Agree 100% If they have a problem with their team of 36k people from 137 different Nationalities, then they either need to change their hiring process, or improve training. OBD modules are available for most cars, and fitted to a great number of work fleets in Australia now to not only track log book distances, but also to have greater view of the field force movements.With respect to your brother but I cannot accept the first paragraph. How difficult should sorting/dispatch/delivery be, with AusPost's decades of experience?
IF delays are occurring at Sorting Centres because "too many non-Australian workers still do not understand the delivery system on site", remedial training and regular supervision should be implemented to ensure understanding and correct procedures are adhered to.
IF delays are occurring because "too many non-Australian workers do not understand the delivery system ....... on the road" (inferring drivers), almost everyone has either a GPS or smart-phone with maps loaded. Indeed, I would be surprised if AusPost delivery vehicles were not fitted with GPS.
The "put up with it or shut up about it" attitude will result ONLY in the continuation of dismal customer service.
"The customer is ALWAYS correct."
Harold Gordon Selfridge, founder of Selfridges, named the world's best department store in 2010 and 2012.
At the end of the day, money is being paid for a service. It is not the liability of the consumer to be understanding of complications the provider is experiencing. It is the responsibility of the service provider to get their shit together.