ruin it.
H- SOTD 30.08.22

Pre-shave:- Hot shower
Brush:- Grizzly Bay w/ Fanchurian knot
Soap:- Mitchell’s - Woolfat
Razor: Karve - Overlander
Blade: Wizamet - Super Iridium
Moisturiser: Duke Cannon - Ice cold


Another really enjoyable head shave. Jad 5 days growth - so was on the limits of wanting to run the clippers over it first. Glad I didn’t!

Karve Overlander & the Super Iridium’s are a fantastic combination. Absolutely confidence inspiring!

First time ever using Mitchell’s woolfat. Got to admit - I really liked it. Just had that old skool artisan feel about it. Managed to get a good lather that held too!

Forgive the newbie question - but is the idea to heat up the puck and squish it into the jar. I’ve got a horrible feeling that having the puck rattle around in the pot will soon irritate me lol

Looking forwards to trying this combination again!!

I grate my MWF and compress it back into the jar. This also helps reduce shrinkage and cracking if you do not use it for a while.
H- SOTD 30.08.22

Pre-shave:- Hot shower
Brush:- Grizzly Bay w/ Fanchurian knot
Soap:- Mitchell’s - Woolfat
Razor: Karve - Overlander
Blade: Wizamet - Super Iridium
Moisturiser: Duke Cannon - Ice cold


Another really enjoyable head shave. Jad 5 days growth - so was on the limits of wanting to run the clippers over it first. Glad I didn’t!

Karve Overlander & the Super Iridium’s are a fantastic combination. Absolutely confidence inspiring!

First time ever using Mitchell’s woolfat. Got to admit - I really liked it. Just had that old skool artisan feel about it. Managed to get a good lather that held too!

Forgive the newbie question - but is the idea to heat up the puck and squish it into the jar. I’ve got a horrible feeling that having the puck rattle around in the pot will soon irritate me lol

Looking forwards to trying this combination again!!

My daily shave these days is a Wizamet in Karve CB (aluminium D plate). The combination is a winner for sure, and I only really vary it to blow the cobwebs off my vintage Gillette’s from time to time.

Karve Overlander sounds good and would be super interesting to compare, but I can’t imagine it being too far different to the CB

Pre-shave:- Shower
Brush:- Artesania Romera Red Heart Wood w/ 26mm Manchurian knot
Soap:- GEO.F.Trumper's - Spanish Leather
Razor:- Ralf Aust 6/8" American Point, Wenge Handle
This is a beautiful baby bear porridge brush perfect amount of density, loft and softness - Just right(y)
I'm not going to give up on PdP, I'll give their Bergamot & Thyme a go when the opportunity arises.
Good one. I think the version Con has at The Stray Whisker is this variant, althought the packaging is a little different from the version I have seen for European & N American Vendors.

Pre-shave: Hot flannel, Pears soap
Brush: Forgotten Art "Tarkine" Ω piggy-wig
Soap: Mystic Water - Jeff's Lavender
Razor: Blackland Sabre
Blade: Personna GEM Stainless
Post-shave: Shower, Thayer's witch hazel w/- cucumber, homebrew moisturiser, La Roche-Posay Anthelios SPF50+, Stirling Bergamot Lavender EDT
COTD: Rante Kapua Torajah, Sulawesi

Back to safer ground today. I used to think the Polsilver/Wizamet was a lovely smooth blade, but the Personna GEM has it beaten hands down.
WR2 1.25
TroyCraft 'Purple Haze' 24mm Lansky HD
Razorock Blue Label stick
Olive Oil + Irish Countryside Splash

Gave the RR stick one more go as you can see got an very nice looking lather quite easily, but looks can be deceiving.. lather looked and felt good on the skin but the WR2 doesnt lie, it was lacking in protection and resulted in a slightly unformattable result, the olive oil was a god send.. Had enough of this stick, gave it more than a go and now its time to hang up the boots!!

As for the brush :love:


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