Shave of the Day 2015

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Generally, I see both sides of the argument, and agree with both sides.

Personally, I think it quite silly that this sort of hipster gotta-do-it-just-right-or-its-pointless kind of promotion of anything is even entertained. I would much rather see a much more basic guide promoted, with encouragement to experiment and find what works best for you. I prefer bowl-lathering creams, but I did build a lather on my face today from Arko - just to keep myself in the Lemon game.

To see such a infographic (and blog) even produced I believe will actually dissuade people from the hobby. You can just imagine the reaction that guys would have - "What, I have to take 15 minutes to shave every day? F^%* that!". You would get people running away from the whole concept and we would look like a bunch of time-rich wierdos. Which we do anyway but that is beside the point.

I see Drubs as calling out this as a heap of elitist snobbery, and nothing else. While Mantic has some good content, some great content, and some disconcerting videos of him shaving that freak me out every time I see them - posting this to his blog I feel is not helping the Wet Shaving scene to recruit new people to give up the multi-cart monstrosities and the canned goop. It is kind of a dick move really.

The whole thing about wet shaving is to learn and experience, experiment and get better at it. We all agree the basic steps required, but plenty of us go on tangents like cold water shaving and loading up every soap and cream you own with enough menthol to freeze a steak (you crazy bunch of mofos - you all need help).

I am fairly laid back about these sorts of things - I am loathe to moderate or censor such comments. However I also agree that P&C should be a reasonably friendly place and it does/will impact on our image in the wider world. If I need to take action, then it will be taken.

In all cases, the golden rule applies: Don't be a dick.
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Personally, I think it quite silly that this sort of hipster gotta-do-it-just-right-or-its-pointless kind of promotion of anything is even entertained.

To see such a infographic (and blog) even produced I believe will actually dissuade people from the hobby. You can just imagine the reaction that guys would have - "What, I have to take 15 minutes to shave every day? F^%* that!". You would get people running away from the whole concept and we would look like a bunch of time-rich wierdos. Which we do anyway but that is beside the point.

I see Drubs as calling out this as a heap of elitist snobbery, and nothing else.

Exactly. While there's people who will have a soft spot for him because of his vids, he is the sort of obsessive nerd I would edge away from at a BBQ in an instant. It's the same obsessiveness that drove me to hand in my card YKW. My whole point of calling him a dickhead is he completely unaware his obsessiveness and approach is often counter productive to his aims. That's not too clever for someone who's building the sort of online prescence he is.

I still hang round whirlpool with Mark and we help new people out. We cut through the bullshit and ritual, and offer our opinions. We keep it simple and reassure people it is. Mark makes sure NOT to mention he's got more than one razor (warehouse). We both know blokes don't want to get into this thing if it looks like work.
I don't know guys. Call me weird - though you don't need this for an excuse - but I still take around 30 minutes to shave each morning. But it's very intentional - the whole thing is, which is what's so damn great about it. I love that time. It's mine and not a second of it is wasted!
Not a second no, 1800 seconds yes.

Or if going by marks 7 minutes average 1380 seconds.
I don't know guys. Call me weird - though you don't need this for an excuse - but I still take around 30 minutes to shave each morning. But it's very intentional - the whole thing is, which is what's so damn great about it. I love that time. It's mine and not a second of it is wasted!

There's nothing wrong with it if that is what you like, and enjoy. I almost always take a slower, more methodical approach on a Saturday morning. That's Monsta time. But most of that is 15-20 mins.

On a day to day, get shaved and out the door so I can run to the train basis, 7-8 mins is normal for me. I have already scrubbed my face in the shower with the Man Towel (TM) and all I need to do is get hot water into my lather bowl, dunk the brush and start. Two passes, a rinse off and maybe run over with Alum or even balm in winter to help with moisture and I am good to go.
... loading up every soap and cream you own with enough menthol to freeze a steak (you crazy bunch of mofos - you all need help).

I am fairly laid back about these sorts of things - I am loathe to moderate or censor such comments. However I also agree that P&C should be a reasonably friendly place and it does/will impact on our image in the wider world. If I need to take action, then it will be taken.

In all cases, the golden rule applies: Don't be a dick.

BTW, I like enough menth to freeze the whole cow(read: I have to heat the substance it's in to liquify the menth from a recrystallised state as it's unable to absorb any more)!
Oh and did we not all arrive here seeking help anyhow ? ;)

I've been using a vintage Wilkinson Sword since Xmas morning upon average once every second day.
Guess there's a good reason it's called The Blade after all.
Been using @Occams original preshave and it's performance and scent polarise my view of it. Performance wise, I do believe there are benefits to it's use, scent wise, as I expressed elsewhere, some days it's a friend, others, it's a foe.
Soaps have included Monsavon (which I've no finished), @Barrister & Mann (one of the fougeres) Proraso (disappointed with it's menth content/effect) and Razorock Don Marco.
Razors have included three, the golden OC generously traded by @Mark1966, preceded by Slim Shady and what iirc is a rocket hd for the first time.
Brushes have included a silvertip Thater, SOC cherry wood boar and the mystery brush (purportedly a vintage Rooney).
A/S include Alum whilst in the shower finishing up, @Barrister & Mann Fougere (which I HIGHLY rate), Thayter w/ a tiny bit of menth, Stirling Soaps Balms (Dark Cherry - luuurve the scent, Sharp Dressed Man - mediocre scent, Limes - why hello there, product works well to boot) and (acronym alphabet) Iced Key Lime (ahh something with a bit of a freeze factor).
Since I usually shower and shave before retiring for the evening, I hit the face with a liquid at night and a balm in the morning.
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I've split the menthol crystals I got into two aftershaves which already had menthol. So roughly 5 or 6 sticks in each.
Now that's starting to work!
Blowing dust off this comment from p13 (gotta fix my notifications) to say 'certainly maybe' - got a few good ideas but probably not too soon!
Why hello! Happy New Year! [emoji6]
Blowing dust off this comment from p13 (gotta fix my notifications) to say 'certainly maybe' - got a few good ideas but probably not too soon!
I've a few good cheeks with vacancies for tester roles, particularly if theres menthol upon the cards :) *hmm, a mentholated Limes*
The pressure! I'll definitely look into it, don't know much about menthol.
What about a nice aftershave? [emoji4] Taking requests?
I'd end up with 400 scents and one sale for each I think...
Yes, yet think of the almighty personal collection you will own.
Be the envy of everyone :)
Hell no - already got enough to last me into the next century I think.
In that case, want to join our Sabbatical year of no shaving Purchases in 2015? [emoji13]
It'll be fun having a soap maker join our silent campaign.
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