What do you have in the post right now?

The makers website is here if you are interested in their other products.

Thanks Mate. I got two of them. But am still interested in getting the Salt Lake if there is any available still
I have no idea what this is going to be like but I thought I'd give it a go. Aussie made Kangaroo Tallow Shave Soap.

I gave this a go last night. Using a super badger brush, which may have been too wet, I struggled to get a thick lather. It lathered ok, but not as thick as I would have liked. However, the lather it did produce, was probably the slickest feeling lather I've ever come across. It was so slick (how slick? I hear you ask), I was starting to worry that the razor was going to slip out of my hand. It was only $9 a puck, so I wasn't expecting too much, but I didn't mind it at all and it's something I'll probably buy again. I'll give it a go tonight with a boar brush and see how it goes.
I gave this a go last night. Using a super badger brush, which may have been too wet, I struggled to get a thick lather. It lathered ok, but not as thick as I would have liked. However, the lather it did produce, was probably the slickest feeling lather I've ever come across. It was so slick (how slick? I hear you ask), I was starting to worry that the razor was going to slip out of my hand. It was only $9 a puck, so I wasn't expecting too much, but I didn't mind it at all and it's something I'll probably buy again. I'll give it a go tonight with a boar brush and see how it goes.
Super slick you said?
Thats what I like for SR👍🏻