Shave of the Day 2015

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I still reckon old carbons need stropping...
Saturday 5 September 2015


Still Traveling with a Mastro Livi carbonic

That is a beautiful straight, @razorguy . Even though I don't command any skills with such a razor, such as that one, seeing that photo has me wanting to pick up mine.
Preshave: @Draco Noir preshave oil
Razor Edwin Jagger DE89L
Blade: Polsilver SI
Soap: Truefitt & Hill No. 10
Brush: The Grooming Company Synthetic
Post Shave: Geo F Trumpers Lime Food
Lovely three pass shave today. The preshave oil kindly provided by @Draco Noir gave a very slick feel to the face while shaving. An hour later I had a nice smooth face.First use of the Truefitt & Hill cream and it is on par with the other British shave creams. Happy fathers day to all the fathers out there have a great day.
20150905_221448 by Osman Mehmed, on Flickr

Glad to be maintaining the trajectory - this morning's was the best straight shave yet! Call this razor what you will; on the blade it's the "Le Duc" and/or "Kindal", on the scales its an "M***K", on the tang it's "CV Heljestrand Eskilstuna Sweden". Whatever its name (though I'm kinda preferring "Le Duc"), it's my favourite, yet cheapest, razor so far. I say "so far" as I've only been playing with straights for a few months....and I have @Mark keeping an eagle eye out for a Japanese quarter hollow (or upwards to a wedge). Looking forward to the likes if a Hoshi Tombo entering my life. Meanwhile I remain very quackingly happy with my Le Duc.

Oh yeah and the name of this Penhaligons fits fine with the scent and performance - Sartorial indeed. Thankfully my own bottle of Metilsol has landed onshore, as this sample from @filobiblic is down to its final splashes.

Happy Sunday!!!

Face Wash : PAA Ice Menthol Glycerine
Pre Shave : Draco Noir Bergamot/Neroli Pre-shave Oil
Brush : Thater 2-Band
Soap : Stirling Sharp Dressed Man
Razor : Katanaya Tamahagane
After Shave : Stirling Sharp Dressed Man

A Sunday afternoon shave for Father's Day. Started with a nice exfoliating scrub with a bit of menthol zing from the Ice pre-shave.

The Thater whipped up a near perfect lather from the Stirling Soap. Not sure why the title is what it is - maybe Stirling is a ZZ Top fan from way back, but it fits well. I have difficulty describing fragrances at the best of times, and now is no exception. The fragrance is clean and airy at first, the segues into something a little more softwood forest in nature - hints of pine or cedar perhaps. This isn't an outdoorsy scent though - it would be quite at home in a plush cocktail bar.

Then the shave - this particular Kami is made from real Tamahagane (jewel steel) very limited and extremely highly prized. It was originally used only for Katana (Samurai Swords) due to its legendary ability to take and retain an impossibly sharp edge. In keeping with its scary ancestors, the Kamisori takes no prisoners and requires every scrap of focus and technique I can muster. Fortunately I was up to snuff today - no blood and a largely BBS result. Whew!!!

@Lifes a Peach, @StueyB and I have discussed a number of times what a pleasure it is to be able to use the same fragrance throughout a shave. That was one of the drivers behind our little bulk buy of Stirling - that we could have a soap and AS splash with the same fragrance. This time it worked beautifully - having the Sharp Dressed Man splash really put a fine finish on a fine shave. Would certainly recommened the Stirling products!

All in all, a very satisfying shave indeed.
Razor: Gold Dollar (Edgeless)
Razor: Schick Injector E Type
Blade: Personna Injector (1)
Brush: Omega S10108
Soap: Bald As Olive Oil
Aftershave: Myrsol F/Extra

Steve, you've created something special here with this soap.

After three of the finest with the Schick, I went in for a victory lap with the trainer-wheels straight.
A beautiful Kamisori Draco!

I have difficulty describing fragrances at the best of times, and now is no exception. The fragrance is clean and airy at first, the segues into something a little more softwood forest in nature - hints of pine or cedar perhaps. This isn't an outdoorsy scent though - it would be quite at home in a plush cocktail bar.
I believe the Stirling Sharp Dressed Man is meant to be a rendition of Creed's Green Irish Tweed. It's a very famous scent.
Nah! It went ok. I should have stuck to a razor I knew better though...
Mate you'll be back to it in no time.

The quarter hollow is my favourite. I much prefer the let me know if you don't click with the wedge as I might have a thing or two worthy of trading ;)
I believe the Stirling Sharp Dressed Man is meant to be a rendition of Creed's Green Irish Tweed. It's a very famous scent.

Thanks for that excellent little bit of background filo, that's the second time I've seen Creed's mentioned in less than a week, First time I think was @possumbelly. I think I had better try to track it down - easy to see why it could be a classic, Anybody know where to obtain it?
Thanks for that excellent little bit of background filo, that's the second time I've seen Creed's mentioned in less than a week, First time I think was @possumbelly. I think I had better try to track it down - easy to see why it could be a classic, Anybody know where to obtain it?
Creed is available at David Jones
You guys aren't kidding - a small bottle of creed would buy a superb stainless DE or a superior straight razor....
..and Creed isn't an expensive scent by any means. I'd call it middle of the road. That's why the basenotes nuts - including the vintage scent hunters - are even more insane than us....well you lot anyway.

Don't believe me look up some of the offerings from Clive Christian

S&C Silvertip
Mikes Lemongrass & Eucalyptus
Aristocrat #16
Sputnik (1)
Fine American Blend AS

Seems Mikes is my forgotten soap I only ever use occasionally then remember how good it is. Whipped up a nice lather with the S&C brush and used a forgotten razor as well. For some reason I just don't seem to use my vintage TTO razors very often these days.
Seems Mikes is my forgotten soap I only ever use occasionally then remember how good it is. Whipped up a nice lather with the S&C brush and used a forgotten razor as well. For some reason I just don't seem to use my vintage TTO razors very often these days.
Been thinking similarly lately - i.e. should use more of my Mike's and my vintage razors. My "problem" seems to be that there are so many other things I want to try out. Mike's were the soaps I started out with when this hobby bit and I agree that they are awesome. I have 5-6 mostly unused tins to revisit. All great scents and performers.
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