Shave of the Day Thread - 2022

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Wacky Wednesday

Pre-shave: Hot flannel, Pears soap
Brush: CaYuen "Watermelon" 28mm AP G5A
Soap: Vintage Colgate - thanks @Sticky (y)
Razor: Blackland Sabre
Blade: GEM Blue Star (plain carbon)
Post-shave: Shower, Castle Forbes Lavender balm , homebrew moisturiser, La Roche-Posay Anthelios SPF50+
COTD: Gambella natural sundried process, Ethiopia

... and again.
Pre-shave: Hot flannel, Pears soap
Brush: CaYuen "Watermelon" 28mm AP G5A
Soap: Vintage Colgate - thanks @Sticky (y)
Razor: Blackland Sabre
Blade: GEM Blue Star (plain carbon)
Post-shave: Shower, Castle Forbes Lavender balm , homebrew moisturiser, La Roche-Posay Anthelios SPF50+
COTD: Gambella natural sundried process, Ethiopia

... and again.
I'm glad to see you've made that Colgate work! You must be some kind of a wizard.
There is no great difference with the carbon steel blades except the rust and that they give a smooth shave on the first use without a hand strop. It will be interesting to hear how many shaves you get from one.
BlackBird SS
TroyCraft 'Apollo' 26mm G5C fan
MdC Rose
Thayers Rose WH
WK Rose Concerto Splash

just starting to get over the worst gout attack of my life and as such didnt shave for a whole week, which in my case is practically a full beard :)

I was intending to tackle the beard with the JAWS, a perfect OC for so much hair but at the last moment decided to give the BB a run and see how it performed. Loaded up with a fresh BIC and WOW!!!

Could of been done with the first WTG pass, which produced a nice DFS+, but the shave was so good had to keep going. Three traditional passes got me an extremely smooth and comfortable BBS but I enjoyed the shave so much, had to go one more ATG on the face.

This last pass was pure bliss, BB is king in my den

@Gargravarr the G5C is a beast, feels amazing on the face, splays well and a total lather monster.. Not sure if this or my 'Purple Haze' lansky HD is my fav but its def out of these two brushes (y) hoping your new @TroyTools brush comes soon mate


Pre-shave: Hot flannel, Pears soap
Brush: Forgotten Art "Tarkine" 27mm Ω boar
Soap: Mystic Water - Jeff's Lavender
Razor: Blackland Sabre
Blade: GEM Blue Star (plain carbon), Personna GEM Stainless
Post-shave: Shower, Castle Forbes Lavender balm , homebrew moisturiser, La Roche-Posay Anthelios SPF50+
COTD: Gambella natural sundried process, Ethiopia

Taking a break from the Colgate for a few days, but kept going with that carbon steel blade. Or so I thought. By the end of the first pass though, it was getting pretty rough and my hide was beginning to suffer for it, so I swapped to my usual stainless blade. Interesting, I had thought it would go on for more than two and a bit shaves, though to be fair, a daily 3-pass shave of both face and head is a lot of mileage. By comparison, I get about 7 goes out of the stainless blades. I'll try again with another blade, but with stropping next time. Thanks @Sticky for the opportunity to try these (y) much appreciated
I'm glad to see you've made that Colgate work! You must be some kind of a wizard.
There is no great difference with the carbon steel blades except the rust and that they give a smooth shave on the first use without a hand strop. It will be interesting to hear how many shaves you get from one.
No wizardry needed, just a tiny amount of dihydrogen monoxide and squishing from my thumb to make the powdery bits stick together. Those little tins are useful for this purpose. :)
@Gargravarr the G5C is a beast, feels amazing on the face, splays well and a total lather monster.. Not sure if this or my 'Purple Haze' lansky HD is my fav but its def out of these two brushes (y) hoping your new @TroyTools brush comes soon mate
Glad you like it :D The Lansky is my next job for Troy, I reckon... :unsure:
No wizardry needed, just a tiny amount of dihydrogen monoxide and squishing from my thumb to make the powdery bits stick together. Those little tins are useful for this purpose. :)

Glad you like it :D The Lansky is my next job for Troy, I reckon... :unsure:

just a word of note for the Lansky HD, the HD part (High Density) is for real and not a gimmick. It is by far the most dense 24mm brush I have by far and sort of feels like the 26mm G5C (maybe a touch less dense) but splays just that little bit more. Its an excellent brush.

any update on the whereabouts on your brush?
All this talk of blackbirds and vectors and sabres is bombarding my brain 🤯. I've resisted till now, but I'm getting weak. Their force is strong.

the blackbird and vector are two totally different beasts and if you get a chance I would test drive a single edge razor before you decide. The majority of people love them but I just cant get along with them, feels like I'm out in the yard raking leaves than shaving but that's just me and I am in a minority I reckon.

the blackbird on the other hand, IMHO, is the pinnacle of shaving. At least with all the other DE's I have. But my WR2 1.25 is a very close second with the Lupo 95 and Rocca V4 not too far behind that
All this talk of blackbirds and vectors and sabres is bombarding my brain 🤯. I've resisted till now, but I'm getting weak. Their force is strong.

IMHO it really comes down to personal preference as Shane has all bases covered with his razors the best in their genre so if you prefer Gem/Artisan Club style razors the Sabre and Vector rule supreme and the Blackbird shaves as good as it looks with the perfect balance of efficiency, smoothness and blade feel to rival the more expensive brands!

I adore the Vector for its simplicity as virtually a cart on steroids but can see how its not for everybody and the Blackbird has a reputation for being a beast yet from experience its the better shaver than the Dart which requires a shallow angle otherwise it bites due to the pronounced blade feel that I don't get with the Blackbird!?

It cost me a couple failed Sabbatical's the last 2 years but well worth it so if you're looking for a premium addition to the collection than go Blacklands but saying that you can still achieve a decent shave using a 34C or DE89 but where the Blackland razors differ is on premium build and quality of shaves so YMMV and if you don't like them they're bound to find a new home on BST so what have you got to lose... (y)
Pre-shave:- Cold Shower
Bowl/Scuttle:- Captain's Choice
Brush:- Platypus P&C LE 2017 26mm Bulb Manchurian White
Soap/Cream:- Stirling Soap Co ~ Peach
Razor/Blade:- Blackbird SB SS Polished / Astra SP #5
Post/After-shave:- T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Invite E High Potency Pure Oil (10 drops), Natural Plant Glycerin (20) & Tea Tree Oil Antiseptic (5)
Fragrance:- Tommy Hilfiger for Men
Hotel shave, ordinary, view from 21st floor -



Hello BrisVegas!
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