2023 Shaving Acquisitions Thread

That's just the trouble. They did. Older Vectors like mine have no problem with any Schick blades that I've come across. Towards the end of that thread i mentioned earlier, I've detailed some measurements, and there are solutions if you're OK with tools.
I personally do wish Blackland would make some changes but it is what it is and I cannot expect Blackland or Shane to make changes based on one blade that seems to have so much manufacturing variations which in of itself is a problem.

I have read that thread a few times with much interest and appreciate your input. It's probably one of the more detailed analysis on the subject that I have seen anywhere. I considered making some modifications to the vector but at the end of the day I don't have enough faith in my skills or feel I have the ability to do it without messing it up. If Blackland sold additional top caps that would maybe soften the blow of messing it up but they don't so it makes it all the more nerve racking for me. I'm sure its relatively simple to do and many people can do it here.
I do personally feel that if the blade posts were perhaps a wedge rather than round post it would help as the last time I checked I think the odd cutout of the Schick blades did not help one iota.

I do also want to present another known issue one that mine has is that my top cap is maybe bowed or so blades might stick and be harder to remove from the top cap and if you press one side of the head it will seesaw the top cap. I'm not sure if anyone else has had that issue or taken note of that but it is apparently a thing for some now that I look it up. It occurs to me that maybe these is also a reason why the Schick blades also may have issues with the Vector also.
I do also want to present another known issue one that mine has is that my top cap is maybe bowed or so blades might stick and be harder to remove from the top cap and if you press one side of the head it will seesaw the top cap. I'm not sure if anyone else has had that issue or taken note of that but it is apparently a thing for some now that I look it up. It occurs to me that maybe these is also a reason why the Schick blades also may have issues with the Vector also.
That sounds like an actual fault. It shouldn't wiggle on its stick under any circumstances, and that's an issue I'd definitely raise with Shane. I have no doubt he'll come to the party.
Just realised I forgot to answer @Mr T's second question (where to get them)... I got my Proline P-30 blades from fromjapan.co.jp, but they don't seem to be listing them anymore. Connaught Shaving is always a reliable bet, but no guarantees that they're the cheapest. If you like, I could send you a few blades to try.
Agree that Schick Proline P-30s are the best of the bunch and the cheapest place to buy in bulk is from Japan.

Just pulled the trigger on a BB Vector in polished stainless.

What blades do you recommend, and where do you buy them from?
I'm late to the party here, and use a ATT SE1 rather than Vector, but I echo the other members above on the virtues of the Schick ProLine.
I never understood why Blackland felt the need to tighten up the tolerances in the first place as it seems to create more problems than there ever were before, by that I mean I never heard anyone complain about the Schick blades fitting before nor did I hear about anyone complaining about the feather blades being too loose or whatever for them to tighten up the tolerances but Blackland probably had perfectly valid reasons to do so. I guess I could use the Schick blades in my Feather artist club SS shavette.
That is not to say that the Vector is a bad razor it's just comes across as an if it ain't broke then don't fix it kinda situation. I do still love the Vector and get some very good shaves from it but I just wanted people to be aware that there is a potential for there to be other issues although this problem seems to be a little less likely to occur from what I have seen and relatively

I have no doubt Shane and the staff at Blackland would do whatever they can to help as I have only ever had very good experiences with Blackland and Shane but at this point I may have fixed it myself. I don't know how I didn't notice it before but I guess I have more time now. I did notice the blades would be harder to remove off the top cap rather than the blade sliding off nicely. I guess a good way to compare it would be the Razorock game changers vs the Smart-Helix Apollo light base plate mounts. With the Razorock Gamechanger the blade goes on tight and often creates an audible creaking sound and when you finish up and attempt to remove the blade there is a tactile stick to the blade posts that requires some effort to remove which can give off that same creaking sound where as with my Smart-Helix Apollo light the blade goes on and off very smoothly with not much effort at all whilst there is absolutely no play on the blade either.
It's okay, I believe I have fixed it and its looking fine now. I will probably shave with it tomorrow using the Kai Captain Titan Mild blade.

I can't wait to hear how you go with the Vector @MrT when it arrives. I got it in polished stainless steel also. If you like the razor when it arrives and are thinking about grabbing a stand then I can personally say that it is one of the best. The Vector fits in it like a glove and is really satisfying. It's probably one of the nicer fitting stands.
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Another @TroyTools brush handle goes into the den. I'm absolutely in love with this handle! I just have to wait for the glue on the 30mm board knot to harden before taking it for a spin.
Beauty! Looking forward to see the brake-in of that boar now that I’ve had my first boar brush just under a month.
I'm going to try it without a doing a break in routine so I'll see how it goes. If it ends up smelling like a wet dog or not taking any soap, then it will be left soaking for a few days.


Another @TroyTools brush handle goes into the den. I'm absolutely in love with this handle! I just have to wait for the glue on the 30mm board knot to harden before taking it for a spin.
Wow, lovely brush :love: You probably won't have any problem with that big boar not taking any soap, it more likely just won't give it back for a while... :p
Wow, lovely brush :love: You probably won't have any problem with that big boar not taking any soap, it more likely just won't give it back for a while... :p
Thank you,

I was trying to get an angle where the purple stood out but the lighting I was using just wouldn't allow it. Troy has posted better shots of it on his brush thread.

A Spitfire shaving mug, combining my love of shaving and vintage warbirds.

I'm not sure whether to just use a puck of some soap in it or dig out some P&B Spitfire soap from the tub to use.
That is a beauty - well done!
After some patient AusPost waiting time, yesterday arrived my 1959 D3 Gillette Executive Fatboy.

Apart from a little bit of plating loss on the doors, its in extremely good condition.
It did come with a case, but it doesnt seem to be the one that was sold with the Executive.
Does anyone have an idea of what this case may have come with?





This now gives me a full round of Fatboy, Slim & super Adjustable razors.... still keeping an eye out for a bargain toggle

More pics here
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After some patient AusPost waiting time, yesterday arrived my 1959 D3 Gillette Executive Fatboy.

Apart from a little bit of plating loss on the doors, its in extremely good condition.
It did come with a case, but it doesnt seem to be the one that was sold with the Executive.
Does anyone have an idea of what this case may have come with?





This now gives me a full round of Fatboy, Slim & super Adjustable razors.... still keeping an eye out for a bargain toggle

More pics here
Nice. Where did you pick it up from?
After some patient AusPost waiting time, yesterday arrived my 1959 D3 Gillette Executive Fatboy.

Apart from a little bit of plating loss on the doors, its in extremely good condition.
It did come with a case, but it doesnt seem to be the one that was sold with the Executive.
Does anyone have an idea of what this case may have come with?





This now gives me a full round of Fatboy, Slim & super Adjustable razors.... still keeping an eye out for a bargain toggle

More pics here

Looks like the case for the #70 set. This is not a common set so the case itself has value for a collector.
