Yes every shave. Consistantly one side is smoother and more efficient than the other after approx 14-17 shaves. This was exactly the same results I experienced with the Gillette Stainless (red & white) which I retired at 33 shaves. The blade at retirement had plenty of life left in it. I learnt several key practises which seem to extend blade life of these Stainless blades.
1. Always remove the blade from the razor and applya 1 wipe over a microfibre towel to each side of the blade and leave to hang dry on magnet holder (thanks
@Chad for the idea, works great.) Normally the manufactures say not to wipe the blade. They claim it removes the coating on the blade. My results say BS. Every blade I have practised this way has doubled and some alot more than previous usage I was able to obtain from them. I believe the no wipe of the blade is marketing propaganda so you purchase more blades. YMMV
2. Wet Hand stropping certain blades periodically also helps to maintain the hone on the blade and help restore smoothness and efficiency. This has worked successfully with most good quality Stainless blades and AC single edge blades that I have used. Again YMMV.
I am confident now that I can extent a Nacet blades usage out to around 15-20 shaves, maybe even beyond.