Shave of the Day Thread - 2017

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Razor: artist club
Blade: feather pro (3)
Soap: monsavon
Brush: silvertip whipped dog

I am in love with the artist club kami, I'm seriously considering selling off some DE

Musgo Glyce
Klenzo b985 romera
Above the Tie Colossus R1
Martin de Candre
Chatillon Lux La Quatrième Ville Salve
Chatillon Lux La Quatrième Ville Aftershave
Australian Private Reserve General Ledger EDP

Well yes, actually. A fantastic Thursday innings :)


Brush: Vie-Long Horse
Soap: B&M Seville
Razor: Ever Ready, Featherweight
Blade: Gem SS
Post: Old Spice, Nivea balm

Great shave, great razor

Don't strike out guys, get yourself a Featherweight!
i picked one up for $5 and its now in my top 10 razors, very mild which i love and need, feels great in the hand and extremely light. standby for photos if her being restored.

Date: 08 June 2017

Brush: - Platypus P&C LE 2017 24mm Fan Manchurian White
Cream/Soap: - Tabac
Razor: - Colonial Razors "The General Alum. Head" with iKon Bulldog Handle
Blade: - Schick Proline P-30 #2
Post: - T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent / Tabac Aftershave Splash & Balm
Just had a shave now.

"Broken Hill" Bengall Straight razor
Cheap Chinese Badger brush
Proraso Green soap
St Johns West Indian Lime aftershave

Man, every time I go back to Proraso, I just love it. The smell and the shave are always excellent. I vascillate between B&M Bay Rum and Proraso Green - I can't pick a favourite.
No photo today because I've had exactly the same shave every day since the last post.

Razor: Colonial General with Windrose Handle
Blade: Feather Pro
Brush: TF Ash & Gold Synthetic
and APR Winterfell Soap, AS & EdT

Best daily shaver combo I've ever had!
Pre shave wash with Velvet soap
Feather AC DX with Pro Super blade (5)
Proraso Red
Proraso Brush
Re-lather and cold rinse

Another 2 pass DFS+. I should have loaded more soap - I thought I had enough but didn't. Just lazy on my part...
Wednesday, June 7

Brush: Omega Synthetic Hi-Brush
Soap: Proraso Green
Razor: Gillette Slim Adjustable (+3)
Blade: Astra Superior Platinum (1)
Lotion: Omega Alum Stick / Mennen Skin Bracer / Gillette Apres-Resage Gel

This week, I received a tuck of Astras along with a 1966 Slim. It's a blade I don't have much experience with and haven't used in some time. I was very aware of the blade on the first of three passes, but overall it provided a smooth and DFS shave without incident. I prefer a very sharp blade--most often a Silver Blue--when using a mild razor (in this instance an adjustable at a mild setting), but I see the potential of the Astra blades. There are a few more around here somewhere, and I will give this blade a trial.


Pre: Shower
Brush: TSW #24 Synthetic
Soap: APR Winterfell
Blade: Kirkuboshi 6/8 Full
Post: APR Winterfell

So I've hated the idea of synthetic knots from the get go. It's no secret that I love a big badger knot and using a plastic knot is abhorrent to me. But I bought this for a mate who is both tight with his money and a noob to wetshaving because they say a syhnth is the easiest thing to lather with. It's been sitting here for a week waiting for it's owner to front up for a demo on lather building. Curiosity go the better of me today so I took it for a spin - just to get the chemical smell out of it you understand.

So what do I think? It sure makes lather fast and easy but it is not difficult with a badger. This knot is soft, sure, gives the lather up easily etc, all good attributes. That said, I will never own a synth! You all thought I was going to love it didn't you? Well I don't. It has no presence, no scrub, no body, no density. If all you want to do is save money and get a great lather quickly, then this brush is top of the list. If shaving is "a thing" and you enjoy building a lather, and the feel of a great brush on your face then skip it and get a decent badger. It's like buying a Civic, over say a WRX. The civic gets you there in style, comfort, cheaply and efficiently, but it has no soul. Walking into the garage does not excite you. The WRX on the other hand, you can't want to get into, you enjoy every moment of the journey and the destination, whilst great, is only a small part of the experience. The same reasoning might be the reason I just can't get away from straights.

So, glad I tried one. Glad I prefer my badger brushes given the significant investment I have made into them!
i picked one up for $5 and its now in my top 10 razors, very mild which i love and need, feels great in the hand and extremely light. standby for photos if her being restored.

Pretty cheap to pick up, it was my first SE and cost about $5 too. It inspired me to try many since but coming back to this one, though it might be milder than many, is a pretty efficient shaver. I think it is underrated because of it's plastic handle but I like it and it does a great job!
Looking forward to those pictures.


Pre: Shower
Brush: TSW #24 Synthetic
Soap: APR Winterfell
Blade: Kirkuboshi 6/8 Full
Post: APR Winterfell

So I've hated the idea of synthetic knots from the get go. It's no secret that I love a big badger knot and using a plastic knot is abhorrent to me. But I bought this for a mate who is both tight with his money and a noob to wetshaving because they say a syhnth is the easiest thing to lather with. It's been sitting here for a week waiting for it's owner to front up for a demo on lather building. Curiosity go the better of me today so I took it for a spin - just to get the chemical smell out of it you understand.

So what do I think? It sure makes lather fast and easy but it is not difficult with a badger. This knot is soft, sure, gives the lather up easily etc, all good attributes. That said, I will never own a synth! You all thought I was going to love it didn't you? Well I don't. It has no presence, no scrub, no body, no density. If all you want to do is save money and get a great lather quickly, then this brush is top of the list. If shaving is "a thing" and you enjoy building a lather, and the feel of a great brush on your face then skip it and get a decent badger. It's like buying a Civic, over say a WRX. The civic gets you there in style, comfort, cheaply and efficiently, but it has no soul. Walking into the garage does not excite you. The WRX on the other hand, you can't want to get into, you enjoy every moment of the journey and the destination, whilst great, is only a small part of the experience. The same reasoning might be the reason I just can't get away from straights.

So, glad I tried one. Glad I prefer my badger brushes given the significant investment I have made into them!
Shouldn't hang shit on hondas bud, my buddy does 1:12s at Wakefield in his 1.8 N/A Integra. It might not make turbo noises but it grips hard and puts its power down.
About 2 years ago I swapped an integra engine into an EG civic and it holds its own perfectly well against other cars
Shouldn't hang shit on hondas bud, my buddy does 1:12s at Wakefield in his 1.8 N/A Integra. It might not make turbo noises but it grips hard and puts its power down.
About 2 years ago I swapped an integra engine into an EG civic and it holds its own perfectly well against other cars

Yes, my six cylinder 1.8L Honda Valkyrie has a reasonably high level of excitement that comes with it...

Preshave: Coconut oil
Soap: Crabtree & Evelyn Indian Sandalwood
Razor: Muhle R41 Twist
Blade: Rapira
Brush: Old Badger brush, make and origin unknown, it's just been around for a very long time.
Very glad I bought the R41. Nice to use. I like the open comb, doesn't choke like the closed bars. I haven't tried a feather blade in it yet.
Thursday 8 June 2017


Still on the Road, Still Enjoying My Mastro Livi RWL34 Razor

Still on the road and still enjoying this Mastro Livi RWL34 very much! I am very happy I have brought with me this straight razor and it is giving me exceptional shaves, smooth and with an impeccable BBS. Three passes of pure satisfaction for an irritation free shave and a super smooth skin. I have simply stropped this RWL34 razor on Mastro Livi travel loom strop - leather side, of course - followed by hand palm stropping and the razor was ready to give the best shave. The Omega Professional 48 shave brush did its usual excellent job in mounting a rich lather from the Negozio Leggero shaving cream. As usual, Pinaud Clubman aftershave delivers both a refreshing and spicy sensation. Great shave!​
  • Pre-Shave: RazorGuy Pre-Shave Oil
  • Soap: Negozio Leggero Lavender Hazelnut Shaving Cream
  • Brush: Omega Bristle 48
  • Bowl: Chinese Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Travel Loom Strop and Hand Palm
  • Razor: Mastro Livi RWL34, 8/8 Full Hollow, Snake Point
  • Post-Shave: Alum Block
  • Post-Shave: Argan Oil
  • After Shave: Pinaud Clubman Classic Vanilla
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