El Capitan is what Yosemite should have been but the Canon stuff no worky. Hard to believe that the whole thing breaks over an improved upgrade. Sigh
Pre-Shave: Occams pre-shave soap, cold water
Razor: ATT M2 Kronos (kindly loaned by @Draco Noir)
Blade: Voskhod (1)
Brush: Vie-Long Epsilon 2-Band
Soap: Stirling Scots Pine
I had never much luck with vintage OC's they simply never felt comfortable. Unfortunately this one is also not really my style of razor. The shave was smooth and effective, yet I felt a lot of steel in my face the whole time and that's a sensation I can do without. What is more, I would not say, that this razor gave me a closer shave than the M1, yet the M1 feels so much smoother - for me anyway. Now I am a bit worried of the R2 plate, that is still waiting for me...
The scent of this soap is now almost gone - it was very "muttony" when I got it and so I left the lid off for a couple of weeks - but the lather is fantastic. Definitely the easiest lather to build in my tallow stable - maybe mutton tallow has this advantage - and in no way does it take a back seat in the performance department. Thick and slick lather with a great post shave feel.
You give me way too much credit @Draco Noir - I definitely control very little in my pictures - I might control gimp, but definitely not the reflectionsNice photo @alfredus - really like the monotone feel and the controlled reflections on the razor. Makes me want to go and have another shave
I still think that Lavender & Lemon Myrtle could be a killer combination - in the right dosage of course. Why you had to add the Tee Tree and make it all medicinal is of course beyond meLet that be the last time Tea Tree, Lavender & Lemon Myrtle ever meet in a shaving soap.
I demand photos!Also my first shave with the Yamashita. Nice razor with even more heft than the Benkei.
Brush: Omega Boar
Soap: Mitchells Wool Fat and Geo F Trumpers Limes
Looks beaut!
Face Wash : Razorock Lime Menthol Pre-Shave Soap
Pre Shave : Myrsol Emulsion
Brush : Plisson
Soap : Valobra Patchouli
Razor : Kamisori Hybrid - Zubari Hoshimasa
After Shave Splash : Myrsol Blue
Spring is definitely happening here in Melbourne. For all the derision Northerners heap on our weather, there's something special about the march of the seasons, each with its own flavour.
Decided on a slightly old fashioned shave this morning. After a litlle chit-chat here with @possumbelly about Valobra soap, it got the nod. I mentioned earlier that it has an unashamed "soapy" backbone to the scent, enhanced with a dash of Patchouli. I find it very pleasant scent-wise, and it delivers the kind of lather most of us expect from a fine Italian shaving soap. I also found today that you can push it a long way when it comes to adding extra water - ideal for the 2nd or 3rd pass with a straight or Kamisori.
The Zubari Hoshimasa delivered a splendid shave today - smooth. comfortable and very close. I found with the 2nd pass (XTG) that I could get a really close result while barely touching the skin with the blade - @Mark absolutely nailed the sweet spot of sharpness vs comfort with this one. We both agreed this little razor was a real lucky find - neither of us had ever heard of it and it wasn't at all pricey, yet it shaves like a dream.
A quick lap with the alum block, a rinse and a big splash of the olde school Myrsol Blue, and another wonderful shave is unfortunately over....
Thanks @Draco Noir I do enjoy experimenting with the lather. This was certainly one of the better combinations as the Trumpers scent was nice and robust and the combination with the MWF just lifted it tremendously. Yes I must try a few drops of glycerin, let the experimentation continue. MWF and Martin de Candre with a suitable cream have produced the best uber lathers. At this moment I would say the combination of the Trumpers and MWF has produced my favourite uber lather. Saponificio Varesino did not give the same results. The Omega boar is coming along very nicely thanks very much and it is the gunmetal one.Wow @Osman, you're definitely becoming the super and uber lather specialist of our little forum! Some of your recent combos have sounded almost good enough to eat mate. You need to establish a rating system as a guide to the rest of us Have you tried the "cherry on the top" and added a few drops of glycerin yet? I'll donate some to the cause just in case....
And how is that Omega Boar? It's the gunmetal grey looking one isn't it?