Shave of the Day 2015

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Razor: 37c
Blade: Supermax Stainless
Brush: S10108
Cream: Derby Menthol
Aftershave: VIBR

I'd forgotten how good VIBR is.
After 9 consecutive days of Mongoose SE enjoyment, time for a little variety in the morning ritual. To @Pjotr's undoubted disappointment, it's back to DE shaving for a bit........

Yes, very disappointing in spite of the very nice picture. I liked your post only so I could unlike it again. Yeah I get drawn in to the occasional DE shave. It is handy, safe and fairly mindless compared to SE, which neatly leads me to..........

Vulfix Boar Badger
Puck of Frankensoap
: Consisting of all the leftover bits of shaving stick such as Tabac, Speick etc. I've been a SLAPer a lot longer than I care to admit.
Ever Ready Featherweight
GEM SS on No1.

Back to SE shaving after a DE spell with a Feather blade. The Feather is great for a couple and then gets seriously rough. Still gave a nice shave but just not nice and smooth.

As usual the SE shave was incredibly noisy and a little bit scary but insanely smooth. Loaded up the Bullet Tip for subsequent shaves with this blade.
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Now let us not forget the real original Single Edge - the straight razor, wholly singular and very edgey. Especially now Mark has paid some attention to mine. Look forward to seeing it in a week! Thanks mate.

Until then... R89 be my friend
Now let us not forget the real original Single Edge - the straight razor, wholly singular and very edgey. Especially now Mark has paid some attention to mine. Look forward to seeing it in a week! Thanks mate.

Until then... R89 be my friend

Absolutely. In fact, the early SE razors were basically devices with which to hold slices of straight razor which eventually evolved in to the (comparatively ugly) single edge blades as we know them now. I've always had an interest in straights but the I couldn't handle the ridicule I'd have to endure from my family.
Hello again.

I'm still alive.

Razor: R41 Bloodletter
Blade: Muhle SS
Brush: Badger of some sort.
Soap: TOBS Barber Shop
Aftershave: NA

The Muhle blades get smoother as I go; out of the box the first shave feels rough. I'm on the fourth shave on one of the blades now and it feels more acceptable.
Pre-Shave Prep Derma Protective Cream
Brush Vie-Long Horse Hair
Cream Geo F Trumpers Limes Shave Cream
Razor Otto Roth/Gillette Long Open Comb
Blade Perma-Sharp (3)
Post Shave Dickson's Original Witch Hazel & ê-Shave Orange Sandalwood After Shave Soother

Definitely a citrus inspired shave. The GFT Limes lathered up a storm with the horse hair brush. Thick, slick later with a lovely lime zing.

The Prep Derma Protective is not unlike the Proraso Green Pre-shave, but with less of a menthol kick and more of a camphor, cinnamon kick - not unlike Tiger balm red in scent but much milder. Have to do a side by side comparison between the two to test their pre-shave properties.

Lovely shave with only a slight nick on my neck.
Hwy Draco how do you find the pre-shave oil in terms of getting it your fingers and it's ability to remain on the face between passes.
Yeah I get drawn in to the occasional DE shave. It is handy, safe and fairly mindless compared to SE, which neatly leads me to..........

Back to SE shaving after a DE spell with a Feather blade. The Feather is great for a couple and then gets seriously rough. Still gave a nice shave but just not nice and smooth.
Ahh, so a break, indeed a holiday away from the dragging monotony of the chore being SE, is to pick up and enjoy the relaxed nature of a DE ?
Must be great instruments then :D

Absolutely. In fact, the early SE razors were basically devices with which to hold slices of straight razor which eventually evolved in to the (comparatively ugly) single edge blades as we know them now. I've always had an interest in straights but the I couldn't handle the ridicule I'd have to endure from my family.
Unless it's an obsidian shave, it's an adaptation of the original, so we're all guilty of copying :p
And as for SE's evolving from straights, sounds about right though, safety features to adapt available devices for use in what purist will consider unfit.
Mate, you're no doubt copping ridicule from the family and here for the SE's, just pick up a Straight and give it a go (y)
Ultimate form of minimisation you can find.
How about DE and obsidian?
Tuesday 9 June 2015


Getting Ready to Go Back Home

I am ready to go back home and, before leaving, I shaved with this Mastro Livi Perugia 13.12.14, getting - as usual - the very best shave. Today I also had the time to successfully find a new bottle for my pre-shave oil. It was not easy but, at the end, I managed to get a blue bottle and this is what I wanted for my oil.​
  • Pre-Shave: RazorGuy Pre-Shave Oil
  • Soap: Negozio Leggero Hazelnut and Lavender
  • Brush: Sephora Badger 491
  • Bowl: Chinese Cheap Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Travel Loom Strop and Hand Palm
  • Razor: Mastro Livi Perugia 13.12.14, 15/16 Full Hollow, Spanish Point
  • Post-Shave: Alum Block
  • Post-Shave: Argan Oil
  • After Shave: Breeze Yachting
Well my shaves are certainly nowhere near as exotic as some of the ones posted in this thread.

Razor: R41 Bloodletter
Blade: Muhle SS on shave 5
Brush: Boeckhs Rubberset restored boar
Soap: Valobra
Aftershave: TOBS Eton Cologne
@bald as, it is indeed fortunate that you didn't step in it - could have resulted in a very distasteful shoe cleaning job. Ermm, I trust you were wearing shoes?
Tuesday 9 June 2015


Getting Ready to Go Back Home

I am ready to go back home and, before leaving, I shaved with this Mastro Livi Perugia 13.12.14, getting - as usual - the very best shave. Today I also had the time to successfully find a new bottle for my pre-shave oil. It was not easy but, at the end, I managed to get a blue bottle and this is what I wanted for my oil.​
  • Pre-Shave: RazorGuy Pre-Shave Oil
  • Soap: Negozio Leggero Hazelnut and Lavender
  • Brush: Sephora Badger 491
  • Bowl: Chinese Cheap Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Travel Loom Strop and Hand Palm
  • Razor: Mastro Livi Perugia 13.12.14, 15/16 Full Hollow, Spanish Point
  • Post-Shave: Alum Block
  • Post-Shave: Argan Oil
  • After Shave: Breeze Yachting

Exotic as per usual. If you're now on the road,you must have an enormous travel bag to carry all that.
Today's shave. Well I was lazy yesterday and didn't shave so had a traumatic decision to make this morning. Will I stay in rotation or will I be a rebel. In my rotation this morning should have been the Feather Weight [mild but efficient] with shave #2 on basically a new GEM SS blade, but of course too many choices and I went to the opposite end of the spectrum. The Micromatic Open Comb. Lathered up and away I went with pass #1. The MMOC is "very" aggressive and "very" efficient. With a near new blade it is extremely so. At the end of the first pass I was nudging DFS. Cold water rinse, re lather and a second touch up pass to call it a day.
I haven't used the MMOC a lot but it does give a superb shave. Do I really enjoy shaving with it? Not certain, it seems like that stray dog you got that may have been miss treated at some point in its life and is just waiting to bite for no obvious reason. I do confess to being a wee shaving wimp but have no issues using this razor. If you are sensible it doesn't bite it is just the constant awareness it can. Other SE razors I have are so different, the shave is no better or worse but different.

Brush #6 Turkish
Soap Mine new recipe ['cos I can :) ]
Razor Micromatic Open Comb
Water rinse finished with Witch Hazel.

No irritation so all in all a good shave.
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