Shave of the Day 2015

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What a disaster!!!! I did everything the same as I'm a fairly boring shaver. Well I did change the soap to a commercial one and the first touch of the skin was disaster. So rough I thought the blade was finished. Relathered with my normal soap and as smooth as concrete so I changed to another razor, this time an injector with a new blade. Much better but now I'm a mass of red trails. Razor #3 and this time my 1924 and results were much better.

I think I will be resting my sliced and diced face for a couple of days after today’s effort. It may have been SAS in the areas not bleeding. It is probably not as bad as I’m making out but it was less than ideal. On a scale of 15 - 61 I'd say a 16 year old High school student.

Tried arko for the first time tonight. Got the cream menthol version as a pif. Doesn't smell anywhere near as bad add the urinal cake version, but works really well.
The menthol was a bit lacking (read nonexistent) and the scent was very faint, but the lather was very good.
2nd shave with the Rapira platinum deluxe is enough to tell me they aren't the blade for me.
Pre-Shave Proraso Green Pre-shave / Prep Derma Protective Cream
Brush Semogue Owners Club Boar
Soap Mitchell Wool Fat
Razor Gillette Super Speed
Blade Rapira Platinum Lux (1)
Post Shave Dickson's Original Witch Hazel & ê-Shave Orange Sandalwood After Shave Soother

Did a literal side by side test of Prorasa and Prep pre-season shaves today. Protest on the left, Prep on the right.

The Proraso definitely wins in the menthol department, a much cooler feel on the face. The Prep however has a less waxy feel especially when rinsing after the first pass. Both however work wonderfully as a pre-shave especially straight out of the shower.

The MWF and the Semogue boar worked wonderfully together. Lots of thick lather. The gillette super speed is a wonderful light razor that I think would be a great first razor. Very comfortable and quite efficient. The Rapira Platinum Lux was nice and smooth on the first shave.

A lovely shave before sitting down in front of the open fire with a nice bottle of red
Interesting that you enjoy the blade while I had the opposite opinion. Goes to show YMMV and all that!
Interesting that you enjoy the blade while I had the opposite opinion. Goes to show YMMV and all that!

It very much depends on the razor it is in too I find. Rapiras, Voskhods and the like don't go well in OC's but a Superspeed they work well for me. Also good in my DE86.
Interesting that you enjoy the blade while I had the opposite opinion. Goes to show YMMV and all that!

Definitely not up to a perma-sharp or polsilver but still a good match to the super speed. Not sure how long it will last though. I tried a Rapira super stainless ( pink and pale blue package) and it only gave three decent shaves.
Proraso Red Pre
Omega 49
Reef Point Fougere Santal
Satin Mongoose
Jürgen Hempel Ti
Feather Pro Guard (3)
Myrsol Plastic Shave

Just a sample of the Reef Point. Seemed good to me though. Myrsol gives a good post shave feel with a nice bit of menthol.
Razor: E1 Fatboy (dialled back to 5)
Blade: La brune française Wilkinson Sword, fabriqué en Angleterre (7)
Brush: Smog 730HD
Soap/Cream: B&M Fougere Imperiale
Post: ShaveTheMan After Shave Balm (Test Sample)

Swapped over to my old main brush, the Smoggie Shedder. As it is a High Density stuffed brush and it has been losing hairs with every use for years, it is still a damn lather hog. Running this with a soap was a bad idea. Lost half a dozen hairs on loading, and a couple more on my face. Back to creams you go!

Also, first run of the Imperiale. It's really not that different in scent to the Aromatique at the lathering point. Scent is almost identical, performance is identical. For those who have B&M products, you know what I am talking about. It is just everything you want in a soap - slick, cushioning, protective, and smells great.

Now, this was the third shave in three days, usually I shave every other day as I get irritated at times. The B&M seems to have helped in this regard, but I also had another reason - a balm to test out. I have an extra pot that will go to someone in the next week or so. The scent is very mild and neutral, is not greasy and goes on nicely. It's less greasy than the Nivea so a definite win there. Really looking forward to being able to buy this at some point. Thanks Con - now sign up mate!
Balms that are not greasy? Do such things exist?
Balms that are not greasy? Do such things exist?

I was sceptical also, but 30 minutes later no greasy feel at all. Felt a bit greasy going on, but all these things need water & some sort of oil or they do not whip up.

For the experience on the first use, I rate this stuff as pretty damn good and will keep using it for now. The second pot will go to @Nightguard for his thoughts.

It will be available to purchase 'soon'.

Pre-Shave: Occams pre-shave soap, cold water
Razor: The WOLF(man)
Blade: Voskhod (1)
Brush: Vie-Long Epsilon White Horse
Soap: Barrister & Mann Ferox
Post-shave: Alum, Ghanese Organic Shea Butter, Stirling Vetiver alcohol free Witch Hazel

Beautiful shave - overloaded the Epsilon and was rewarded with ~8 passes worth of glorious lather :D
Not if you've three generations of soap, might as well indulge :)
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