Shave of the Day 2015

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Brush: Ploccitane
Soap/Cream: B&M Latha
Razor: Gold Dollar
Razor: NEW Long Comb with Weber Classic handle
Blade: Voshkod [2]
After-shave: Floid Vigoroso

Nothing's beats a top shave.
Saturday late arvo shave

Brush The Grooming Co Synthetic
Soap Shaver Heaven Hubba Hubba
Razor Otto Roth/Gillette Long Open Comb
Blade Perma-Sharp
Post Shave Dickson's Original Witch Hazel & ê Shave Orange Sandlewood After Shave Soother

First shave with the goodies from @Draco Noir. Bit of hard choice on where to start.

The Shaver Heaven soap exploded in lather with the TGC synthetic. The brush is so soft, even softer than my FS Silvertip. Still not sure on the scent of the Hubba Hubba, in the pack it is very candy-ish. But there are more subtleties there when lathered. Have a blocked nose but the aroma of this soaps gets through. No real lasting scent on after the shave though. Wife and kids like the smell so that's a plus.

The open comb had a very different weight and feel from my slim and I probably used a little more pressure than needed. Ended up with a couple of weepers but nothing cold water and witch hazel couldn't handle.

Not a BBS shave but a damn fine shave after gardening before heading out for dinner
Sunday 7 June 2015


Still traveling with a Mastro Livi Perugia 13.12.14

One of the pleasures of my business travels is to take with me a Mastro Livi straight razor, something I usually do when I do not need to take a plane. This time I brought with me this Mastro Livi Perugia 13.12.14 - a special razoe made for the first meeting in Perugia - and the more I use it the more I like it. Moreover, at each shave it proves to perform better and better: a preliminary pass on Mastro Livi travel loom strop and then hand palm stropping at the beginning of each pass. Also my pre-shave oil proves to perform very well and, although everything can be improved, I am already happy with it while I'm thinking about a couple of changes in the composition to be done at the next batch.​
  • Pre-Shave: RazorGuy Pre-Shave Oil
  • Soap: De Vergulde Hand
  • Brush: Optim'Hom Synthetic 082 J
  • Bowl: Chinese Cheap Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Travel Loom Strop and Hand Palm
  • Razor: Mastro Livi Perugia 13.12.14, 15/16 Full Hollow, Spanish Point
  • Post-Shave: Alum Block
  • Post-Shave: Umbrian Extravirgin Olive Oil
  • After Shave: Aqua Velva Ice Blue
Soap: Trumpers coconut oil
Brush: Plisson
Razor: Custom Hart Steel (freshly honed, belongs to a friend)
Hone: Super fine vintage Okudo Asagi
Strop: Vintage restored Cordovan
A/S: EJ Aloe Vera Balm

Pre-Shave: Occams pre-shave soap, cold water
Razor: RazoRock Stealth Slant V1
Blade: Voskhod (1)
Brush: Whipped Dog Synthetic 24/48
Soap: Stirling Lavender & Sage
Post-shave: Alum, South Australian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Stirling Coniferous alcohol free Witch Hazel

Last shave for this trip and first time I shaved myself in almost 2 weeks! Perfect shave and wonderful face feel!
Brush: Body Shop Synthetic
Soap: Shaver Heaven Peanut Brittle sample
Razor: Merkur 34C
Blade: Rapira (4).
Aftershave: Alum

Peanuts, Peanuts come get your peanuts. If you like peanuts you will love this soap :sneaky: Again performance wise is great, although I find it far easier to load from the full size tubs. I find bowl lathering the samples work best.
Brush: Vintage Butterscotch Simpson
Soap: Tabac
Razor: Weber Polished Head with Bulldog handle
Blade: Vintage English Wilkie (2).
Aftershave: Tabac

Tabac, oh Tabac, it is always so long between uses, you much feel neglected.

Despite this you rise to the occasion, you are gracious and timeless.

Tabac, oh Tabac, let it not be so long before next time.
Tabac, oh Tabac, it is always so long between uses, you much feel neglected.

Despite this you rise to the occasion, you are gracious and timeless.

Tabac, oh Tabac, let it not be so long before next time.

My exact sentiments when lathering it up! Its a Hall Of Fame soap that is too often forgotten about.
After 9 consecutive days of Mongoose SE enjoyment, time for a little variety in the morning ritual. To @Pjotr's undoubted disappointment, it's back to DE shaving for a bit :


Face Wash : Musgo Real Glyce Lime Oil soap
Pre Shave : e-Shave Orange Sandalwood shave oil
Brush : Plisson Synthetic
Soap : e-Shave Orange Sandalwood cream
Razor : Tradere SB
Blade : Voskhod <1>
After Shave : Musgo Real Orange Amber

A magnificent shave!
I don't often use pre-shave oil, but having decided on the e-Shave Orange Sandalwood cream it seemed appropriate to start the show with the same enticing fragrance. e-Shave doesn't seem to get much recognition, but their Orange Sandalwood is a masterful concoction. The Plisson brush seems to love working with creams at the best of times, and no exception here - a near perfect lather resulted : plenty of cushion and glide and the smoothest, finest almost bubble free consistency. The Tradere SB reminded me why it's the undisputed king of the castle in my shave cave. It really is an exceptional performer - nothing else touches it for comfort while still delivering a perfectly close shave. A generous splash of Musgo Real Orange Amber aftershave, and I found myself wishing I could do it all over again...
@Draco Noir please sir of what is this DE thing you speak of? :)
Bespoke classiness :)
It is that older, successful, accepted, popular, accomplished brother of that bastard child, SE.
Oh such a cutting [blunt] statement :)

Actually SE came first !!
Oh, so DE is the child prodigy that usurped it's older brother and went on to make something of itself as well, wow !
Might go celebrate with some modern and vintage blade shopping ;)
Or you could acknowledge that the older wiser, better made and longer lasting brother, whom we shall call SE, was so confident in his position in the shaving dynasty that he stood back knowing the spoilt brat younger brother, known as DE, would gather around him marketing salesmen to convince the weak and feeble that two edges must be better than one. However neither of the brothers saw the genetically modified hybrid lurking in the wings that could extract dollar after dollar from a new generation of girlie men that couldn’t handle cold hard SS. The moral to the story, no matter how good the product there is always one with a bigger marketing team. As we all know marketing - not quality sells in the end.
For all and sundry to consider as evidence within the matter at hand.
A post of mine, as to which the Plantiff, @bald as 'liked', which in it's simplest terms, is a sign of agreement.
I comment in order for formal notation upon the record, that a removal of said 'like' would be considered a grievous action of the highest level of contempt of court and indeed, the criminal offence of evidence tampering.

Further to this, evidence from a topic expert, whom as to suitable acknowledgement and reverence is demonstrated to the almighty SE warrior, @Pjotr agreeing the DE is such a superior product, it is what resulted in an idea from a single man creating a billion dollar industry!
That was the assumption which made Gillette...

Your honour @Monsta_AU , I formally seek a ruling with regards to prejudice in the favour of DE.
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