2023 Shaving Acquisitions Thread


Not so much an acquisition but a recycling hack? This was the plastic bowl used for our takeaway chiraishi sushi bowls. Its 18cm outer diameter and 10cm inner with ridges might make it a good candidate for lathering. I also might glue two together for added rigidity. Will test it out.
A new brush from the masterful @TroyTools . I wanted something that was modern and non-traditional (not there’s anything wrong with traditional). I designed the shape myself using software and Troy was up to the challenge to bring my idea to life. This is his first three piece resin brush I believe. From the picture you can probably guess where I drew inspiration from. Very happy with how it turned out.

Wowzers that looks very 21st Century so well done guys!
A new brush from the masterful @TroyTools . I wanted something that was modern and non-traditional (not there’s anything wrong with traditional). I designed the shape myself using software and Troy was up to the challenge to bring my idea to life. This is his first three piece resin brush I believe. From the picture you can probably guess where I drew inspiration from. Very happy with how it turned out.

Wowzers that looks very 21st Century so well done guys!

It's too bland and plain, needs to bring out more COLOUR!

Multiple mail call today:
PAA Dapper Doc, a kind thought from @Holiday (y) (y)
P&B Imperial Rum. The travel mirror was to boost the spend over the line to get the P&C discount. :smuggrin:
P&B's Imperial Rum is the only Bay Rum scent that I really like. I've tried a lot of others but would never buy them again. I'll be sticking with P&B.
Once again in the space of just a few weeks, I am the object of the largesse of our P&C members, this time @Mark1966 himself. Now how am I going to explain the presence of the Crown Jewels in my bathroom cabinet? Perhaps I'll take a hint from the experts: Never explain... :unsure:


Glad they arrived safe and sound.

To set the record straight though - I've been the recipient of @Gargravarr's generosity previously, what goes around sometimes comes around!