What do you have in the post right now?

Now if only the vendor would ship it!

Update: Got a reply just now from the vendor and it is now marked as shipped. The usual "I was in hospital and had no car" story. Honestly, ebay vendors need to be more careful with themselves, or find another excuse! Every single delay & no communication has ended with "sorry, I was in hospital". This person claimed to be in hospital on Tuesday. Great, so what happened on Sat, Sun, & Monday that you couldn't communicate with me. No car on Wednesday? Not having a car precludes you from sending a "I'm sorry for the delay, it will be in the post in the next couple of days" message?
Okay, rant over.:rolleyes:
Do I deduct from that @Sxot that being an ebay seller can put you in hospital quite often and ensure you cannot afford or drive a car> :)
A pack of Imedion AA rechargeable batteries


A remote shutter for my 350D


A Sears (By Ricoh) 28mm F/2.8


My quarterly order of tea

G'day all,

I've received my new Muhle MP89 pen today and I'm loving this pen sooooo bad, it's a bit heavy and the balance of the pen is FANTASTIC just like the R89 classic safety razor. With this new Muhle MP89 pen as I said before it's a bit heavy and if you think about it has it own weight you don't need to apply pressure against the paper, and the weight of the pen take care of the pressure while you write just like a safety razor as your razor has it own weight while shaving without applying pressure against your skin.

Muhle MP89 link below ;)

Cheers ;)
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Picked those up today, this is just filth. Those scents just tell you a never ending story and we should be privileged to have them locally. They are a no brainer for me, I won't speak too much about the soap until I bloom it and get a few uses out of it but one thing I do know is that I'm happy with this selection of choice and glad that I've jumped on them while I can. @Monsta_AU

PS: I'm not a floral person but this Amber packs a whole lot of complexity and would pair with just about anything. A must have for me.
Cavendish is a no brainer for a cigar smoker and a tobacco lover, I'm yet to explore further options that are out there with tobacco scented soaps as I was discussing with @filobiblic I have the old formula Cavendish 1.0 HTGAM soap in the big aluminium tin.
I will have to use Al-Fin a few times, it's a little too complex for me to put my finger on it but it was also very quick to impress.
Thank you @shavetheman for making this possible.

You guys have certainly been splashing a bit of the $$$ around!

Martin de Cadre...Satin Mongoose...Soap Commander...Razorock Mission...Epsilon 2 band brushes.

Dick Smith should have gotten into the shaving business.
Great razor and very good blades. The "E" is fairly aggressive but not too much pressure and a good lather and you will be fine.
I received a RazoRock Plissoft Synthetic brush yesterday and it feels exactly the same as my Simpsons Berkeley 46 & Duke 3 Best Badger 2-band brush, and also it feels exactly the same backbone as well keep in mind this RazoRock Plissoft brush is a 24mm knot and their is a RazoRock Plissoft Monster which is a 26mm knot so check it out from the Italian Barber website.
