2023 Shaving Acquisitions Thread

Have you considered an annual acquisitions thread instead of monthly?
There are less posts in acquisitions than SOTD which is annual.


Now there's a thought... :unsure:


It would require change though.

Probably have to engage a consultant.

Undertake a review.

Will need some stakeholder feedback.

[Sorry, caught up with a mate in the public service on the weekend, he had just spent a WEEK with two colleagues going through an interview process, I've clearly been tainted]


It would require change though.

Probably have to engage a consultant.

Undertake a review.

Will need some stakeholder feedback.

[Sorry, caught up with a mate in the public service on the weekend, he had just spent a WEEK with two colleagues going through an interview process, I've clearly been tainted]
The more bureaucracy, paperwork, and consultants you can throw at it the more at home I will feel with the decision, especially if they can take 18 months and $$$ to come back with the same recommendation in a glossy magazine that tells you how to make the change and the need to manage communication, training and business processes without actually doing it :)
WOW - we have change!

That is right folks - throw them all in here!

Pics are LOVED of you new shaving kit .

Non-shaving cool stuff here.
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I very nearly bought a fastback too, but went with this little beauty as I wanted a manual.... Lovely brush, I would like something similar.
My fastback is in manual. My wife drives manual too so both cars in the home are manual. Hopefully by the time my girls are old enough to drive manuals are still around.
My fastback is in manual. My wife drives manual too so both cars in the home are manual. Hopefully by the time my girls are old enough to drive manuals are still around.

My three kids all started to learn in manuals, all ended in automatics.

My son said flat out - why bother learning to drive a manual, it is unnecessary!
My three kids all started to learn in manuals, all ended in automatics.

My son said flat out - why bother learning to drive a manual, it is unnecessary!
A dying skill unfortunately. A manual gearbox is the last bit of driver involvement in modern cars that already do so much for you (lane keep assist, blind spot monitoring etc). But I'm not going to lie, the automatic rev matching in my car is such a convenience on downshifts, since the pedals aren't ideally spaced for heel toe shifting and it's simply just faster at it than I physically am.
A dying skill unfortunately. A manual gearbox is the last bit of driver involvement in modern cars that already do so much for you (lane keep assist, blind spot monitoring etc). But I'm not going to lie, the automatic rev matching in my car is such a convenience on downshifts, since the pedals aren't ideally spaced for heel toe shifting and it's simply just faster at it than I physically am.

My current i30 is an auto, my first and purchased to give the greatest access to the whole family. As kids have no almost all left home I can get what I want, a manual.

I did squib on the full boy racer 'N' with the 'N-line' but was surprised when test driving both how quickly it felt comfortable. Driving 'stick shift' rentals in Scotland, and particularly the near new Yaris in Ireland convinced me I'd made the right choice.
WOW - we have change!

That is right folks - throw them all in here!

Pics are LOVED of you new shaving kit .

Non-shaving cool stuff here.
I think we'd better all take turns in checking on the mental health of @Mark1966 over the next few days and weeks. For a man in his position to make such a drastic change, with no consultation, committees etc, one can only assume that it must have been so different to his normal experience that it will be very stressful and disorientating. Either that or it has been so liberating that it will go to his head and he'll suddenly flit between momentous decisions, like a bee visiting flowers, with nary a second thought given to any consequences. I see troubling times ahead... Umm, Mark, just wondering, how does your job affect my daily life? ;)
Well there you go, I didn't know that the fastback came in manual. Anyways, we gents digress....

... but in a cool MOD approved way 😉

I think we'd better all take turns in checking on the mental health of @Mark1966 over the next few days and weeks. For a man in his position to make such a drastic change, with no consultation, committees etc, one can only assume that it must have been so different to his normal experience that it will be very stressful and disorientating. Either that or it has been so liberating that it will go to his head and he'll suddenly flit between momentous decisions, like a bee visiting flowers, with nary a second thought given to any consequences. I see troubling times ahead... Umm, Mark, just wondering, how does your job affect my daily life? ;)

Perfectly fine, no need for any intervention, months of anxiety related workers compensation or even a wellness program.

Private sector employee, not public sector.
... Driving 'stick shift' rentals in Scotland, and particularly the near new Yaris in Ireland convinced me I'd made the right choice.
It always gives me a bit of a mental chuckle when Americans drop their jaws on the floor at people who can drive with a stick-shift. Back when I was getting my licence, only being able to drive an automatic was an admission that in fact you can't drive at all, and are only allowed on the road by special dispensation.

Never mind getting into a truck or even a 3-speed veteran Hispano-Suiza, where the unnecessary luxury of synchromesh isn't available.
It always gives me a bit of a mental chuckle when Americans drop their jaws on the floor at people who can drive with a stick-shift. Back when I was getting my licence, only being able to drive an automatic was an admission that in fact you can't drive at all, and are only allowed on the road by special dispensation.

Never mind getting into a truck or even a 3-speed veteran Hispano-Suiza, where the unnecessary luxury of synchromesh isn't available.
While it wasn't that long ago when I learnt to drive (1999, Malaysia), there were still cars around that I remember still had chokes.

Because I'm a Star Wars nerd