Shave of the Day 2015

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Ok been shaving this week with weber and V blades. Soap was the Tobs limes.

The new things in the mix was the pillison synthetic and the body shop synthetic.

Well te body shop has more backbone and I like that. But I now see the attraction in te pillison Micro bubbles and it's amazing.

So don't like its floppy ness but I do love the fine fine bubbles it produces. Also. It drys out and is not funky smelling like My badger brushes when the wet season starts.... Which it has.
Brush: Simpson Re-knot
Razor: Pre War Tech
Blade: Aussie Gillette
Cream: Castle Forbes Lavender
A/S: Speick and Simpsons Balm

Good shave today, first use of the Aussie Gillette blade, not bad. Certainly not as smooth as English Wilky's but the first use with any blade can be a bit harsh. I'll see how I go tomorrow with it. Thanks to @Mark1966 for the blades.
The Simpson Re-Knot and CF seem to be made for each other. A quick 20 second load and 1 minute in the bowl I more lather than I knew what to do with.

First shave with the R41. Bliss is Blitzkrieg! This is as efficient as the invasion of France! It laughed at the puny resistance offered.

This is an instant hit. One pass was quite acceptable, but went for the second pass which resulted in the smoothest shave I've had for a long time. This is certainly a straight users DE @stillshunter is correct. I was wary of it's reputation, but the motor skills developed by using a straight stay with you! No trouble just gently as she goes, steady, no pressure..

Dieses Rasiermesser ist wunderbar!

The Strop Shoppe Baker Street is a winner too. Very soft soap (twist the brush in the pot and were away) a dense creamy lather with a scent similar to Jermyn Street.

Ahh this is the go
This is an instant hit. One pass was quite acceptable, but went for the second pass which resulted in the smoothest shave I've had for a long time. This is certainly a straight users DE @stillshunter is correct. I was wary of it's reputation, but the motor skills developed by using a straight stay with you! No trouble just gently as she goes, steady, no pressure.
Mate I am so glad to hear this. Was dicey - could have went only one of two ways, 1. best shave ever or 2. a message from your better half announcing your gruesome demise in the bathroom - and the bequeathing of all your shaving goods to some @filobiblic and looking for clues as to the final gurgled vows of revenge - "stillshunter....stillsh...."

Very keen to hear more mate - as you get even more familiar with it.

Brush: Omega 31025 'Scarlatti'
Razor: PJ Plastic Fantastic
Blade: Schick Platinum Plus
Cream: Proraso Red
Aftershave: Floid Vigoroso

In his self-proclaimed crusade against the "deluded metal razor sads", @Pjotr was kind enough to send me through a bakelite (?) razor and some SPPs. Weirdest razor I ever did see - so don't ask me to ID it! - electric blue, two-piece (sounds so far like what I wore to my school formal), metal top-plate with plastic everything else, sort of an OC but with a safety bar, very thick baseplate, just plain odd. Loaded the SPP and went to work. Work? Pfftt. This aint work. I felt like I was three years old again mirroring my old man at the basin - wiping off some lather he applied for me with a wooden razor he fashioned in the shed. So was there any cutting or just wiping? Well there was stubble garnish atop the floating lather in the sink. You can go ATG with the little PJ Plastic Fantastic and not bat an eyelid - add more pressure and weight and pressure and then some more and you can just keep whizzing this thing around your face. Nice feel to the handle too - not so much the grippiness but the design puts your fingers right.

Bottom Line: smoothest razor I have ever used.
Caveats: 1. not the most efficient or closest (on the wash-up there's still resistance ATG) 2. first time I've used a bakelite and SPP so more experience might refine the end-result.
Loves: I could use this any morning before I even milk the cows.
Fears: This thing could spell my demise - as using an R41 or anything metal with any bite after loosening your technique with this could cut deeper than stitches can bind.
Pointless Analogy: Like riding a zippy 250cc road bike when you're used to skirting the bitumen on a four figure cubit rocket...yes I've come off a 250 so know that it still hurts!
Nice write up @stillshunter ! [emoji106]
So does the blade get any credit?
Good grief not another plastic convert @stillshunter !!!!

He will not be silenced now you know...
Less a convert more an oblate or postulant on I'm making little squeaking sounds that mimic chanting but I've taken no vows and not donned the hair shirt just yet.
Less a convert more an oblate or postulant on I'm making little squeaking sounds that mimic chanting but I've taken no vows and not donned the hair shirt just yet.


Gee we have some profound intellectuals here with their big vocabularies and fancy words ....
I think he means he's still dating and not committed to a deeper and more meaningful relationship. Having a fling and not after a ring...

So @stillshunter is saying he is a cheap floosie then?

I knew it the first time he bought me a beer ...
I think he means he's still dating and not committed to a deeper and more meaningful relationship. Having a fling and not after a ring...
Oh yeah I see now how you netted your wife mate. You are a charmer - first class! :ROFLMAO:

So @stillshunter is saying he is a cheap floosie then?

I knew it the first time he bought me my Itchy Green Pants ...
FTFY mate (y)
First shave with the R41. Bliss is Blitzkrieg! This is as efficient as the invasion of France! It laughed at the puny resistance offered.

Dieses Rasiermesser ist wunderbar!

So rapt that it worked for you. As each day goes by my resistance of Straight's is weakening.
Brush: Plisson Synthetic
Pre-Shave: Occams Original pre-shave
Soap/Cream: Mike's Naturals Barbershop
Razor: iKon Shavecraft #102 head on Weber Bulldog handle
Blade: Personna Super/LB [1]
After-shave: Myrsol Antesol


Creamy lather from Mike's soap. Soft and thick lather with a pleasant (although mild) scent.

I've opened a new thread for the #102 and have posted my thoughts there. Granted it was only my first shave with it, so I'll add to it as I go.

I reckon Myrsol Antesol is the under-dog of the Myrsol family; it's a top class scent with a cool blast and lovely face feel afterwards.
I reckon Myrsol Antesol is the under-dog of the Myrsol family; it's a top class scent with a cool blast and lovely face feel afterwards.
Antesol is very top of my list for 2016 purchases - I use your sample sparingly (has to last another 11 months!) to heal a bad shave - does wonders!
Antesol is very top of my list for 2016 purchases - I use your sample sparingly (has to last another 11 months!) to heal a bad shave - does wonders!
You can see how much I have used and given away from the photo...
Huge thanks from me....and sorry to dent your supplies so badly mate. :oops:
Haha! No worries, I'm happy to share. I think I gave some to others as well (but can't recall). Its great to share the good with others. I'd never have tried the Floid or Myrsol AB if they weren't shared via the Travelling Box!
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