Shave of the Day 2015

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Yep judging by this photo it looks like your arko lathers better than I ever remember it doing. Then again I couldn't be in the same room as it to make it change at all. long were you at that for 15 minutes or so?'ll turn to butter if you keep going.
... The Omega loaded with ease and it exploded as I face lathered.

WHAT - are you OK mate? That sounds pretty awful. I know that there are a few Omega fans around here but this is not a good sign :( Been lots of people unhappy about Semogues falling apart but exploding - that is a new one on me.

The amount & quality of lather generated was simply awe-inspiring. Arko has replaced Cella as my number one soap/cream as far as lather goes. I don't mind the scent either...

[gets out the popcorn]

So you are an Arko! fan then are you?

Tell us more ...
[gets out the popcorn]

So you are an Arko fan then are you?

Tell us more ...
...or not!

You might spare us all the dry-retching. Like recalling the taste of Southern Comfort coming up as a teen...and yet you still can't bear the thought of a sip of it years on...
... Like recalling the taste of Southern Comfort coming up as a teen...and yet you still can't bear the thought of a sip of it years on...


Brush: Semogue #620
Soap: Dr. Jon's Classic
Razor: iKon #102 on Weber bulldog
Blade: Feather (4)
Post-shave: Captains Choice Lime

This shave is brought to you by Filo 'Goodfella' Biblic. @filobiblic was neighbourly enough to loan me a couple of slants, and the #102 is one of them. Also was the man who brought Dr Jon's into my life - I need to show constant restraint to not buy myself a tub of Anne Bonny - and for that I truly thank him. But today we have their 'Classic' (also in my custody through Filo's hand). Yep that's it, "Classic" - a relief to hear a simple name for a change nothing evocative enough to sound like panel van art or a boutique enema. So let's start with the lather, it smells very, very, very ummm....soapy. I don't get much in the olfactory department. This, too, is good especially in the current climate of feeling slapped in the face by a gang of grans...
Segue: I recently handed over a full set of Soap Commander samples to @Mark1966 and it was like having four Lush stores in a single box. Now that was the full work-over by a posse of bingo blue-hairs. @SoapCommander, for my mind you're packing too much....
Lather was great once again. Protective, nice glide and no complaints with the post-shave feel either. This is the sort of stuff I imagine your pappy could have used daily. No so much spartan, but just simple, uncomplicated, effective.

Now this #102. This head is big, and when I say big I'm saying even on the Weber bulldog it looks like a political cartoon, or a whale breeching over a guy with a rod in a tinny. It don't look that big online but in-person she's large. Anyway not wanting to draw attention to its girth I loaded the Feather and the first thing I lost was the blade gap. I don't have one of them micrometer things that every dipshit on YKW seems to have, but my rough measure there's a blade gap of between zero and sweet FA. This concerned me as I'd missed a shave in honour of testing the #102 and feared a repeat of the cartridge days of tappitty-tap. ...tap...tap..tAP! on the side of the basin. But surprisingly not a single clog through the first pass. No problems. The shave WTG and XTG was not in the slightest bit aggressive - the geometry of the head and the blade gap make for a smooth ride. The shave is also fairly efficient. Having said that the ATG pass betrayed it was not in the smoothness and efficiency league of the AS-D2. In comparison the resistance was certainly there - I switched the blade back at shave's end and the AS-D2 was smooth as. This is no indictment on the #102 it's just not as 'mild' as the AS-D2....or feather-like as the Feather.

All up a nice shave 30% BBS and 70% DFS (of FGS in Australian)

Finished off with the CC Lime as it suits the Classic. Not so in your face when it's on it.
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Brush: Omega Boar
Soap: Shaver Heaven Hubba Hubba
Razor: Mule R41
Blade: Lord (3)
Pre-Shave: Alum
Post-shave: Alum, Nieva Sensitive Skin Balm, Nieva Originals After Shave Splash

Back home. Tried the Alum pre shave as well. The soap performs great and I still like the smell. Did a two pass shave with some touch up. Liking the Mule R41 more and more every time I use it, you must have some good razors @stillshunter to sell this one to me.

Razor: The Wolf SB-P WRH2
Blade: Shark Super Stainless (from the box)
Brush: Plisson Synthetic
Soap: Cella Red Tub (from the box)
Post-shave: Alum, Stirling Vetiver alcohol free Witch Hazel, Moroccan Organic Argan Oil

Today I realised, that I have only 3 more shaves left with the box and I that many of the products I would like to try will again slip through my fingers. Thankfully these thoughts came only after my very pleasant Sunday shave :)

Although I do not like my own Plisson Synthetic too much, mainly because of the handle and the too high loft, it is more pleasant than the Fank Shaving brush. Silky soft hair, easy to open up and brings out the best in every product.

This was my first encounter with the famous Cella today. Like with previous products, I do not want to comment on the scent, except to say, that is dissipates very quickly. From the second pass onwards there was very little almondy smell in my nose.

I can clearly see, why this soap is a favourite amongst wet shavers: it produces tons and tons of ultra slick lather from very little product without any effort. The lather explosion did not want to stop today. I like my lather a bit denser and more yoghurty – this was more light and fluffy, similar to Arko. I also had a very slight tingling in my face after the shave – I guess my skin does not agree with an ingredient – but both these observations fall in the YMMV category.

The Shark Super Stainless blade was very smooth, but not quiet as sharp as the Lord Super Chrome. It made for a pleasant shave, but at some very dense areas I felt a slight pull here and there. Still a very good blade, which I would also recommend – we all now how blades behave differently in various razor.

A great result with a fantastic post shave feel from the Argan Oil – like with Olive Oil, this is a great product for your post-shave routine and if you haven't yet, you should try it out!

Brush: L'Occitane synthetic
Soap/Cream: Dr Jon's Classic
Razor: Gold Dollar str8 (cheeks & neck)
Razor: NEW Long Comb with Weber Classic handle
Blade: Personna Lab Blue [3]
After-shave: Aqua Velva Ice Blue

How amusing that @stillshunter also used the Dr Jon's Classic soap today!

I love finishing with Aqua Velva after this soap (or any barbershop soap). Lovely scent; great face feel and that little touch of menthol.
Oh AV is barbershop is it? Now I know what that is meant to smell like.
Oh AV is barbershop is it? Now I know what that is meant to smell like.
That's my take on it. AV may have more musk in its base than most barbershops.
Barbershop seems to be a flexible scent category like fougéres (ferns/green wood).
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