Shave of the Day 2015

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I believe so. The lack of the case doesn't really bother me. I was just happy to find reasonably priced razors for once. Some sod has gone to most of my usual hunting spots and let them know that razors have value.
Don't you just hate that?! Razors are going up in price everywhere...

Terre d'Hermes. DEFINITELY!!!! It's my usual scent. I'm coming from the other end. I want NEED the Fine L'Orange Noir to complement it....just like I need CRSW Orange d'Jardin.
Have you tried Cartier - Declaration ?
It's scent profile is constructed by the same person that created Hermes - Terre d'Hermes.
Is also described as the father to Td'H, who's inspiration is evident and more complex.

Inaugural straight shave off steel I honed from a bread knife. Was pretty impressed with my efforts. ..though some credit to the Thiers Issard as it took awhile but what an edge.

Seriously? You shaved with a breadknife? That's so awesome!
Razor: Redtip
Blade: Gillette Stainless Steel made in Australia
Soap: Catie's Bubbles Inspirazione Di Parma (i think you can only buy this at Razor blades and more)
Brush: Shavemac two band
Post: Alum

First shave with soap and as all Catie's Bubbles soaps I have tried performance was great. Scent is meant to be based on Aqua Di Parma Colonia. I am not a big aftershave person so I have never smelt the aftershave it is based on. My take is it is a citrus type cologne scent. Not overly strong but very nice scent.
The problem with that being ? ;)
No problem if you already own two thirds of the razors in Australia, but us latecomers are struggling to collect and eat at the same time

Monday night
Bloom water
Brush Edwin Jagger Super Badger
Soap Shaver Heaven 1st Anniversary
Kamisori Hoshitombo 6000
Razor Ikon #102 Slant
Blade GSB
Post Shave RazoRock XX Aftershave Milk

Struggling with hayfever but the scent from the Shave Heaven soap still managed to get through. Tried to move beyond the cheeks with the Hoshitombo and got a little cocky and was put back in my place by the Shaving Gods with a nick under my nose - I think I reopened an earlier nick there but it still stung. Over all a solid shave with little irritation. The Ikon #102 is probably going to be my daily driver.
The Ikon #102 is probably going to be my daily driver.
I'm still not smooth with the str8 (and I know that even regulars like The Stallion get nicks/cuts from time to time!). I've found it takes longer to acquire the skills than a DE/SE. So keep persevering with it. [emoji106]

Face Wash : Shower
Pre Shave : Myrsol Emulsion
Brush : Shavemac Custom
Soap : Martin de Candre Original
Razor : Kikuboshi 24
After Shave : Alum, Argan Oil
After Shave Splash : Terre D'Hermes EDT

Today's shave was a bit of a mixed bag. I just received the Kikuboshi 24 razor a few days ago in the mail, so last night's mini project was to set the bevel and do the finishing work to get it to shave worthy condition. The task went well and quite quickly - 25 minutes from start to passing the Hanging Hair test.

Shave prep went smoothly as usual, resulting in a nicely textured Martin de Candre lather on my face. I commenced the shave, concentrating on the quality of the edge on the newly commissioned Kikuboshi. No problems at all in that department - very sharp, very smooth and very comfortable. Then at about the halfway point of the shave, it started "snowing" in my bathroom. The MdC lather had dried out so fast that it was coming off my face in dry flakes all over. Weird... I grabbed the brush, added a good few droplets of hot water to it and re-lathered the dried out area of my face. Then it happened again, just before finishing. I shaved that small patch regardless and prepared for pass 2. Taking no chances, I jettisoned the left over lather and started again from scratch, focussing on making a really wet lather. I applied it again - a thinner and wetter coating this time, only to have the same issue occur again about 3/4 of the way through the shave.

Has anyone else had this issue with de Candre soap? Since starting the whole Kamisori and Straight Razor adventure, I've noticed that my slower shaving usually requires a wetter lather than I'd choose for a DE shave, but this is the first time I've had such a problem. I guess its possible (just) that the Myrsol Emulsion doesn't agree with the MdC soap, but that would be a first - the Myrsol hasn't ever given problems before.

Anyway, I finished the shave with a very smooth face and I'm more than happy with the performance of the inexpensive Kikuboshi 24 razor. I took @stillshunter's advice and managed to snaffle a bottle of Terre D'Hermes very cheaply on Ebay, and I'm still enjoying the smell 2 hours later. Exactly what I was looking for :)
Looks like a stunning shave @Draco Noir - just very weird what happened with the MdC!!! All I can say: don't think it would happen with a tallow soap :p

Pre-Shave: Occams pre-shave soap, cold water
Razor: ATT R2 Kronos (kindly loaned by @Draco Noir)
Blade: Voskhod (2)
Brush: Vie-Long Epsilon 2-band
Soap: Bald As Tallow Lemon Myrtle/Lavender/Aniseed (Soap made and kindly donated by @bald as)
Post-shave: Alum, Stirling Vetiver alcohol free Witch Hazel, South Australian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil​

What a beautiful shave today - it reminded me of all the wonderful people that surround me - I am very fortunate!

Let's start with the soap/lather: @bold as made this one especially for me and I really couldn't be happier! Super rich tallow soap with just enough castor to get things going. That's it - how much cleaner can you get!!! And the scent is out of this world - Lemon Myrtle and Lavender - WOW. The aniseed is present when you sniff the puck - but once you lather up, it almost disappears and gives way to the honey like scent of the Lemon Myrtle/Lavender combination. It could have maybe a tad more lavender, because the LM is so strong, but then the LM is so great - who cares :D

It lathered up like a dream and the lather is really up there with the best - SERIOUSLY! Don't believe me? Well here you go, face lather after 1 pass and after 2 passes:



The post shave is really nice as well actually - don't know if it is the Tallow or the EO's? I waited for 1 hour before applying the OO, and I must say nice! Not fantastic out of this world but really nice!

So here my advise: before you go out next time and spend your hard earned cash on things like Proraso, TOBS, CONK, ARKO,....the list could be quiet long - why don't you just PM the friendly soap makers here in Adelaide @bald as and @khun_diddy and get a BESPOKE soap experience. I am sure they are still accommodating, since they haven't taken over the US market YET and I heard whispers about shipping soaps in sneaky ways, so you only have to pay letter prices...just saying.

Now the shave itself was actually also very nice. I have to repeat myself, that I am not a big fan of OC's - but I had the razor really dialled in today and it gave me a very smooth result. It is a very close shave, but still smooth.

I want to thank again @Draco Noir for giving me the opportunity to try out all these beautiful ATT plates. It was a wonderful experience - especially since one part of the hand-over was in person!!!

I have started writing a review and will post it once I had the chance to use the H1 plate from the P&C 3 Box.
Wow, @alfredus, a full review of the ATT system will ge really worth waiting for - with your anaytical skills and field test resutls available, it promises to be a very interesting read indeed. Stay tuned all you stainless DE fans :)

SOTD Tuesday, October 13
Cold water shave
Pre shave: Bloom water
Brush: Edwin Jagger badger
Soap: Soap Commander, Sensuous Sandlewood
Kamisori: Inoue FujiSuke
A/S: DIY Bay Rum

Good to return to using the kami after a 4 day sojourn with the DE's. I really enjoy the whole "theatre & production" of straight shaving, be it kamisori or Western straights. There is a skill required and an aura of manliness with straight shaving; like you're just a genuine bad-arse in an old cowboy movie.

The Shaver Heaven Sandlewood soap was a nice scent with asweet-edge to it. Unlike some other Shaver Heaven soaps, this scent wasn't very strong and after the shave was finished so was the scent. Performed well as all Shaver Heaven soaps do but there was no lingering scent. A little diappointing IMO.

Smooth, close shave with no nicks and so no burn with the home-made bay rum A/S, just the warm sensation of alcohol A/S.
What a beautiful shave today -

Thank you for the very kind words. @khun_diddy kindly let me have the EO's so that I could put something together. Looking at the amazing array of oils he purchased even I could consider other than non scented soaps.

My shave tonight was also very enjoyable. When I made the soap for @alfredus I kept a small amount aside for myself and I actually quite like it as well.
The postie delivered a folding kamisori today from Japan so I introduced it to some stones and leather and shaved with it tonight. Very sharp and smooth. I have all the straights I now need so I think I will concentrate on a rotation of SE's and straights for at least the next few months. Until I get more proficient with the straight it will probably be a weekend shave.
Pre-Shave Archo Brito Pre-shave Soap Glyce Lima
Brush The Grooming Co Synthetic
Soap Cella Shaving Cream (thanks to @Osman for the loan)
Razor Ikon #102 Slant
Blade GSB
Post-Shave Razorock XX balm

Too tired tonight to focus on three straight so went with the Ikon slant.

The Cella gives a nice rich lather but I'm still not sold on the scent. It is definitely better when lathered than in the tub but still a little too sweet.

Think I went to long on the GSB, a little tuggy tonight but still a decent shave. At least I don't have to get up early tomorrow.
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