Shave of the Day Thread - 2021

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Into the sky in a big willie? Preserve your dignity and stay on the ground, my friend...

Unfortunately due to being messed around by the Telco, nobody else could do express delivery. I cannot leave where I am without having to do another covid test. So no click and collect.
Unfortunately due to being messed around by the Telco, nobody else could do express delivery. I cannot leave where I am without having to do another covid test. So no click and collect.
Wishing you a speedy recovery good sir (y)
Brush: Proraso Omega 48 Chrome 28mm Boar
Razor: Merkur 34C
Blade: Kai (4)
Pre: Shower
Soap: B&M Lime, Lavender, Cedarwood
Post: Alum Block // B&M Lime, Lavender, Cedarwood A/S Splash // The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5 30 ml
WTG, ATG, Touchups = BBS

I've been enjoying the shaves using this soap as the scent although earthy is starting to grow on me but the real highlight has been the razor+blade combo as the shaves have been sublime and on par with my beloved Rocca.

I've tried other sharp blades (Feather, Nacet, Bic) with the 34C but none shave as close and evenly as the Kai with no hint of irritation or blood letting. Only shame is the $$$ for Kai's otherwise I'd happily stock up on 100 as they're perfect compliment for this milder DE and still going strong on shave #4... :love:

Stay Safe & Happy Shaves!
Brush: Proraso Omega 48 Chrome 28mm Boar
Razor: Merkur 34C
Blade: Kai (4)
Pre: Shower
Soap: B&M Lime, Lavender, Cedarwood
Post: Alum Block // B&M Lime, Lavender, Cedarwood A/S Splash // The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5 30 ml
WTG, ATG, Touchups = BBS

I've been enjoying the shaves using this soap as the scent although earthy is starting to grow on me but the real highlight has been the razor+blade combo as the shaves have been sublime and on par with my beloved Rocca.

I've tried other sharp blades (Feather, Nacet, Bic) with the 34C but none shave as close and evenly as the Kai with no hint of irritation or blood letting. Only shame is the $$$ for Kai's otherwise I'd happily stock up on 100 as they're perfect compliment for this milder DE and still going strong on shave #4... :love:

Stay Safe & Happy Shaves!

The Kai blade being about 0.3mm wider than your typical DE blade increases the blade exposure. Looks like it has transformed the 34C from a mild razor to a mild and efficient for your usage. (y)
I only noticed this week that NO misspells elixir as elixer. Unusual for me, I can usually spot a typo or spelling mistake from 40 paces. Maybe Cody is an illiter8 ba5tard... :unsure: ...or maybe he's a victim of the mispeling vyrus.

What? Counterfeit? My tub spells ELIXIR


That would explain why I took so long to spot it. I wonder what's going on there. Maybe someone slipped in a dud proof of the label. Interesting... :unsure:

This could be EPIC in collection value!

@Holiday you could be holding something of value.

OK who will start the thread?

Here is my tub spelt correctly.
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Pre: Hot Shower
Brush: Omega 10029
Soap: Blue Devil Tropical Colada
Razor: Schick Krona
Blade: Gillette Platinum (1)
Post: The Ordinary Glycolic Acid Toner, Nivea Skin & Stubble

It's a shame the Krona is criminally underrepresented; I had an excellent WTG/ATG BBS shave. It was almost autopilot; just use the angle on the head and away you go. One of the most efficient mild razors I've used, even with a medium sharp blade like the Platinum. A new favorite.

Pre-shave: Hot shower
Brush: Vintage butterscotch Rooney shaving brush
Soap/Cream: APR Fougere Trois shaving soap
Razor: Muhle R95 Rocca Birch Bark handle
Blade: Gillette Minora (5)
Post-shave: APR Fougere Trois splash
Fragrance: N/A

Great end to the working week, not sure what the weekend holds!

Pre-shave: Hot shower, Proraso green
Brush: Maggards 24mm synthetic
Soap/Cream: Haslinger SPA Sandelholz
Razor: RR German 37, Yintal
Blade: Gillette 7 o'clock Black Super Platinum (1), Voskhod (1)
Post-shave: Speedy's recipe - T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Invite E High Potency Pure Oil (10 drops), Natural Plant Glycerin (20) & Lime oil (10)

I finally got to use something other than a supermarket brush, and all I can say is, I get what all the fuss is about a good brush now. It makes a huge difference. I was trying a Haslinger soap for the first time and placed a small amount in my bowl as usual, then soaked it. When I lathered it I was initially somewhat confused about how little lather it produced. I'd read all about the great lathering ability of Haslinger soaps, so where was it? Then I realised it was all still in the brush. I was able to do some face lathering this time, which I haven't been able to achieve previously because the brush wouldn't hold any soap. Wow, I'm now looking forward to using some of the soaps I'm more familiar with to see how they perform with the new brush.

It was my first time using the 7 o'clock black and the first thing I noticed was how audible it was. I don't know if I just noticed it because I was at home alone at the time and didn't have anyone yapping in my ear, or whether it creates more sound than other blades I've used. Either way, it was a good shave without wowing me. That probably says more about the overall standard of Gillette blades than about this particular one. I now expect Gillette blades to perform well whenever I try a new one.

I thought I'd give @SpeedyPC aftershave recipe a go, though I didn't have any Tea Tree Oil left, to my surprise. I'm a bit of a Lime fiend so I chucked some of that in instead, and I was very impressed with the performance of it. It absorbed very quickly and left my skin feeling great. Unfortunately, the Lime didn't last long, but it was nice as I was applying it.
I thought I'd give @SpeedyPC aftershave recipe a go, though I didn't have any Tea Tree Oil left, to my surprise. I'm a bit of a Lime fiend so I chucked some of that in instead, and I was very impressed with the performance of it. It absorbed very quickly and left my skin feeling great. Unfortunately, the Lime didn't last long, but it was nice as I was applying it.
Welcome to the club :happy:

This Aristocrat is almost a RAD cure. It's that's good. The Yaqi boar is getting a few weeks of daily soaks along with my shave then 5 mins on a towel before drying. It doesn't know it's not touching my face and refusing to break in.

Razor-Gillette 1946 Aristocrat
Brush-Yaqi Space 26mm tuxedo
Blade-Bic Chrome Platinum
Soap-Blue Devil Lavender Patch
Aftershave-Not pictured Avon Deep Woods
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