Shave of the Day Thread - 2023

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The other Colling


Pre-shave:- Shower
Brush:- Morris & Forndran #3 Silvertip
Str8:- S.K. Colling & Co. 70 x18mm Black Resin with White Wedge
Soap/Aftershave:- Yardley - English Lavender

The Yardley let off a lovely hint of the original scent today, and this blade must be one of the keenest in my den, and as a result ended up with 3 nicks

Above sentence waxed lyrical by ChatGPT:
In the realm of grooming and indulgence, today's olfactory journey embarked on a symphony of sensory delight as the illustrious Yardley fragrance graced the air with its enchanting essence.
Like a maestro conducting a mesmerizing composition, the scent notes danced gracefully, weaving a tapestry of nostalgia and elegance.

Within my carefully curated collection of shaving instruments, this particular blade stands as a true virtuoso of craftsmanship.
Its edge, honed to perfection, is akin to a finely tuned instrument, ready to create a masterpiece upon the canvas of my facial hair.
As I embarked on the ritualistic art of shaving, the blade's prowess became apparent, gliding effortlessly across my skin with a precision reserved for the most esteemed artisans.

Yet, every work of art, no matter how refined, may carry a touch of unpredictability. As the blade traced its path, the slightest miscalculation led to an encounter with the unyielding contours of my face, resulting in three gentle nicks.
Though minor, these blemishes bore a humble reminder of the inherent human element in this timeless practice.

For, in the realm of grooming, as in life, even the most skilled hands may encounter imperfections.
And it is in these moments that we find a profound connection with our humanity, embracing the beauty of vulnerability and the artistry of imperfection.

As I gaze upon my reflection, the nicks become an emblem of experience and growth, a testament to the journey we all undertake in perfecting our craft.
In this symphony of scent and blade, a delicate balance is struck, and while nicks may arise, they are overshadowed by the harmony of the grooming ritual and the satisfaction of mastering one's art.

Today, the Yardley and this blade have not only brought forth a fragrant delight and impeccable sharpness but also an opportunity for reflection and appreciation of the poetry that unfolds in the everyday moments of life.
And so, with a heart full of gratitude and a renewed dedication to the pursuit of excellence, I embrace the nicks as a part of this beautiful symphony that is the art of shaving.​
Interesting that your puck of Yardley has popped out of its bowl, I've never seen that happen. It's nice when you get that hint of its original scent. It was never that strong when it was new, so every whiff is a bonus.

Good work ChatGPT, but someone needs to teach it not to overuse the comma. :LOL:
Interesting that your puck of Yardley has popped out of its bowl, I've never seen that happen. It's nice when you get that hint of its original scent. It was never that strong when it was new, so every whiff is a bonus.

Good work ChatGPT, but someone needs to teach it not to overuse the comma. :LOL:
I popped the puck myself soon after receiving it. After the previous experience I wanted to be sure there was nothing rancid underneath, straighten the lid and treat any bacteria or mould in the wood
It popped fairly easily with constant tapping upside down on the benchtop and palm
Now I pop it every time and load the brush from palm to avoid getting the bowl wet

I can understand why journalists are concerned over ChatGPT if it can do this with a simple sentence. Just as spreadsheet software replaced book keepers (not accountants), AI might replace writers.
Now I pop it every time and load the brush from palm to avoid getting the bowl wet
Fair enough. But that previous experience was a pretty extreme example of something really bad that must have happened to soap and bowl. Under most circumstances soaps are pretty much antiseptic by their very nature, especially in the case of hard soaps with their essentially non-existent water content. On the other hand, some hard soap manufacturers (eg DRH) mention a use-by of 12 months after opening on the label, so maybe your caution is a good idea. :unsure:

I can understand why journalists are concerned over ChatGPT if it can do this with a simple sentence. Just as spreadsheet software replaced book keepers (not accountants), AI might replace writers.

The ChatGPT story reads OK (ignoring the wayward use of commas) but I wouldn't be prepared to admit it comes across as something written by a human: "...the unyielding contours of my face"... ¿Que?

What follows contradicts that, making it all too obvious that it's stringing words together without understanding their meaning.

It might replace typists, but it won't replace writers.
+1 True.
I'm reconsidering my opinion of @Holiday's ChatGPT panegyric. I've just realised it puts me in mind of Louis Aragon's Le Paysan de Paris (Paris Peasant). I first read it in translation when I was 16 (a very long time ago, and my French is no longer up to coping with the original) and one phrase remains stuck in what I risibly call my brain:

..."as I drag my nacreous fingers through my tow hair..."

They don't call it surrealist for nothing 🤣
Sadly, it already is replacing writers, at least to a limited extent so far.

I was referencing Truman Capote's assessment of On the Road. AI will replace copywriters, some writers of screenplays and genre fiction and non-fiction, for example, but it won't be able to replace writers. People that capture the human condition on paper, and do it in ways that cast light on the oblique shadows of the heart. AI is a tool, a useful tool unquestionably, but don't mistake the tool for the artificer.

Sunday Shave 07.23.23
RAZOR: Above The Tie Calypso X1 SE Slant
BLADE: Kai Captain Mild PINK
BRUSH: Above The Tie 22x‌58mm Silvertip Badger
LATHER: NOS Yardley London Shaving Soap
POST: Barrister and Mann Lavanille Aftershave Splash
Beautiful. Is this the third or fourth bowl of Yardley you have in circulation right now? And are you noticing much difference? I sometimes think I get a difference in the strength of the scent, but I'm only using one tub at a time. And the unused stick that's sealed in its glass jar will get saved for last...
Beautiful. Is this the third or fourth bowl of Yardley you have in circulation right now? And are you noticing much difference? I sometimes think I get a difference in the strength of the scent, but I'm only using one tub at a time. And the unused stick that's sealed in its glass jar will get saved for last...
This is my fourth Yardley, but the first that I can actually say smells a bit like lavender. Although I've heard that even when new, Yardley didn't have a very strong scent. Has your unused stick always been in a sealed jar?
This is my fourth Yardley, but the first that I can actually say smells a bit like lavender. Although I've heard that even when new, Yardley didn't have a very strong scent. Has your unused stick always been in a sealed jar?
Yeah, the jar is an original Yardley one. The stick smells pretty much like I (think I) remember, not strong at all, but nice. The trouble with lavender is the scent always dissipates quickly.


Pre-shave: Hot flannel, Pears soap
Brush: Troycraft "Vazon Forest" 28mm AP G5C
Soap: Czech & Speake (Valobra) - Oxford & Cambridge
Razor: Blackland Vector
Blade: Schick Proline
Post-shave: Shower, TND witch hazel, homebrew moisturiser, La Roche-Posay Anthelios SPF50+ Invisible Fluid, Oxford & Cambridge cologne
COTD: Buku Abel Gesha, Ethiopia
15-18 July 2023


Saturday: Titan ACRM-2 T.H.60 dressed in African black-wood scales off diamond pasted balsa
Sunday: Titan ACRM-2 T.H.60 dressed in African black-wood scales off hard black Arkansas
Monday; Gold Dollar W59 dressed in black-wood scales off diamond pasted balsa
Tuesday: Gold Dollar W59 dressed in black-wood scales off vintage coticule

19-23 July 2023


Wednesday: Titan ACRO T.H.64 dressed in African black-wood and finished on diamond pasted balsa.
Thursday: Titan ACRO T.H.64 dressed in Madagascan mahogany and finished on an Adaee #12000 Cnat.
Friday: Titan ACRO T.H-70 dressed in African black-wood and finished on a hard black Arkansas.
Saturday: .Titan ACRO T.H-70 dressed in African black-wood and finished on an Adaee #12000 Cnat.
Sunday: Titan ACRM-2 T.H.60 old grind model and my first SR) dressed in Madagascan mahogany and finished on diamond pasted balsa.

The most enjoyable shave from the above five was Sunday. Starting tomorrow will be an odds and sods week.
Pre-shave:- Cool Shower
Bowl/Scuttle:- Captain's Choice
Brush:- Paladin Cleo 26/52mm Bulb in Cobalt
Soap/Cream:- Mitchell's Wool Fat (new formula 💩)
Razor/Blade:- Blackland Vector SS Matted Finished / Schick Proline P30 #4
Post/After-shave:- T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Invite E High Potency Pure Oil (10 drops), Natural Plant Glycerine (20) & Tea Tree Oil Antiseptic (5)
Moisturising Cream:- Aveeno Active Naturals Daily Fragrance-Free (for autumn & winter season)
Fragrance:- Tabac
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