November 2012 Members Acquisitions

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Few blades and my colognes arrived. Only the Paco Rabanne Chrome is there, between myself and my old man we also got the Paco Rabanne Pour Homme, Tommy Bahama Set Sail St Barts and Visconte di Modrone Aqua di Selva. I've only tried the Chrome so far, and it's pretty good but I'll save my impressions for when I've worn it more than once.


Hopefully I can stop buying blades now, I have about 10 to try.


I've got a Titan H1 on the way from Above The Tie.

I forgot to say, this is a really nice looking piece of kit! Keen to hear what you think of it when it arrives.
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Keen to hear what you think of it when it arrives.

It's arrived! A $180+ package lying on my front doorstep...

First impression is a heavy handle and a very light head. It is a precision instrument: when screwed together the handle just glides into the head, no looseness or sideways movement.
It's arrived! A $180+ package lying on my front doorstep...

First impression is a heavy handle and a very light head. It is a precision instrument: when screwed together the handle just glides into the head, no looseness or sideways movement.

Ah good old Aust. Post subcontractors! :wacko:

Hmmm odd as you'd want it to be more head heavy than handle - perhaps it balances out differently when used. Sounds well machined but to be fair for USD180 I'd think this is a minimum standard.

I do look forward to hearing how it performs and if it sings as much as they say, it does read like a very capable razor......don't sweat it if it's less than perfect the first few uses, thats completely to be expected until you come to grips with getting the best out of it. Lovely looking beast anyway, well done. :)
Looking forward to it!

May I post in the travelling blades section or stick to the SOTD area. I plan a solid test of 2 day stubble 4 day whiskers 6 day hair etc. I really really hope these have at least the longevity of the Schick blade or I shal be looking for some trades. Meantime first shave is but an hour away (gotta get dinner cooked).
Here is the eBay link mate. The price is crap, but the convenience of having all those blades bundled was enticing.
That's the guy it took me three months to get mine from. I won't be buying from him again.
............test of 2 day stubble 4 day whiskers 6 day hair etc.........

That's ridiculous! After discovering wet shaving you're supposed to look spick and span not like some Sydneyside wino. I'd love to swap something for a stab at one of the ultimate, out of production, Nirvana blades. Don't know what I can swap you but let me know if you're interested. Want some Sharks? They're as cheap as chips but just as good as any other blade I've tried so far. A user grade Damaskeene (if you haven't got one of those already)?

The more I read about Nirvana blades the more skeptical I become. Prove me wrong somebody! The latest nugget was somebody intimating they could get a month's worth of daily shaves from a Personna 74......they're that good. And of course....that rare
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May I post in the travelling blades section or stick to the SOTD area. I plan a solid test of 2 day stubble 4 day whiskers 6 day hair etc. I really really hope these have at least the longevity of the Schick blade or I shal be looking for some trades. Meantime first shave is but an hour away (gotta get dinner cooked).

Travelling blades is fine. Might be a slight difference between them but it is not large.
That's ridiculous! After discovering wet shaving you're supposed to look spick and span not like some Sydneyside wino. ......they're that good. And of course....that rare

I shall see Pj I have no idea at this stage - I do it that way to ensure its not one of those wonderful blades provided you never ask it to stretch. I am a lazy shaver who shaves when the mood hits me (and I do like my wine). :)
Ah I see, you're giving them the Special Forces, behind enemy lines training run. Makes sense. Don't worry about the swap thing. I'm just dying to say......Spoilers?.....much of a muchness....
PJ you're getting predictable mate, everyone knew you would say Much of a Muchness!

That's the guy it took me three months to get mine from. I won't be buying from him again.

That's extremely poor, mine took about three weeks I reckon. I probably wouldn't buy from him again either now, this was just a convenient once off.
PJ you're getting predictable mate, everyone knew you would say Much of a Muchness!

You're right. However if I come across a blade that ain't so, I'll wax lyrical. I know folks, send me your shittiest blades. I'm sure you've all got a 5 pack of Bluntsvilles you can let me try. At least it'll give me something else to say. Or maybe not.
You're right. However if I come across a blade that ain't so, I'll wax lyrical. I know folks, send me your shittiest blades. I'm sure you've all got a 5 pack of Bluntsvilles you can let me try. At least it'll give me something else to say. Or maybe not.

I will send you some Fakeidiums and Fakerubies and see how you go then.

Oh, and Gillette 365's. And Topaz.
All this talk of blades must have given me a brain snap - so I snapped up these.

What was I doing? Don't ask me!

BTW - I love the use of the word 'rare' as in so uncommon that I just happen to have ANOTHER card full that I will list straight away.

Who does he think we are? Is he working on the theory that there is a sucker born every day? Who would buy this stuff?
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