Shave of the Day 2015

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@Occams could make up a trade only batch that would end up being more valuable than the for sale regular stuff.
Although God knows what I would be able to trade him with
@Occams could make up a trade only batch that would end up being more valuable than the for sale regular stuff.
Although God knows what I would be able to trade him with
The Sabbatical scent for trade on P&C only. [emoji13]
(Smells like money...!?!)
Brush: Thater 49125
Razor: Weber
Blade: SPP (4)
Preshave: Proraso Green
Cream: Shaverheaven Choc Mint sample
Aftershave: Jabinman Vanilla and Cinnamon sample

Early start this morning...yeah, yeah smartarses earlier than usual! thought I'd perk myself up with some stuff I've not used before. Forgot how luxurious the Thater silvertip is for face lathering. Niiiice. The Shaverheaven smells odd enough dry but lathered up....oh boy. If you ever wonder what it might be like to shave with smears of Coconut Rough chocolate, this is it. Went well with the coffee I was sipping during the morning's libations...but still odd! The Shaverheaven exploded with lather from what looked like nothing, not bad cushion but the glide was low and the post-shave feel dry. So dry I opted for a balm/milk at the closing rather than my usual and preferred astringents. First time with the Jabonman milk. The label says "Heavily mentholated" - yeah right. Anyway started daubing the milk on my face - nice morning pastries smell - hmmm..heavily mentholated by ar....ahhh yeah right there she is. Not at all unpleasant, very very nice. Dries very nicely too - not greasy or heavy....want to trade some of that @borked ?

All up a sweet start to the day.
Brush: Vintage butterscotch Simpson
Razor: Barbasol 'Floating Head'
Blade: Schick Super Platinum - shave 4
Cream: Panna Crema Veviter
Aftershave: Lucy Tiger
Cologne: Miller Harris Feuilles de Tabac

First trip for the year - in the lounge now and probably shaving earlier than @stillshunter :)

Got this Barbasol now - a nice, quick, close early morning shave!

Finished with the LT for a nice face lift before applying the Miller Harris Feuilles de Tabac - no, not THAT Tabac, a perfumer in London. My wife brought back a bottle from her trip in October. Nice stuff but fairly $$$ so used sparingly.

Off to have a great day!
Brush: Semogue 620
Razor: Weber PH
Blade: Feather (2)
Cream: XXX
Aftershave: CC Lime

Out of curiosity, I timed my shave from start to finish. 11 minutes, and that was kinda pushing it. 2 passes with minimal touch ups. I could easily spend 20 mins if I wanted to :)

Been trialling the feather again. When I first started shaving I tried using them straight off the bat, but I was punished for my arrogence. Haven't used them since. But it's been nice using them lately. They certainly require less touch ups, and so it could be a good option for a mid week shave when I only want 1 or 2 passes, and where close enough is good enough. I definitely am focussing much more than usual though, being very careful of angle and pressure.
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Brush: Duke 2 (loaner from @stillshunter)
Pre-Shave: Occams Pre-shave Crushed Lime
Soap/Cream: HTGAM Meta-Nectar
Razor: PH Weber
Blade: GBE [4]
After-shave: Myrsol Agua Balsamica

The Duke quickly whipped up a creamy lather. Shorter loft than I expected, with good backbone and tight knot. A great looking brush.
@filobiblic did you find that you needed to load the brush up more than other badger brushes??
No way! It takes no time at all. On the hard puck of HTGAM soap it was far less than a good 20 secs (I never measure the time it takes).
I'm still not sure about the Simpson Berkeley. I guess I've got used to the stiffness of badger brushes, and this just feels very soft in comparison.

The rest of the shave blah, blah blah, nobody reads this far anyway.
I'm still not sure about the Simpson Berkeley. I guess I've got used to the stiffness of badger brushes, and this just feels very soft in comparison.
So how was the rest of the shave though mate?
That jabonman Lima incensio sure has some menthol.
I'm still not sure about the Simpson Berkeley. I guess I've got used to the stiffness of badger brushes, and this just feels very soft in comparison.
Curious Eggy as I'm loaning @filobiblic my Duke 2 and he is of the exact opposite mind to you. He'd prefer less backbone and a bit more flop - maybe for comparison's sake, you could pass on the Berkeley to him and you could have a go with the Duke 2?
After-shave: Windex S & G
"Windex"?!?! Like the spray and wipe kind? Is this some new funky cutting edge AS!?! Please do tell... [emoji15]
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