Paste & Cut Travelling Box No. 2 - Reviews and Comments thread

Tuesday's post.... brought to you by an OC molested epidermis.


Implement of hair removal good enough for a Bond movie.



After Shave

Derby Extra, much better performance and akin to what I expected, yet only achieved due to it's use in slim shady, yet still nowhere approaching what I consider acceptable.
Would not run out to purchase them though.
Taylor of Bond Street Avocado, worked ok, yet the scent isn't for me.
Did demonstrate that yesterdays shave was most likely the razor/blade combination and not the soap, as I envision this would have the same base, with the only difference being the EO's/FO's added.
Nivea after shave Replenishing Balm, better smelling and performing product than the sensitive version I have, seriously!
At a time when you would think sensitive would be a better option, this provided more relief, smelled better and was less greasy.

For the last two days, I shaved the night before and applied Ogallala Bay Rum, Limes & Peppercorns the morning afterwards.
It's aroma is intoxicating and I find that I get subtle hints all day long, depending upon how much I'm exerting myself at the time.
That suggests it lingers within the pores to be excreted with sweat, based upon my uneducated opinion alone.
It also does appear to prep the face for the day ahead.
It is one item from this experience that most definitely is upon my "getting" list (unable to use "shopping" as it's non-pc for some here).
I don't know why you have persisted with the Derby. I went through 5 of them when new to DE shaving, and hated them. About a year later I tried another blade, and it was just as bad.

The rest ended up in TP&CTB1 for anyone else to take (I may have been lucky last, and they ended up with @Mark1966) .
To be fair, no use judging things until tried at least twice in most instances, and they've a fair few fans out there.
To be fair, no use judging things until tried at least twice in most instances, and they've a fair few fans out there.
Really? I've not met anyone who rates Derby blades (or Merkur for that matter). Anyone know anyone who has gotten decent regular shaves from these potato peelers….and who actually has facial hair, and is in no way connected to the company or a reseller trying to alleviate dusty/rusty stock?
Derby's have always been equated to being 'par' blades in my reading experience - in so much as they're middle of the road, passing grade only, nothing spesh etc. They're ok as a change of pace so you can appreciate the better blades in your arsenal without resorting to masochistic madness like Pjotr does (using all manner of 3rd world semi-metallic scrap that purport to be commercially sold blades!).
There is nothing wrong with Derby blades unless you get a dud one. I have had only one dud so far.

Once your skills improve, they give a decent shave. Trouble is that most people try to learn with them, when they should be using Personna Reds instead.

I am going to load up with one on Saturday morning.
After a few stalled attempts, the box is upon it's merry way once again, leaving me here to reflect upon the experience.

Participating forced home a few truths, such as either my technique still has a lot of room to improve or I'm better off sporting a beard! (despite taking a break under the official premise of Movember, yet unofficially to allow a period of rest for the epidermis, I choose to believe within the first for the interim at least)
It forced me into socialising/integrating and finding the motivation to actively see something through, despite said Black Dog in the corner that insists otherwise (before any of you feel you owe an apology for any prior comments, you don't, ok).
I do hope my reviews, despite at times possibly polarising, have been of benefit to others as well.

It has been an honour to be trusted with the responsibility of temporary guardianship of the items within the box, particularly a one off prototype razor.
I also particularly appreciate those both private and commercial that have provided items for us all to experience.
As someone that holds little self worth due to a plethora of life's 'challenges', this genuinely means something and probably something we're all remiss in life.

From this, there are now a few items are upon my shopping list, with at least one an intended purchase as a minimum.
A few items I desired to try were a let down and others eye openers.

A set of sealed Made in Holland vintage Schick blades is what I added in exchange for the 444.

Thank you for this experience and happy shaving all :)
I found that the Travelling Box was like a Garage Sale; one man's trash is another's treasure. Some will work or be enjoyed, and others won't. It's always going to be up to every man to try, sample and have a go. It's an experience and it sounds like you had a good go of it. [emoji4]

You had a very creative way of reviewing the items Borked. It was a good change! [emoji106]
Or as they say YKW, YMMV.

If every item suited everyone the same, there wouldn't be the plethora of shaving products for us all to try out.
Status of "Awaiting Collection' since 0833 this morning and yet, it's not under your roof that we know of by now @stillshunter ?
I promise, there's no ARKO!!!! that I know of in the pack, it's safe to assume the pos... errr, rush down and collect your bounty of samples to try, test and possibly even molest (who knows what the ardently anti-arko folks do with their stuff and more pertinent, who want's to)
What a great idea, wish i joined earlier and got in on this.
There will likely be another one in time. But there is going to soon be a vintage blade pass-around AND some Muhle blades are being offered also. Check out the relevant threads (sorry- can someone else link as its too hard on the phone).
Status of "Awaiting Collection' since 0833 this morning and yet, it's not under your roof that we know of by now @stillshunter ?
I promise, there's no ARKO!!!! that I know of in the pack, it's safe to assume the pos... errr, rush down and collect your bounty of samples to try, test and possibly even molest (who knows what the ardently anti-arko folks do with their stuff and more pertinent, who want's to)
All things being equal she'll be in my custody by this afternoon - then, excitedly, I'll begin my new routine of shaving every hour on the hour for the next fortnight. Being a little over 300 shaves I figure I should get to sample around 10% of the goodies in the box.
Stills you have a commission to tell me what the occams lime smells like - I'm scared it might be similar to other 'lemon lime' scents I've tried recently
The Eagle has landed. I repeat, the 2.2kg bird has plopped down to Earth!

…will open later tonight and maybe even has a couple of weekend shaves - that'd be a first for…well ever!

Stills you have a commission to tell me what the occams lime smells like - I'm scared it might be similar to other 'lemon lime' scents I've tried recently
@Nonick , mate, I only got GFT Limes to compare it to. So will try my best.
Ahh sorry bud, thought for a second it was occams lime in the box but I remember it's original. Gotcha Speick -Thanks!