Shave of the Day 2015

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Brush- Simpsons Case Pure
Razor- Muhle R89
Soap- MdC Fougère (thanks Filobiblic)

Using the MdC for a few days I've really enjoyed it. It makes a rich thick lather fairly easily. A couple of times I turned it into plaster of paris, but give it enough to drink and alls well. The scent is a clean soapy smell with a hint of fern, quiet a clear light simple scent to my nose. Got some staying power though.
Mastro Livi RWL34, 9/8 Full Hollow, French Point[/CENTER]
A monster blade with a wicked French point. [emoji106] Now that would slice off some body parts if you're not careful!!!

Brush: Frank Shaving synthetic
Soap: Queen Charlotte Soaps Basilica
Razor: Gold Dollar 208
Razor: Gillette NEW Long Comb
Blade: Shark [1]
After-shave: Royal Copenhagen Musk
After-shave: La Troja Balsamo

Cast of thousands today... Made for a crowd in the bathroom! I had the time so I took a more leisurely approach.

I'd missed using the str8 so cracked it out. @Mark gave it a wicked edge recently and I haven't yet gotten around to testing it out. Smooth and sharp it was. Two thumbs up!

QCS call this a "Handmade shaving cream" although it's really just a croap. A non-offensive scent (frankincense and myrrh) that's nice but not more-ish. Lathered well with the synthetic, but lacked a little IMO with performance.

The Shark blade seemed to be below the performance of the 7 O'Clock Green I tried last week. Below average performance for me in the NEW LC.

The Royal Copenhagen Musk is a pleasant musk scent. Thankfully not as overwhelming as some!

I found the La Troja Balsamo to be excellent. Perhaps the standout of the new items I tried (soap, blade, aftershaves). It has a fragrant "standard" scent that was nothing special. But it absorbed quickly into the skin and left it smooth and non-greasy. A little went a long way. Post-application the skin feels great.

I'd missed a few shaves recently so it was good to get back into it. [emoji106]

Pre-Shave: Occams pre-shave soap, cold water
Razor: British Flat Bottom Tech Head with Weber Bulldog handle
Blade: Voskhod (1)
Brush: Semogue 610
Soap: Mike's Lemongrass and Eucalyptus
Post-shave: Alum, South Australian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Stirling Vetiver alcohol free Witch Hazel
QCS call this a "Handmade shaving cream" although it's really just a croap. A non-offensive scent (frankincense and myrrh) that's nice but not more-ish. Lathered well with the synthetic, but lacked a little IMO with performance.

Agreed, general consensus that Queen Charlotte Soaps are hidden in obscurity for a reason! MdC on the other hand...(y)
Brush: Semogue 1305
Soap/Cream: Mike's Barbershop
Razor: Weber
Blade: GSB [3]
After-shave: Ogallala Bay Rum & Sandalwood

Not a bad shave. Mikes seemed to start off better, but lost a little of its body, petering out through the passes. Got to say, the Weber / GSB combination is pretty darn good.
Brush: Duke 2
Razor: Weber PH
Blade: Merkur
Soap: MdC Original
A/S: Myrsol Aqua Basilica

Very nice shave, first use of MdC and I'm very impressed, great scent, easy to lather and excellent post shave feel.

Good to hear. For me post shave feel comes down to whether you have used enough water with MDC. Some people say it's drying but I suspect they are fooled by its quick lathering.
Brush: SOC Badger
Soap: Catie's Bubbles LPV
Razor: Merkur 34C
Blade: Gillete Super Stainless Steel Blade (0), made in Australia.
Aftershave: Alum and Nivea Sensitive Post Shave Balm

Two pass shave this morning and very enjoyable. Thanks for the blade @Monsta_AU, it worked great. It has been a little while since I have used the LPV but what a interesting scent, I know why it is a favourite for many.
Brush: Romera Manchurian Badger
Soap/Cream: I Coloniali
Razor: GEM 1912 SE
Blade: GEM by Personna
After-shave: Myrsol Agua Balsamica

My first shave with a vintage SE razor and initial impressions.

Loading the blade is as simple as a DE. Flip up the top cap, load blade, snap shut. Unlike a DE, the blade slots into some guides that will align up perfectly every time. The razor is smaller and lighter than my Merkur 34C, but I'm not sure if that's by design or if it's a travel version of the GEM 1912. Can anyone with SE experience give me some advice on this? Photos of the razor and case are in the May Acquisitions thread. It's a 2 piece.

With some nerves I started slowly at my sideburn area and took some tentative strokes. Very audible, but all good so far. No fresh blade harshness that I read about. Getting acquainted with the correct cutting angle not a problem. With growing confidence I upped the pace and all was well with the world. It was easier than I had expected and didn't feel foreign to me at all. First pass WTG took off a fair amount of my 3 day growth. Second pass ATG cleaned me up to a DFS. The only tricky bit was under the nose - the blade doesn't quite reach the last millimetre under the nose WTG pass - ATG or as others use XTG is needed here.

It was a very enjoyable shave. I got a buzz out of picking this up like I had been shaving with it for years. Very pleased with my choice of SE, which was based on nothing other than presentation, name and low cost. The Personna made GEM blade was quite smooth and sharp. Hopefully the rest of the week is just as enjoyable.
Brush: Chubby 2 super
Razor: Fatboy
Blade: Feather
Soap: MdC Fougere
A/S: Old spice

I now declare the chubby 2 broken in! [emoji322]

For me the super hair resembles silvertip hair more so than Rooney. Conversely Rooney super to me is more like high mountain hair; strong shafts soft tips. The Simpson super is like traditional silvertip. Soft and springy from bottom to tip. In a brush as dene as a chubby it works perfectly as it still has backbone to the nines but has flex due to the softness of hair used.
Thanks for the blade @Monsta_AU, it worked great. It has been a little while since I have used the LPV but what a interesting scent, I know why it is a favourite for many.

....and he is hooked muhahahahahahah!

Yesterday's since I didn't have time

Razor: E1 Fatboy (7)
Blade: La brune française Wilkinson Sword, fabriqué en Angleterre (3)
Brush: Plissitane
Soap/Cream: B&M Lavanille
Aftershave: Alum

Ended up being a little bitey, no idea why. Alum fixed it.

Trying to work out my kit to take away. Probably Plissitane, B&M Ferox and assorted other stuff.
........... The razor is smaller and lighter than my Merkur 34C, but I'm not sure if that's by design or if it's a travel version of the GEM 1912. Can anyone with SE experience give me some advice on this? Photos of the razor and case are in the May Acquisitions thread. It's a 2 piece..........

Based on comparing the handle length to the width of the head, I'm fairly sure it's a travel version. I've got an identical one myself. The only difference, as @bald as has mentioned, with a standard 1912 is the length of the handle. The 1912s are pretty light anyhow. If you're looking for heavier SEs, keep a look out for a Micromatic. In ascending order of aggressiveness they go from the Bullet tip to the Clog Pruf to the Open Comb. I'd say the 1912 is somewhere between a Bullet tip and a Clog Pruf. Keep on SEing brother!
@Lifes a Peach, the 1912 is not a large razor and I think the only difference,if there was one would be the handle being a touch shorter for a travel version. SE shaving is a different experience so welcome and well done.


Based on comparing the handle length to the width of the head, I'm fairly sure it's a travel version. I've got an identical one myself. The only difference, as @bald as has mentioned, with a standard 1912 is the length of the handle. The 1912s are pretty light anyhow. If you're looking for heavier SEs, keep a look out for a Micromatic. In ascending order of aggressiveness they go from the Bullet tip to the Clog Pruf to the Open Comb. I'd say the 1912 is somewhere between a Bullet tip and a Clog Pruf. Keep on SEing brother!

Thanks for the info guys. Much appreciated.

The weight and size of the razor is all good. Right amount of aggressiveness for me. I took to it like a duck to water. Early days yet but I'm confident that this SE will be in my starting line up rotation. Loving the new experience.
Another satisfying SE experience this morning.
Our regular fortnightly Sunday Adelaide get together was very worthwhile for me as I came away with a most excellent PIF, an Omega Boar brush [thank you very much @alfredus ] also @boldsworth recently purchased on line, a collection of mainly DE razors with a few SE's. For a small cost I acquired a Micromatic Bullet tip and a Star 1912. Also @khun_diddy shared his observations on the latest gear and soaps he is using. A great day.
So, Today I shaved with the MMBT. A very nice shave.
2 passes with lather created in my scuttle with the Omega boar. Works up a very nice lather. Soap version #4 [Stearic, Tallow and Coconut]
People report the MMBT as mild but I would probably consider it mildly aggressive. A different shave to the 1912 but still a nick free, blood free and weeper free shave.
I'm favouring the 1924 as my go to SE along with my Feather Weight but the others are all in my rotation.
Tomorrow I think I will use my Schick adjustable
Brush: Ploccitane
Soap: B&M Seville
Razor: Gold Dollar 208
Razor: Gillette NEW Long Comb
Blade: Shark [2]
After-shave: Pinaud Clubman Virgin Islands Bay Rum
After-shave: Burts Bees Bay Rum balm

Seems like I need to add a SE to the daily shave these days! I already use two razors so why not a third?!?
A GEM 1912 is a readily available SE or a Feather Weight. Different shaves but great introductions. In fact get them both :)

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