2023 Shaving Acquisitions Thread

VSHOD does sell good gear at good prices. He is also very generous with what he gives away when you order. If only he'd get a website designer in :)
Very generous altogether, given how much he gave away at the last charity auction. I've no idea what his margins are, but that must have taken quite a chunk out of them.
Very generous altogether, given how much he gave away at the last charity auction. I've no idea what his margins are, but that must have taken quite a chunk out of them.
He has stopped regular competitions, so I'm wondering if he may have reached a point where he needs to increase his profits to remain afloat or is simply slowing down. Hopefully neither, he has a great range and prices are pretty good when you include postage
He has stopped regular competitions, so I'm wondering if he may have reached a point where he needs to increase his profits to remain afloat or is simply slowing down. Hopefully neither, he has a great range and prices are pretty good when you include postage
I spoke with him last week about my order and he didn't mention anything.
He was still generous enough to throw in the Extro for free.
Let's hope he continues
Vintage Opel Shave Brush New 16mm Silvertip Badger Knot

He has stopped regular competitions, so I'm wondering if he may have reached a point where he needs to increase his profits to remain afloat or is simply slowing down. Hopefully neither, he has a great range and prices are pretty good when you include postage

Did somebody say VSHOD is going out of business?

QUICK - stock up now people!!!!

Buy ten of everything in case you can't later

[there you go @Wilkshire13 - we will be sorted for a while now with VSHOD still in business ;-)]
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Did somebody say VSHOD is going out of business?

QUICK - stock up now people!!!!

Buy ten of everything in case you can't later

[there you go @Wilkshire13 - we will be sorted for a while now with VSHOD still in business ;-)]
That reminded me of Alvey fishing reels.

A few years ago they were going broke and decided to close up after nearly a 100 years making reels. I bought 3 reels at around $300+ each and so did everyone else. They had so many orders the waiting list stretched past their closing date.

They made so much money, they stayed open and went into the spinning reel business. Then because of covid, they were going to close down so another company bought into them. Now they are moving into another workshop.

More comebacks than John Farnham 😆