Shave of the Day 2015

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Will if you ever do a bourbon based scent, I will be first in line (y)
Johnny GoodSir's TMBR soap has a base of whiskey. The scent is spectacular.

Brush: Frank Shaving synthetic
Soap: P160 Tipo Dura
Razor: Gillette NEW Short Comb
Blade: 7 O'Clock Green [1]
After-shave: Blue Stratos After shave

I've got a chance to try a whole lot of new shaving products on loan. All these are items I've never tried before.

I have a Frank Shaving badger and have used numerous synthetics (at least 4 different kinds) but this was by far the largest! I don't have calliper shut this is probably a 28mm knot. It's not dense, but has a lot of hair nonetheless. It lathered well, but not great. I found that it put too much air into the lather and so it wasn't as dense a lather (cf Plisson or Muhle STF). There was certainly a lot of lather and it went everywhere!

I've used P160 Tipo Morbido which is the softer croap. This was distinctly harder and (probably due to age) lacked the sweet almond scent. It generated a good lather with glide and protection. I blame the brush for not giving me a better lather that I believe can come from this soap.

I have used a NEW Long Comb but this was my first with the Short Comb variant. This is a beautiful razor in colouring and to shave with. It feels a little less comfortable than the LC, with just as much efficiency. It wiped off my 2 & 1/2 day growth easily. I really love the NEWs - they really are great Open Comb razors.

The 7 O'Clock (green) Permasharps are constantly recommended but I've never given them a go. (Too many blades to try really!) It paired well with the NEW SC. It's difficult to judge when only used once with one razor. But I'll definitely give these a run for a while to see how they go for me.

After my usual alum and Argan oil post-shave, I applied the famous Blue Stratos aftershave. I'm a big fan of the category "Barbershop" scents so this with its light citrus and powdery musk suits me well. Not too heavy, the scent seems to have reasonable longevity.

Pre-Shave: Occams pre-shave soap, cold water
Razor: The WOLF(man)
Blade: Voskhod (1)
Brush: Semogue 610
Soap: Barrister & Mann Cheshire
Post-shave: Alum, Ghanese Organic Shea Butter, Stirling Vetiver alcohol free Witch Hazel

Perfect shave! The brush has still a long way to go - but produced already 3 passes worth of fantastic lather - the B&M soap makes it easy I guess :)
A smooth and stress free SE shave.
Hot washer on my face for maybe a minute.
Create lather in scuttle.
Today used my GEM Contour with GEM SS blade [9]. Feels much like shave #1. GEM blades don't get grabby when they are dull, they just don't cut as well. You still get a good close shave, it just takes a bit longer.
This razor is one of the last manufactured by GEM and the head style gives a mild feel but still SE efficiency. You could still cut yourself but it would take a concerted effort.
No cuts no weepers and no irritation.
Total of 2 passes for DFS/BBS with a cold water hand shower rinse between passes finishing with a cold water wash.
I may use my Schick M series adjustable tomorrow.
Brush: Semogue 620
Razor: Aristocrat Jnr
Blade: English Gillette Platinum
Soap: Le Pere lucien
A/S: Le Pere lucien
Razor: 37c
Blade: Voskhod
Brush: Omega S10108
Soap: MWF
Aftershave: Antesol

It was my first shave with a 37c and my first Merkur shave. The razor was a delight to use. The torqued blade sliced through my chin and neck stubble with flair. It's definitely more bitey than the RRSS though.

Also a delicious bowl lather of MWF that I painted on with the big synth.
When did you get the 37c? Hope you have more luck than I did with it...
Brush: Semouge OC Badger
Soap: Barrister and Mann Diamond
Razor: Muhle R41
Blade: Voskhod (0)
Post-shave: Alum and Nieva After Shave Sensitive Balm.

Another new blade thanks to the package @Monsta_AU delivered. Did a two pass shave today. Usually I am hesitant with the Muhle R41 as I haven't always got great results. Today the combination of razor and blade produced a great close nick free shave. The blade felt smooth on the skin and performance was great.

The soap also played its part. It provides a great cushion to my face. Smell wise, I still get the cut grass smell but it is not quiet as dominant as when I first opened the soap. You smell grass but their is a sweetness behind it. You can picture yourself at a local park watching a game.
Brush: Semogue Cerda
Soap: I Colionali Mango Oil Shave Cream
Razor: Weber PH
Blade: Feather (1)
After-shave: Thayers Witch Hazel & Myrsol Agua Balsamica

Incredible soap! Top Shave! Nothing more to say.

See my review in the Shave Soap forum
Decided to go a bit retro today with a 1939 Schick E type. This is probably one of the most blade exposed Schicks and requires almost negative pressure.
Wet the face well and today used my Turkish #6 Horse hair to face lather. For a small brush it does a mighty good job.
While the Schick has a lot of blade it is still an exceptionally smooth shave and the complacent can, as I did nick oneself. I did my standard 2 passes and got a wonderful shave.
Today after my cold shower face wash/rinse I patted dry and applied a bit of plain witch hazel. Normally I don't use anything after shaving but this was a new razor in my line up and although it felt smooth I did nick myself. There was a bit of a reaction but nothing to make me look for a bowl of ice cubes.
All in all the Schick E is a great razor and not to be feared. It is a totally different shave to my SE GEM razors and will certainly stay in my SE rotation.

So, what tomorrow?

What Thayers do you use most regularly and recommend Peach?

My favourite so far has been Rose but it comes down to preference. Some may prefer the unscented version so that it doesn't interfere with their aftershave. Some may prefer an astringent version. There's even a Peach scented one :) but I haven't opened that bottle yet.
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