2023 Shaving Acquisitions Thread

Just pulled the trigger on a BB Vector in polished stainless.

What blades do you recommend, and where do you buy them from?
I strongly recommend getting the Schick Proline P-30, because, the blade feels exactly the same as the Polsilver Super Iridium (old) & Wizamet Super Iridium (new) both are the same blades

I strongly recommend getting the Schick Proline P-30, because, the blade feels exactly the same as the Polsilver Super Iridium (old) & Wizamet Super Iridium (new) both are the same blades

Where did you pull this crap statement from?
Just pulled the trigger on a BB Vector in polished stainless.

What blades do you recommend, and where do you buy them from?
To get straight to the point, my go-to is the Schick Proline. I tried all of the commonly-available blades that don't have trainer wheels (you don't need them in any safety razor). I find the Feather Professional a bit meh, the Feather Pro Super great, but I now find that a bit too fierce to be a daily driver. I like the Kai PINKs, and it took me quite a long time to decide between that and the Proline to buy up in bulk.

Ignore any comparisons with the Polsilver SI, the Proline is way better. ;)

But a cautionary note: take a good read of this thread if your Vector is a recent model.
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Just realised I forgot to answer @Mr T's second question (where to get them)... I got my Proline P-30 blades from fromjapan.co.jp, but they don't seem to be listing them anymore. Connaught Shaving is always a reliable bet, but no guarantees that they're the cheapest. If you like, I could send you a few blades to try.
I just managed to pick up a Gillette super adjustable P2 which makes it a 1970.

It was full of decades of crud but a nice warm bath and scrub got it pretty looking good.
Not bad for $7



Very nice. I had something similar when I was in my late teens, and I liked it a lot. Especially because nobody in my shared household ever wanted to borrow it... :D
Just realised I forgot to answer @Mr T's second question (where to get them)... I got my Proline P-30 blades from fromjapan.co.jp, but they don't seem to be listing them anymore. Connaught Shaving is always a reliable bet, but no guarantees that they're the cheapest. If you like, I could send you a few blades to try.
This is the cheapest price for a whole box directly from Japan including free international shipping with a postage tracking number

The Proline P-30 is made in Japan click here

Edit:- FYI https://www.fromjapan.co.jp/japan/en/rakuten/search/Schick+proline/-/lgk-rakt_search (looks like they won't send it to Australia) eBay is your best option
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This is the cheapest price for a whole box directly from Japan including free international shipping with a postage tracking number

The Proline P-30 is made from Japan click here
Fukkityfuck! I don't remember paying anything like that. Worth asking Connaught what their bulk price is. Either way, I'd suggest trying before buying, as per my earlier post.
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Just a couple of soaps arrived at the office today.

I’m going to bring these home to my den, and I bet my wife will not notice a thing…
It will be interesting to hear your thoughts on Electric Sheep. Personally, I love it but it's one of those scents that you either do or you don't. There's no maybe about it.
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Just pulled the trigger on a BB Vector in polished stainless.

What blades do you recommend, and where do you buy them from?
I can confirm that there is and can be an issue with the Schick blades. Shane no longer even recommends them on the Blackland website because of this.

I bought a Vector maybe a year ago or more and it does not work well with the Schick Proline blades I have. I haven't bothered to modify the blades to work yet because I just can't be bothered at this point but it is something you should be aware of. It would be nice to be able to use them without fussing around and modifying them but it can be a hit and a miss sometimes. It also makes buying them a huge gamble particularly if you have no other razor that can use them so buying them in bulk could be a costly mistake. It definitely takes some of the shine away from the razor.

It is a wonderful razor and can perform very well with the feather and KAI blades nonetheless. Its hard for me to comprehend anyone that just outright dislikes the Vector based on its performance. I have personally used the feather pro guard blades and the Professional blades and consider to the professional blades to be pretty good. I have some Kai Captain titan mild blades that I have not tried yet but I hear good things about them.
I do wish Blackland had made some adjustments to the razor or there were more blades available for it but that is about my only complaint about the razor.

It is however a razor I can pick up, use and depend on to have a pretty good shave with each and every time so there is that.
I do wish Blackland had made some adjustments to the razor or there were more blades available for it ...
That's just the trouble. They did. Older Vectors like mine have no problem with any Schick blades that I've come across. Towards the end of that thread i mentioned earlier, I've detailed some measurements, and there are solutions if you're OK with tools.