Shave of the Day 2015

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Kamisori: Yamashita
Brush: Omega S10108
Soap: Gent's V1 Original
Aftershave: Myrsol Antesol

My first ever solo soap lathers & shaves beautifully. I'm really happy with how it turned out. I'm going to call whatever the scent morphs into 'Original'. Right now it's cedarwood & tea tree and although it smells nice, the tea tree is really in there as a placeholder whilst I wait for some vetiver and other bits and pieces to arrive. The 50/30/20 ratio in this soap is good but I prefer the 44/36/20 ratio from a previous Bald Diddy.

@bald as - you've done a good job on the Yamashita. Sharpness seems similar but the edge feels smoother. I think my improved stropping technique has helped in that regard too.
NOS Henckels
SV 70th Ann.
Sunday 18 October 2015


Mastro Livi Blue Tongue Damasteel, 7/8 Full Hollow, Livi Point

This is my very first Mastro Livi straight razor, the one who started my passion for the art and work of this incredible Italian craftsman and artist living in Perugia (Umbria), not so far from my place. I bought this razor two years and a half ago and, since then, I have never honed it, not even refreshed the edge with chromium oxide paste, just used Mastro Livi loom strop and hand palm. It shaves like the very first time and provides an absolutely incredible and super smooth shave. Not just this razor let me personally met a magnificent and talented artist as well as a wise and remarkable man - who then became a dear friend - but also for the fact it is made of Blue Tongue Damasteel, a pattern now discontinued which I find just beautiful. An incredible and stunning straight razor, an awesome and superb shaver!​
  • Pre-Shave: RazorGuy Pre-Shave Oil
  • Soap: Mitchell's Wool Fat Shaving Soap
  • Brush: Omega Bristle Professional 10098, 27mm knot
  • Bowl: Gerby Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Loom Strop "Coramella Italiana" and Hand Palm
  • Razor: Mastro Livi Blue Tongue Damasteel, 7/8 Full Hollow, Livi Point
  • Post-Shave: Alum Block
  • Post-Shave: Argan Oil
  • After Shave: Myrsol Blue

SOTD Monday, October 19.
Cold water shave
Soap: Shaver Heaven, Spiced Mahogany
Brush: Simpson Berkeley
Face lather
Razor: Gold Monkey 6/8

After the recent Shaver Heaven delivery the soap that had the best IMO was Spiced Mahogany so I saved it till last, breaking out today. After I opened the shave den door (Bathroom) my wife commented on how nice everything smelled. A big plus for another great soap by @Anthony.

The straight was smooth & close again. Great honing by @Mark.
Sunday Night Shave

Pre-Shave Musgo Spiced Citrus Oil Soap
Brush Vie-Long Horse Hair 13066
Soap Geo F Trumpers Limes Shave Cream
Kamisori Hoshitombo 6000
Razor Ikon #102 Slant
Blade Trig Silver Edge
Post Shave Stirling Margaritas in the Arctic Post-shave Balm

Think I might have rolled the edge on the Hoshi, very tuggy and not what I expected even given a three-day growth. Went back to the Ikon and need two WTG passes to mow down the growth.

The Margaritas in the Arctic is a nice cooling balm with a sweet scent.

Pre-Shave: Occams pre-shave soap, cold water
Razor: IKON DLC Slant with long Bulldog handle
Blade: Voskhod (1)
Brush: Paladin Chief
Soap: Mike's Hungarian Lavender
Post-shave: Alum, Stirling Vetiver alcohol free Witch Hazel, South Australian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil​

Exciting shave day as I finally got the test drive my new IKON DLC slant! And I finally got a tin of Mike's Hungarian Lavender, which I only had a long time ago in sample form.

The soap and brush really work perfectly together and resulted in a nice slick, thick, yoghurty Mike's goodness. The Lavender scent is very delicate yet not too weak and lingers around for some time after the shave.

The razor itself is very efficient and smooth - at first I didn't think it was shaving, but the stubble in the wash basin was very convincing. Of course then I got a little cokey - and the razor bit me straight away! Luckily nothing serious, just 2 weepers that were gone with a splash of cold water. But still there was a warning. The razor might feel very smooth and tame, but definitely has some bite! if somebody as experienced as @Draco Noir tells you, that a razor needs ZERO pressure - trust him, he knows what he is talking about (y)

In any case a great first encounter and I think it is a keeper!
Half and half tonight. A really good shave though. I tried first up with my folding Kamisori but I don't seem to want to get on with it either. @khun_diddy there will be another Kamisori [folding] available if you want it.
The Shave! I settled on an old dare I say acquaintance - The Feather Popular with a Feather blade and my 5/8 Cut throat. I face lathered a soap I made the other day and went for it. A DE is such a dinky toy after either an SE or a straight but it does a very good job. See I can be a snob and condescending all in the same sentence.
I would say a DFS- as I didn't really go for the whole thing in total weed whacker mode as I'm around home all day tomorrow and only have the mirror to please.
Out of 10 a healthy 6 or 7 but still enjoyable.
Kamisori: Benkei
Brush: Omega S10108
Soap: Gent's Tallow V1 Original
Aftershave: Proraso Green

This recipe is a real winner Steve. I completely get why tallow soaps are the gold standard. I enjoyed everything about tonight's shave from the stropping, to the lathering, to the shaving, to the Proraso going on liberally. This is what it's all about!

Pre-shave: Cetaphil Cleansing Bar
Razor: Merkur 34c HD
Blade: Asrta SP (1)
Soap: Col Conk Bay Rum
Brush: Semogue 1800
Splash: Speick

Whilst cleaning the bathroom on the weekend found a supply of cetaphil cleansing bars. Looking at the ingredients, thought they would make a good pre-shave soap. Only 2nd shave using it today but certainly liking it so far. I've previously been using the Col as a pre-shave soap, but thought I would give it a go today for the real thing. My base of comparison so far is limited (shaver heaven, Scottish Fine Soaps, Body Shop Cream, Proraso Cream Green). Well it's ok, but not great by comparison. It didn't lather as well as shaver heaven, or smell as nice, or cushion as much, or give the same feel post shave. Back to the Astra SP after a few different blades, and gee, do I love these things. As everything, YMMV, but for me the slight sacrifice in sharpness is worth the trade off for smoothness. Finished with the Speick and some CK Eternity.
Have you tried Personna Lab Blues blades, @Korbz ? You get the smoothness without sacrificing sharpness (well not Feather sharp, but plenty sharp).

Maybe worth a try if you haven't already. I was a big fan of the Astra's in my earlier days before settling on Personna.
The razor itself is very efficient and smooth - at first I didn't think it was shaving, but the stubble in the wash basin was very convincing. Of course then I got a little cokey - and the razor bit me straight away! Luckily nothing serious, just 2 weepers that were gone with a splash of cold water.

Sorry your very first shave had a small issue @alfredus - I'm certain you'll become good friends with that razor in no time, and that it will help spur your already excellent technique to new heights. You'll quite possibly end up loading it with Polsilver SI blades - for me, they're a brilliant match. Less strokes, better results and less skin irritation. Good luck with it (y):)(y)
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