Shave of the Day 2015

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Terre d'Hermes. DEFINITELY!!!! It's my usual scent. I'm coming from the other end. I want NEED the Fine L'Orange Noir to complement it....just like I need CRSW Orange d'Jardin.
What year of manufacture is your Td'H?
Your post is really leaving me reconsidering my stance of avoiding scents with an orange base due to allergies, as I purchased a bottle of Td'H due to you upon bottle scent alone.
Be interesting to see how it performs on my skin (you may be in luck and see a bottle for sale/trade soon or someone else complimenting your journey).

After last night's Grand Final win by the mighty NQ Cowboys I got into celebratory mode by using that leather scent of Desperado this morning. As if I was teleported directly into the dressing sheds belting out the unofficial team song, "Give Your Love To A Cowboy Man".
You're one of them ?
At least you no longer have the "It's a NRL conspiracy against us" mantra to bore other fans with :p

How do I post a new topic title...?
Did anyone assist you in private with this mate?

Brush: Vie-Long Epsilon White Horse Fan

The brush is definitely one of my favourites and I simply cannot understand why not more people love the horse...for all you non-believers a crappy phone picture - pure face-lather after the first pass with no tricks:

For me, it is the lack of manufacturer after sales support, as I love the performance and feel (is a too floppy for my liking though) of my little Vie Long horse hair.
I don't support companies that lack reasonable ethics across the entire scope of their business if I can help it.
In this case, I can, considering Simpsons accommodated special requests and Semogue bent over every which way once established I was genuine to assist me.

My shaves have been a @Barrister & Mann affair (leave this post and go buy Cologne Russe before it is gone forever - it's sensational and if you find a way to purchase Black Labels, let me know) as a generalisation, with a smattering of Mikes.
Slim Shady with experimentation of blades (including one for a promised review).
Brushes, boar, horse and badger :)
Post shave usually Stirling Vertiver A/ Sand Jabonman Wet Earth ASB, yet a few occasions I've managed to sneak in Thayers heavily mentholated witch hazel.
Sunday 11 October 2015


Ready to Get Back Home

I am getting ready to go back home and, before leaving, it is always good to shave like every gentleman should do. This was a quite classic shave: Cella shaving soap - a classic and very good Italian soap - Aqua Velva aftershave, another classic of old memories, both being absolutely performing and providing a very luxurious shave. Not to mention my Mastro Livi Grifetto 60, the razor I chose to be my travel mate and it certainly was the very best choice I could make.​
  • Pre-Shave: RazorGuy Pre-Shave Oil
  • Soap: Cella
  • Brush: Optim'Hom J-082
  • Bowl: Chinese Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Travel Loom Strop and Hand Palm
  • Razor: Mastro Livi Grifetto 60, 6/8 Full Hollow, Round Point
  • Post-Shave: Alum Block
  • Post-Shave: Argan Oil
  • After Shave: Aqua Velva Ice Blue
3P preshave
Omega 49
Reef Point Fougere Santal
Fatip Grande
Lab Blue (4)
Razorock Baby Blue aftershave

Attacked this sample with the big boar brush to try and finish it off. Still one shave left. Great smell though and I have a full tub coming for Christmas. Thanks Santa
Sunday 11 October 2015


Ready to Get Back Home

I am getting ready to go back home and, before leaving, it is always good to shave like every gentleman should do. This was a quite classic shave: Cella shaving soap - a classic and very good Italian soap - Aqua Velva aftershave, another classic of old memories, both being absolutely performing and providing a very luxurious shave. Not to mention my Mastro Livi Grifetto 60, the razor I chose to be my travel mate and it certainly was the very best choice I could make.​
  • Pre-Shave: RazorGuy Pre-Shave Oil
  • Soap: Cella
  • Brush: Optim'Hom J-082
  • Bowl: Chinese Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Travel Loom Strop and Hand Palm
  • Razor: Mastro Livi Grifetto 60, 6/8 Full Hollow, Round Point
  • Post-Shave: Alum Block
  • Post-Shave: Argan Oil
  • After Shave: Aqua Velva Ice Blue

Ohhh this aftershave.

SOTD Monday, October 12.
Cold water shave
Pre-shave: Bloom water
Soap: Shaver Heaven, Aladdin
Brush: Edwin Jagger badger
Face lather
Razor: Lady Gillette (1965)
Blade: Astra Green SP (4)

Soap performed as you would expect a Shaver Heaven soap to perform; top notch in lather, slickness/glide and moisture retention (not drying on face before pass complete). The Astra Green still sharp and cutting nicely. After a second shave with the Lady Gillette this morning I am halfway happy with this razor's performance. Yes it is a mild razor and yes, I did need to pay more attention to get the correct angle of attack (and the extra time of tidy up passes) but I did have a closer shave today. Could have been closer but satisfactory for a day at work.
Straight: Gold Dollar #66 - honed by @Mark
Brush: Omega S10108
Soap: Bald Diddy V2 Cedar
Aftershave: Myrsol F/Extra

My first shave with a Western straight was fantastic - no nicks or irritation and essentially BBS everywhere after two passes. The edge is absolutely outstanding. Honestly, if the worst straight on the market can give this kind of shave to a rank novice then what are high-quality heavy grinds capable of? Bring on the new AD, I say.

It's a lot easier to shave the left hand side of ones face and under the lip compared with a kamisori. The kamisori is easier to use going up on the neck though.

Loving the soap. Very slippery.
One of them? Proud NQ Cowboys support through and through.

One of them? My wife shouts a very confident, "No".
So you're ready to admit it was just bad luck in years gone by and not a massive NRL conspiracy ?

BTW, how are you guys managing to keep #6 away from Coffs Harbour?
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Correct. After removing the rust and years of accumulated stubble removed.
So it's another #58 right? Too bad it didn't have the case as well...
So it's another #58 right? Too bad it didn't have the case as well...
I believe so. The lack of the case doesn't really bother me. I was just happy to find reasonably priced razors for once. Some sod has gone to most of my usual hunting spots and let them know that razors have value.
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