Got something cool? Non-shaving Acquisitions Thread

Ahhh.....Tactical response.
Actually it’s a King James Bible-
Have never actually read it completely nor do I intend too however it’s useful for cross referencing-
Really interesting once you go down the rabbit hole...
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Some goodies from the Been wanting to try both of these for a while. I THINK the Shear Revival Crystal Lake is the base that the B&M Reserve scent pomades are made with.

This is sort of shaving related... an important part of my shave routine is the music (or sometimes shave videos) I play in the bathroom while doing it. My ancient cheapie bluetooth speaker died and I picked this water resistant baby up last week for $59 (even had free postage when I ordered). Its an absolute champ for wetshavers! Great sound and the speakerphone function makes talking to the outside world with lather all over you an easy process.
Had our solar panels installed on Friday.
Shame power and water couldn't make it to the party due to nearly all their staff having rostered days off or we would be active by now.
I was going to say live but probably not a good idea when taking about electrickery
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What is inside this big mound of bubble wrap -

Oh, THAT finally, AusPost Express Post fail again -

It does look nice -
