What do you have in the post right now?

Antica Barbieria Colla Apricot Milk
Santa Maria Novella Tobacco Toscana EdC

Something from down under...
Sudsy Soapery Delor de Treget Soap and a bunch of others from a US lot.
I have high hopes for the SMN EDC @todras. Having recently bought one of their aftershaves (Lavender) I was very impressed, it's seriously good kit. I intend to increase my SMN collection but I'm deliberately holding back at the moment. It only costs around £50 to fly to Italy so a trip with my good lady is currently being planned to Milan/Florence.

So, as Dan knows, the stuff from down under turned into a lot of stuff.

Another set of 'The Santal'



Some Roo biltong.
Something special.
Something via a third party.
And something that is 3 fucking months overdue *glares in the direction of AusFarce who fail to adhere to the simplest of instructions*

Picked this up last night on ebay for $35. Described as "NOS Gem bathroom set".
My knowledge of these gem razors is not great. I was the only bidder. I thought this would of been quite sort after?
Nice score @Bozley82 - the Made in England GEMs are very well finished.
Just in time to join SEptember ;)
Coming soon ship to Australia, I've ordered two more Wholly Kaw Special Edition in tallow Donkey Milk shaving soap.

Jamestown Gentleman Special Edition in Donkey Milk
Yuzu/Rose/Patchouli Special Edition in Donkey Milk

You really should see a medical specialist for that arse milk problem of yours.
Arses shouldn't produce milk!
You really should see a medical specialist for that arse milk problem of yours.
Arses shouldn't produce milk!

That was a crap joke :ROFLMAO: - @SpeedyPC is clearly referring to asses (y)
You really should see a medical specialist for that arse milk problem of yours.
Arses shouldn't produce milk!
@borked I'm not a shame using the Wholly Kaw 'Ass Milk' because I now have a total of 8 tubs of the Donkey Milk, while these product gives me a fantastic post shave feel and all there scents from each product smell wonderful.

The biggest problem with you @borked is your too afraid to try the 'Ass Milk' every time you see or heard is 'Donkey Milk', so is time for you to man up or shut up and get yourself some Wholly Kaw tallow base in Donkey Milk. Trust me @borked you won't be sorry because all these soaps from Wholly Kaw is FANTASTIC you must at least get some in your den.
That was a crap joke :ROFLMAO: - @SpeedyPC is clearly referring to asses (y)
Are you giving me shit over Simplified English? :p

@borked I'm not a shame using the Wholly Kaw 'Ass Milk' because I now have a total of 8 tubs of the Donkey Milk, while these product gives me a fantastic post shave feel and all there scents from each product smell wonderful.

The biggest problem with you @borked is your too afraid to try the 'Ass Milk' every time you see or heard is 'Donkey Milk', so is time for you to man up or shut up and get yourself some Wholly Kaw tallow base in Donkey Milk. Trust me @borked you won't be sorry because all these soaps from Wholly Kaw is FANTASTIC you must at least get some in your den.
Donkey facial?
Yeah... nah!