The Paste & Cut Traveling Box No. 1

Thanks for the offer Sam.

Noting your abstaining I have three takers - any more???
Any other takers? I'm negotiating now with Michael to arrange a hand over for the beginning of the journey so don't be shy - hop in NOW!!!!
The box is on its way!

Handed over to Lynchy today - they JayDee then GThomas.

If you are interested just put up your hand :)
Thanks for doing all this Mark. It's a bit of a shame that this site isn't really big enough to produce some more takers.
Thanks for doing all this Mark. It's a bit of a shame that this site isn't really big enough to produce some more takers.

Well three guys get to enjoy :)
Sorry Mark,
What with getting married I appear not to have gotten around to sending you those Derby's for the travelling box (or the Shoguns to Pjotr for that matter).

Did I just notice some Ogallalah Bay Rum in the box? What is that stuff like? I wanted to buy some, but it was way, way more expensive here in Aus than anywhere else on the net, so I never went through with the purchase.

I did however point out the price discrepancy to the parent company, as I am getting fed up of the Australia tax that distributors seem happy to impose on us.
I might follow your lead and do the same, Egg. Did you get a response from the maker? It gets a good review most places, but as you say, the price here is crap.

Did you get yours locally Mark?
Is it too late to join? I would be keen as mustard for this!

No worries mate. PM me your details and keep active around here and it will be heading your way after the first three are through with it.

Sorry Mark,
What with getting married I appear not to have gotten around to sending you those Derby's for the travelling box (or the Shoguns to Pjotr for that matter).

No worries - I think that there might be some in there anyway.

Did I just notice some Ogallalah Bay Rum in the box? What is that stuff like? I wanted to buy some, but it was way, way more expensive here in Aus than anywhere else on the net, so I never went through with the purchase.

Yes there is, I really like it IF you remember to shake the bottle before application - if it has been sitting for a while it tends to separate a little.

I might follow your lead and do the same, Egg. Did you get a response from the maker? It gets a good review most places, but as you say, the price here is crap.

Did you get yours locally Mark?

No alas. the last trip to the US I picked up these samples along with a few others in the box from Pasteur and Cambridge Drug Store in Boston

So today was the first day with the travelling box! :D

I spent a lot of time with it last night pawing through its contents and smelling the many many different bits of kit. I have picked out my seven days worth of shaves, otherwise I would have spent 40 minutes each morning agonising over the decision.
The products I have picked to try are based on a wide variety of factors so each day I will post a mini review and why I chose those items.

As most of the stuff in the box is soaps, creams and aftershaves I have decided to use the same blade and razor for the duration of week. That way I will know what to blame/praise for the results. Also I plan to steal a few blades for after the box has left my hands so the reviews can continue on!

The Razor will be the 34 C and the blade will be the Gillette 7 O’clock Yellow. This is my go to combo ATM.

So.... Day 1.

Speick cream
& Spieck aftershave


Because I would like to buy both of these in the future, and seemed like a great way to sampleJ. I have the Speick stick and get great results, so my hopes were high.

And besides a branded shave is just too cool to pass up.


All in all it was a great shave.

I love the scent of Speick. It has a slightly antiseptic type smell if that makes sense? In a good way. Very manly as described by the highly developed nose of SWMBO.

Lather quality was great. Pass 1 and 2 the lather was nice and thick and thinned out a little for pass 3 but I got some great results regardless. Nice and smooth, a few nicks but that’s not unusual for me.

The Aftershave is equally as great, I had a small sample previously from Mensbiz and remember quite liking it. Now I remember why, smells amazing and doesn’t burn. Sounds like a winning combination to me!

Thanks Again to Mark....

and stay tuned for day 2.
Great review mate!

Don't get too fussed on the 7 days. With only three people up to 10 would be fine.
What Mark said. I'm in no hurry. Use and enjoy! I usually only shave every second day so I'll be hanging on to it for at least 8 days to get 4 shaves out of it.
Day 2

Arko Adventure Cream
Aqua Velva


I am a big fan of the Arko stick and thought hopefully it would provide the same lather?

As my obsession started by lurking incessantly on YKW, Aqua Velva appears to be a wet shaving staple so I couldn’t pass it up.


I was really rushed today I may have been running a tad late.

The Arko lathered up very easily, as one would expect. It was a nice think lather and seemed to be pretty slick too. The smell was fine nothing to complain about, maybe there was some pine in there, kind of soapy, kind of proraso-y also. (As you can see describing scents isn’t my forte) It also has a very mild mentholated feel, nothing compared to Proraso but still felt something.

Had a decent 3 pass shave, there was some of pulling and tugging which left me confused as it was a fresh blade, only the 2nd shave?
Left me with some minor burn on the chin, no fault of the cream I don’t think.

The after shave was applied well after the shave and I had already finished up with an Alum bloc, so there was no burning or stinging.

This stuff smells great, reminds me of my grandfather for some reason. Very old school and manly.

As the person who contributed the Arko (both the stick and the tube) I was looking forward to hearing how people like it (or don't!). Glad that you had a good run with it.

Agreed about Speick- the balm is awesome too.
As the person who contributed the Arko (both the stick and the tube) I was looking forward to hearing how people like it (or don't!). Glad that you had a good run with it.

Agreed about Speick- the balm is awesome too.

I think that the stick may have missed the box - I know who to send it back to now!

Great review Michael :D
Nope there is definitely a stick of Arko in the box! Excellent stuff IMO!

OK, the stick AND the tube - there you go. What box would be without a stick of Arko!
Day 3

Truefitt and Hill 1805 Cream

Genuine Ogallala Bay Rum, Bay Rum, Limes & Peppercorns Aftershave


Well I have tried the other 2 T’s and thought I should round it out with a third!

And both the cream and bay rum smelt so good!


Well after yesterday's issue I decided to give the blade another go, thought it might just have been an off day.... Well I was wrong, had to ditch the blade 1/2 way through the first pass!

Switched it out for another Gillette 7O'Clock Yellow and all was fine, maybe it was a dud?

Cream lathered up a treat, very similar to the other 2 T's which seems to make sense! Man this stuff smelt great, easily the best smelling cream I've ever encountered, very cologney (again poor scent describing).

All in all a typical 3 pass affair, nice and smooth!

The aftershave was great too, I was expecting some sting because it has alcohol but didn't get any! As for the scent, well it smelt like Bay Rum, Limes & Peppercorns :p

I liked it, it was really good. Wife gave it the nod too, she said it smelt like raspberries? Go figure!

Anyway looking forward to tomorrow!