Shave of the Day 2015

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Tuesday 3 February 2015


Traveling with a Mastro Livi CarboInox

The pleasure of shaving and traveling with a masterpiece! This Mastro Livi CarboInox straight razor is a joy to see and a joy to shave with. Another notable thing about this shave, is that I finally managed to get some Pinaud aftershave, as it recently is getting easier to find it in some European stores. Pinaud is a burning hell on your face - alcohol seems to be pretty a lot - but it definitely feels very refreshing and smooth.​
  • Pre-Shave: Roberts Distilled Rose Water
  • Soap: Negozio Leggero Hazelnut and Lavender
  • Brush: Mühle Travel Silvertip Fibre, 21mm
  • Bowl: Chinese Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Loom Strop and Hand Palm
  • Razor: Mastro Livi CarboInox, 6/8 Full Hollow, Barber's Notch
  • Post-Shave: Argan Oil
  • After Shave: Pinaud Clubman
Nocturn is awesome LaP nice shave. You can look forward to being able to smell it next time!
Brush: Semogue 1305
Soap/Cream: ShaverHeaven Aladdin
Razor: Weber PH
Blade: Feather
After-shave: Speick

Since really enjoying ShaverHeaven's original (v1.0) Forbidden Forest, I've been curious as to how @Anthony 's lather has evolved - esp. when most folks rate these improvements. Big thanks to @filobiblic for the Aladdin. Well from the get-go the scent is very much to my tastes - a little bit of Marrakesh market in a tub - yum! Lather generation is absolutely amazing. An easy yoghurty bit of goodness breaches the bowl with little encouragement. Only dip in my mind is the glide - odd as most folks rate the glide - but I found it a little lacking. Now I caveat this by saying this was my first run with the soap. Also I guess next shave I'll add more water to the mix as the post-shave feel was phenomenal. Nice and maybe more water will provide more glide. If I can get that right then this one will be a winner.

Otherwise quite an uneventful shave - which is exactly what I need on a Wednesday.
As promised started on the samples

Occams Original cream. Very nice it was too. Thick lather and nice feel to it.
Gillette Slim on 7 (Discovered I now have 3 of these will never run out).
Slick Schick that is becoming not so slick by now. Should get one more out of it.
Brush - none of my brushes seem to have labels on them - so they are just a brush (may get carried away one day and put some photos up for identification)

End result a nice clean shave.
Finished off with some TOBS after shave cream that I found and a splash of Musgo,

All in all a successful event.
Slick Schick that is becoming not so slick by now. Should get one more out of it.


Hasn't it served you faithfully enough already?

Hasn't it served you faithfully enough already?
Retiree, has to eek out every bit to survive, thanks to the generosity of fellow gentleman and peers you're surrounded by mate :)
Brush: Duke 2
Razor: Fatboy on 9
Blade: Vintage English Gillette (3)
Soap: Vintage Williams
A/S: Aqua Velva

Great shave today, I can see why so many over at YKW rave about the Vintage Williams, it's leaps and bounds ahead of the current Williams. A 30 second load of the brush and I had more lather than I knew what to do with. A very nice, thick, dense and slick lather. Topped off with the Aqua Velva and a perfect shave has been had.
Plisson Synth
Slim@5 & 3
Mike's Lavender
Rapira Swedish Super Steel (0)

Good effort from everything else but as posted in other thread the Rapira is pretty pedestrian, not a bad blade but leagues behind the best stuff on the market - perhaps it'll fare better in a different razor but I specifically used the Slim as it's a very evenhanded medium.
Razor: Wilkinson Sword Classic
Blade: Wilkinson Super Sword Edge@8
Cream: Erasmic shaving cream
A.F: Aqua Velva Ice Sport

Classic WTG, XTG & ATG for a smooth DFS+ result. Eighth shave for the english wilkinson, sharpness has been traded for smoothness, and the blade shine with the extra passes.
TR Cadman & Sons
Omega Straw Broom
Strop Shoppe Baker Street
1805 A/S

Gingerly getting the hand of the straight again, after a month with the R41. The shave simply isn't as close, but it's more fun to use!
Brush: Plisson Synth
Soap/Cream: WSP Rustic Soap Marrakesh
Razor: PH Weber
Blade: Personna Super/Blue [2]
After-shave: Natio for Men Cooling Balm
Scent: Truefitt & Hill 1805 Cologne (Thanks for the sample @Nonick)

Great lather from the WSP soap. Applied the cologne sample from @Nonick - seems ok to my semi-blocked nose. Actually quite nice unlike Jermyn Street. I'll try it again once I kick this cold.
I had a shave with two samples last night, croap 1 on the right side of the face and croap 2 on the left.

@Nonick / @filobiblic gave me samples of Shaver Heavens grapefruit (that nonick didn't get on with) and QCS iced key lime (I think) which is supposed to have a fair whack of the cooling stuff

I couldn't work out which was which from smelling them, so decided to try shaving with both to see if I could determine which had the big menthol hit. I got nothing, from either of them. Both had quite faint scents to my nose, (lathered well) but not a touch of menthol in either.

That's a surprise as Nick said it was supposed to be as cool as their Vostok soap, which is supposed to be right up there in the menthol stakes.
I had a shave with two samples last night, croap 1 on the right side of the face and croap 2 on the left.

@Nonick / @filobiblic gave me samples of Shaver Heavens grapefruit (that nonick didn't get on with) and QCS iced key lime (I think) which is supposed to have a fair whack of the cooling stuff

I couldn't work out which was which from smelling them, so decided to try shaving with both to see if I could determine which had the big menthol hit. I got nothing, from either of them. Both had quite faint scents to my nose, (lathered well) but not a touch of menthol in either.

That's a surprise as Nick said it was supposed to be as cool as their Vostok soap, which is supposed to be right up there in the menthol stakes.
You're getting into the hang of things with dual face lathering!

The Shaver Heaven grapefruit has no menthol at all. It smells a sweet citrus like air freshener. I'm not sure what kind of lime (sweet? limey-lime? tangy?) the QCS iced key lime would smell like.
Another perfect shave with my travel setup and Stirling Coniferous. I am starting to think, that the lather ( ie soap and brush) have a far larger effect on the shave than some people think - could it be the case?
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