2023 Shaving Acquisitions Thread

Mrs Nanook knew I was considering another shaving brush from Troy so she decided to contact @TroyTools behind my back and between two of them came up with this beauty. It's supposed to be for my birthday, which isn't until April but she couldn't resist giving it to me early (the brush, that is).

I said that we'll have to come up with a name for it, which drew a puzzled look from the wife. She suggested fireball, but I think it might become Firestorm.

It was so hard to take a photo of this one to really bring out its colours, so the pic below doesn't capture how beautiful this brush really is.


Beautiful - congratulations (y)
It’s March madness! Mods are asleep again…

Go wild and post your SHAVING Acquisitions here with pics.

As usual, cool non-shaving stuff goes in this thread

Those mods should be SHOT!!

Hopeless ...

Ordered some diamond paste from the USA on 2nd March, arrived yesterday! Vendor said it may a month or more so I was very pleased with 8 days.
Luckily, I had gathered the materials to make pasted balsa strops so immediately cut up the balsa and glued it to cast acrylic bases with Sikabond 105.
Now I just need to tidy up the sharp edges a little, lap the balsa, then apply the pastes to the balsa (0.5uM - 50K, 0.25uM - 100K, 0.1uM - 200K). Interested to see what
kind of edges I can get after finishing with 12K Naniwa SS then using these. Thanks to @rbscebu for detailed instructions.
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Ordered some diamond paste from the USA on 2nd March, arrived yesterday! Vendor said it may a month or more so I was very pleased with 8 days.
Luckily, I had gathered the materials to make pasted balsa strops so immediately cut up the balsa and glued it to cast acrylic bases with Sikabond 105.
Now I just need to tidy up the sharp edges a little, lap the balsa, then apply the pastes to the balsa (0.5uM - 50K, 0.25uM - 100K, 0.1uM - 200K). Interested to see what
kind of edges I can get after finishing with 12K Naniwa SS then using these. Thanks to @rbscebu for detailed instructions.
This may as well have been in German… I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Ordered some diamond paste from the USA on 2nd March, arrived yesterday! Vendor said it may a month or more so I was very pleased with 8 days.
Luckily, I had gathered the materials to make pasted balsa strops so immediately cut up the balsa and glued it to cast acrylic bases with Sikabond 105.
Now I just need to tidy up the sharp edges a little, lap the balsa, then apply the pastes to the balsa (0.5uM - 50K, 0.25uM - 100K, 0.1uM - 200K). Interested to see what
kind of edges I can get after finishing with 12K Naniwa SS then using these. Thanks to @rbscebu for detailed instructions.
Some very sharp edges! Make sure to do the finishing pull stokes.

Been after a "bog oak" brush since seeing a Black Anvil - The Druid and a few classy Rivas that were outside my budget and more recently @Sticky's boar
When this set came up on Etsy I jumped on it and Jean from NCWoodDesign kindly made the matching handle to fit snugly on this cheap razor to complete the set
Now I can mix and match with a few favourite razor heads

Been after a "bog oak" brush since seeing a Black Anvil - The Druid and a few classy Rivas that were outside my budget and more recently @Sticky's boar
When this set came up on Etsy I jumped on it and Jean from NCWoodDesign kindly made the matching handle to fit snugly on this cheap razor to complete the set
Now I can mix and match with a few favourite razor heads
Looks like a EJDE89/R89 shitty razor, oh well it’s just another bloody razor with a very reasonable brush and stand.

Been after a "bog oak" brush since seeing a Black Anvil - The Druid and a few classy Rivas that were outside my budget and more recently @Sticky's boar
When this set came up on Etsy I jumped on it and Jean from NCWoodDesign kindly made the matching handle to fit snugly on this cheap razor to complete the set
Now I can mix and match with a few favourite razor heads
Great looking brush! I really like the idea of ancient bog oak in a brush, love mine although it is very basic. Yours is a much classier design and great with the matching handle.