Paste & Cut Travelling Box No. 2 - Reviews and Comments thread

Hmmm sounds to me like you need to try a straight :p
You're doing the typical newbie thing, trying everything you can think of. There really isn't that much difference between one blade or the next particularly for a shave or three. The common factor in nearly every bad shave you've described is the OC. Ditch the damn thing. OCs almost without fail suck. Don't even look at the R41. Give your face a rest, look for a mild razor like a Gillette Tech and concentrate on your technique rather than which blade you can shove in which razor.
Today's post.... brought to you by 1 rad, 2 bad & 2 sad = an empty wallet/full den!


Implement of hair removal good enough for a Bond movie.



After Shave

PSS finally, I hear folks speak of these as one of the top 5 modern blades, yet also that they require the right angle.
I will persist to find the right angle, as not the closest, nor most comfortable shave in slim shady on 9, yet I think there is potential.

KMF Lavender lathers ok, yet there's virtually no smell.
It is nothing exceptional, yet appears to be an average to ok cream.
It didn't come out very slick, yet did develop quite a thick lather.
I did try adding more and more water, until it was dripping off my brush, to no avail, so it was not a hydration matter, be it under or over.

Floid bit of sting, bit of menthol hit, not much aniseed to my nose, an undertone that leads to associations with old man smell (not quite able to finger the exact scent), that fades into a Jovan type musk.
Better than yesterdays attempt, that's for sure and will probably hit it up again to form a more concrete verdict.
You're doing the typical newbie thing, trying everything you can think of. There really isn't that much difference between one blade or the next particularly for a shave or three. The common factor in nearly every bad shave you've described is the OC. Ditch the damn thing. OCs almost without fail suck. Don't even look at the R41. Give your face a rest, look for a mild razor like a Gillette Tech and concentrate on your technique rather than which blade you can shove in which razor.

I already suggested that. For some, OCs suck like nuclear powered Dyson.

PSS don't require the right angle, user does. Blades will barely vary in edge angle, the tolerances are too small. You've opened the slim up to 9. You're giving yourself more room to miss, and probably wandering into the scrape zone.

Slims are mild as fuck, but open them up and while they still can't cut for shit, can irritate like buggery. They lose their usefulness on 5-6.
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...Give your face a rest, look for a mild razor like a Gillette Tech and concentrate on your technique rather than which blade you can shove in which razor.

Or slap one of the sharper modern blades into an adjustable notorious for being a bit finicky when wound wide open.

What are you trying to achieve Borked? Serious (well as serious as I get) question. It's reading like you are chasing some sort of "magic shave" from the box. Apologies if I am off base.
Jeez... No wonder you can use a mild razor these days Drubs with such a (passive) aggressive technique :p
Ummm, great reviews @borked !!!
Ummm, great reviews @borked !!!

They are. But also a bit scary.

..........PSS don't require the right angle, user does.........

Similar argument to: "Guns don't kill, people do". You a closet National Rifle Association member?

.....Blades will barely vary in edge angle, the tolerances are too small......

I've got a few blades I'd like you to test that theory with. I think they're made in Kazakhstan by a local black smith.
Or slap one of the sharper modern blades into an adjustable notorious for being a bit finicky when wound wide open.

What are you trying to achieve Borked? Serious (well as serious as I get) question. It's reading like you are chasing some sort of "magic shave" from the box. Apologies if I am off base.
Let's see @Drubsta moderate it so he is before you again ;)
Seriously, I'm looking to experience as many software related products as possible.
I've allergies/intolerances and find some products most folks are fine with react severely with me, so it is about experiencing what works chemically for me first and foremost, then figuring out after that what actually works as intended.
I've maintained use of what I've been regularly been using of late for some foundation, that being the Bondesque slim shady and the shedomatic.
I spent a while with those two and just Astra Platinums w/ Col Conk Amber as the soap to develop something resembling technique, so come from a solid foundation and changing one thing at a time, ie blade, soap or brush.
As for the Pureman Open Comb, I've no experience with one before, so trying to wrap my head around it and make the most out of the opportunity to try a prototype, as I simply don't know if that will ever be afforded again.
YOu've no need to apologise, as your question is genuine curiosity and based around trying to help me, well at least that's how I read it's intentions :)

I already suggested that. For some, OCs suck like nuclear powered Dyson.

PSS don't require the right angle, user does. Blades will barely vary in edge angle, the tolerances are too small. You've opened the slim up to 9. You're giving yourself more room to miss, and probably wandering into the scrape zone.

Slims are mild as fuck, but open them up and while they still can't cut for shit, can irritate like buggery. They lose their usefulness on 5-6.
Hmm, I've found that if I'm tired, my angle can be off and result in a poor shave, be it irritation or the other spectrum, non-close shave.
Maybe ymmv comes into it ?
Perhaps Drubstas School of Shaving has merit and I'm wrong ?
Maybe we're both right/wrong ? :eek:
I will have to find the post of the DE's I've inherited and purchased and seek your recommendation out of the lot... or you could be a sport and seek it for me ?
What say you mate ?

Ummm, great reviews @borked !!!
Thanks, I try to keep them factual based and remove the variances that would be personal experience, such as my allergies/intolerances, so they're of use to everyone.

They are. But also a bit scary.

Similar argument to: "Guns don't kill, people do". You a closet National Rifle Association member?

I've got a few blades I'd like you to test that theory with. I think they're made in Kazakhstan by a local black smith.
Why are they a bit scary ?
Nah, send him some obsidian ;)

I've taken a day off for those looking for my latest travelling box experiences.
Let's see @Drubsta moderate it so he is before you again ;)
Seriously, I'm looking to experience as many software related products as possible.
I've allergies/intolerances and find some products most folks are fine with react severely with me, so it is about experiencing what works chemically for me first and foremost, then figuring out after that what actually works as intended.
I've maintained use of what I've been regularly been using of late for some foundation, that being the Bondesque slim shady and the shedomatic.
I spent a while with those two and just Astra Platinums w/ Col Conk Amber as the soap to develop something resembling technique, so come from a solid foundation and changing one thing at a time, ie blade, soap or brush.
As for the Pureman Open Comb, I've no experience with one before, so trying to wrap my head around it and make the most out of the opportunity to try a prototype, as I simply don't know if that will ever be afforded again.
YOu've no need to apologise, as your question is genuine curiosity and based around trying to help me, well at least that's how I read it's intentions :)

Appreciate the honesty for sure Borked. I much prefer to see guys call it as they experience it than gush about something because others have rated the product.

I guess from the outside I am wondering if all the software products you are trying are getting a fair go due to the hardware choices.

I totally understand wanting to have a bash with the Pureman OC. I would too. I just don't really understand why you went to a wide open slim on the next shave after a couple of rough ones. I get that you are thinking about which products don't cause a reaction but what happens if you get to the end and you have identified a bunch of products that are potentials but you have had lousy shaves everytime? I wouldn't want to buy them all and then have to figure out which also perform as shaving products too...

Hard to know much about the blades you are trying too if your face is crying out for a break. Good choice on having a day off IMO :)

Just my $0.02 anyway mang :cool:
Today's post.... brought to you by a grand olde society!


Implement of hair removal good enough for a Bond movie.



After Shave

Wilkinson Sword, not sure if modern or vintage and which variant of what family, yet it just worked for my in slim shady dialled out to 9.

Palmolive, lathers ok, ok slickness and cushion, yet the smell, oh the smell.
The smell reminds me of Pert 2 in 1 shampoo/conditioner.
Thanks, but no thanks, back into the box for you.

Ogalla Bay Rum, Limes & Peppers, I can see myself buying this.
Barely any sting after applying.
Aroma is the right combination of sweet and spice with a hit of bitters from lime.
I will definitely be hitting it up again to form a more concrete verdict.

Tonight's combination is the closest I've came to BBS, ever, with only a slight hint of roughness under the chin when approached against the grain!
The Ogallala is one of my favourites - got my wife to get me some when she was in the US earlier this year - it is just great.

I'm with you too on the reaction to the Palmolive although I've not tried that product. There are lots of products that work well - it is it the little things like scents that make a lot of difference.
There are lots of products that work well - it is it the little things like scents that make a lot of difference.

How can two people that have had nasal lobotomies like arko be allowed to suggest any other smell is unpleasant?
Today's post.... brought to you by the impending two day break, yay!


Razor (image stolen from



After Shave

Wilkinson Sword, not sure if modern or vintage (can whoever inserted it into the collection elaborate assist here ?) and which variant of what family, yet it provided the best shave I've had with the Pureman OC.

SuperMax Ultimate Menthol, lathers ok, ok slickness and cushion.
The scent is neither here, nor there, it just is.
Still awaiting the menthol hit though.
Could be my face no longer has nerve endings though...
TBH, it exceeded my expectations of it and I'd reach for it over the Palmolive.

D.R Harris Arlington Aftershave Milk,
it is ok, nothing special and probably too light/floral for my liking (which is saying something considering Gardenia/Jasmine are two scents I'm quite partial to).
Not really effective for irritable shaves, particularly if you've a few weepers/cuts, yet can see it being ok as a daily, if the scent is your thing naturally.
Also to note, my face is still oily 30 minutes after application.

Tonight's combination gave me the best result with the Pureman OC as of yet.
Despite this, it still is far from devoid of irritation and required a full face dance with some alum.
In a @gthomas04 moment of Einsteinesque brilliance, I deduce the Wilkinson Sword blade is the savior here ;)
How can two people that have had nasal lobotomies like arko be allowed to suggest any other smell is unpleasant?
My friend, I believe that you call it an open mind :)