Shave of the Day 2015

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Hey @eggbert - trusting and [and the risk of the good-natured wrath of some around here! :) ] praying that Wifebert goes well and that both come through the experience, whenever it happens, safe and well.
Labour didn't exactly go well, but both are now safe and sound. I nearly joined you in praying in part of it. Wifebert lost 3 litres of blood and things were a bit tough for a while.
3.3kg boy is doing well but struggling with feeding so far. Nothing major though.
Labour didn't exactly go well, but both are now safe and sound. I nearly joined you in praying in part of it. Wifebert lost 3 litres of blood and things were a bit tough for a while.
3.3kg boy is doing well but struggling with feeding so far. Nothing major though.
Thought the 'Like' in bad taste. Thoughts are with you and wifebert mate. ...and congrats. Be sure to buy him his birth razor this year hey!
A Gillette fusion?
...could go a 30c, DE89, 34HD, etc., or something a little more special like a Weber (just ask Ed for one made around this time.....maybe he could stamp it for you) or latest Razorock slant (imagine what that would be worth YKW in 15 years!). A few modern DEs come to mind mate.
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^^^ ditto - no like for the process but big congrats on the result.
Congrats! Welcome to the most harrowing part of your life. (Retreat to shaving and try to achieve zen!)
Glad that you, wifey and bub came through in the end. It's such a scary experience...
I think I may have mentioned before that Wifebert is Asian? His Chinese grandmother can't see any asian in him whatsoever.
I think I may have mentioned before that Wifebert is Asian? His Chinese grandmother can't see any asian in him whatsoever.
He is such a little Eurasian cutie!!! And he at least has your wife's nose.
(Ha! All both sides of the family will ever see is the opposite ethnicity. [emoji6])
@eggbert congratulations to your new family and yourself.
Hope all requiring care, recover fully and with haste and you enjoy the experience ahead of you mate.

Now go out and arrange a box of Penfolds Grange 2015 to hand to him upon his 21st.
Brush: L'Occy (Plisson) Synth
Razor: PJ Plastic Fantastic (PJPF)
Blade: Feather (2)
Cream: Proraso Red
Aftershave: Floid Vigoroso

Continuing to go through drill on @Pjotr 's plastic razor revolutionary guard. Yesterday's shave (with Schick Plus Platinum (SPP)) was smooth, very smooth but not as close as I'd have liked. Today I swapped out the blade to one of the sharpest on the market but kept most the rest the same. Well it wasn't smoother. The Feather in the PJPF was certainly not rough my any means, just not as smooth as the SPP. So I can certainly concede the PJPF is a smooth - might we say "mild" - razor. Yes, yes but what of the closeness?...well in patches it is BBS but not all over. I admit to backing off the pressure a little with the Feather onboard - meaning I wasn't getting my elbow into the shave - but still could not quite achieve BBS with four passes WTG, XTG x2, XTG. Certainly a closer result than yesterday - but one at the expense of smoothness.

So Meh or Hmm?

Well this is a completely stress-free razor. Could easily use it daily without a second-thought and without the Zen-like concentration required by some. However, it seems when we evaluate this from the fulcrum of smoothness vs. closeness - this one tips in favour or smoothness. This is fine for the likes of that clean-up before work but not for black-tie functions.

Then again can anything balance these two requirements perfectly? If I recall correctly, I thought I achieved both recently with the Standard and next shave I believe.
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I think I may have mentioned before that Wifebert is Asian? His Chinese grandmother can't see any asian in him whatsoever.

Beautiful, just beautiful - with a BBS shave too :)

When our kids were born I arranged with friends and family to keep items from the day, newspapers, train tickets, simple things that will be different in 40 years time. I also took my father out the day my son was born and grabbed him a hammer, cause every man needs a good hammer.

One idea I've seen since but didn't do is take a photo of the kids hand in mine - then repeat that shot on their birthday each year. I've seen a series like this somewhere an it is amazing - one hand growing up and the other growing older.

Just a couple of ideas.
Great ideas there @Mark1966 !!! Love the idea of the time capsule and the evolving hands photo.
I also took my father out the day my son was born and grabbed him a hammer, cause every man needs a good hammer.
Hmmm...talks us through this. So you bought your dad a hammer to remind him of his grandson? Or you brought dad along for the ceremony of selecting the right hammer?
Not meaning to be obtuse, just getting my head around this part of the ritual...
Great ideas there @Mark1966 !!! Love the idea of the time capsule and the evolving hands photo.

The evolving hands is a great series of shots - must see if I can find them.

Hmmm...talks us through this. So you bought your dad a hammer to remind him of his grandson? Or you brought dad along for the ceremony of selecting the right hammer?
Not meaning to be obtuse, just getting my head around this part of the ritual...

No sorry - took my father who was in town with me and we jointly selected a hammer for my son. He will have (until he loses or breaks it) a hammer that his father and grandfather brought him the day he was born.

I wasn't into razors then and wanted something simple, universal and masculine - the hammer seemed the right choice!
Eclipse RR
Polsilver SI
Omega 10005
Shaver heaven grapefruit sample that nonick likened to toilet freshener
Alcolado glacial

The polsilver has been a very nice shave but it's trailing off after 5 shaves.
The shaver heaven soap is not as bad as NN makes out to my noise. Agreed it isn't what I think of in a grapefruit scent but it's not bad. The lather is fantastic though. Considering I don't have much of a technique for soaps and only use face scrubbers I was pleasantly surprised how good the lather was.
Went back to the beginning where it all started. All the below are my my first purchases for DE shaving.
Razor: EJ DE89
Blade: Derby
Preshave : Proraso white
Shave cream : Proraso white
Brush: omega synthetic

Ok this is embarrassing. I've been bashing proraso for a while now, but this shave was great. One of the main things I look for is slikness and this had plenty of it ( probably to the Preshave but still).
The 89 was great also, I had vowed that I probably would not use it again. But Damn that was smooth.
I think my technique improved by going from a mild shaver and then moving to the aggressive.
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