Shave of the Day 2015

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Pre-Shave: Occams pre-shave soap, cold water
Razor: BBS-1
Blade: Voskhod (1)
Brush: Vie-Long 13065S-2
Soap: Stirling Lavender & Sage
Post-shave: Alum, South Australian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Stirling Vetiver alcohol free Witch Hazel

First shave with the BBS-1 and first shave with the Vie-Long from @Draco Noir - what a great day!

The horse has been already broken in - the lather production is sensational! Takes a bit of time, but the end result is easily comparable with the synths - if not better. There is still a tiny bit of scritch left in the brush, but I know from experience it will be gone in the next 1-2 shaves. Wonderful brush and again my gratitude to @Draco Noir for helping me out. @Gifts& have gotten now the refund from their shipping company and I will be getting (hopefully soon) an Epsilon brush in from them as a replacement...

Now to the BBS-1: I have been wanting to try this one for ages and when it came up on TSN, I had to go for it. And so glad I did. The razor is definitely more aggressive then the Wolfmann - yet it is still so very very smooth. What a joyful first shave. The angle comes as naturally, as with the Wolf, the craftsmanship is stellar...I think the only weak point is the handle. I somehow like the WRH2 I have more. I don't know, if this is because I am so used to it by now or if it is a balance thing. But hey - they are interchangeable, so how cares :D :D :D
Hey @bald as . Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems to me that GEM ptfe coated blades are the only choice? The rest are too harsh or are used as scrappers.
Razor: 37c
Blade: Feather
Brush: Omega S10108
Soap: Palmolive Stick
Aftershave: Pinaud VIBR

The 37c/Feather combo is exhilarating. I don't care for Feathers in normal DE razors but I'm finding that slants make them not only tolerable but actually very enjoyable. I really rate this Merkur right up there with the best razors I've shaved with.
@Lifes a Peach, it was a somewhat tongue in cheek comment. I know SE blade choice is fairly limited however I personally find the lack of choice is fantastic as the GEM SS blades are just so good. I have 2 - 100 blade tubs from Connaughts. If anyone believes that SE blades are somehow inferior due to singular choice they are possibly not shaving correctly with an SE razor. They are very sharp and give very good blade life. I haven't tried carbon blades but they are very old blade technology. You need to keep them totally dry even coating them with oil between shaves or they will discolour and rust. First shave they are apparently excellent but don't last any longer than a DE blade. I think you can still get Treet carbon blades in America but seriously not going through the continual dance which blade is my blade for which DE razor is a definite plus. With the GEM blade, life is about double or more longer than most DE blades but that is a definite YMMV. Some people more some less. Blades delivered to Australia are about 32 cents each which is normally about 4 cents or less per shave. Apologies for the longer post to a simple question but I hope it is info that is useful if you get your SE mojo going. :)

Razor: 37c
Blade: Feather
Brush: Omega S10108
Soap: Palmolive Stick
Aftershave: Pinaud VIBR

The 37c/Feather combo is exhilarating. I don't care for Feathers in normal DE razors but I'm finding that slants make them not only tolerable but actually very enjoyable. I really rate this Merkur right up there with the best razors I've shaved with.

Glad you enjoy the 37c so much - felt a bit bad taking the RRSS home...
Razor: 37c
Blade: Feather
Brush: Omega S10108
Soap: Palmolive Stick
Aftershave: Pinaud VIBR

The 37c/Feather combo is exhilarating. I don't care for Feathers in normal DE razors but I'm finding that slants make them not only tolerable but actually very enjoyable. I really rate this Merkur right up there with the best razors I've shaved with.

@khun_diddy sounds like a great shave. I must try a slant razor one day. What is the Pinaud aftershave like, I hear they are very popular in the USA.
Actually that is a reknot - in Pure by Simpsons - a little scritchy but nice :).....

I meant to say pure.

...........So can I still get SLAP membership?

Although the vast majority of your razors are "Razor Rescue" jobs and your brushes are ditto, based on the sheer hardware volume I think your average dedicated Amish person would cringe at the thought. That's ignoring the vast pile of soaps you've accumulated. On the whole I'd say no.
@khun_diddy sounds like a great shave. I must try a slant razor one day. What is the Pinaud aftershave like, I hear they are very popular in the USA.

Pinaud, in the main, are very low-rent aftershaves that should be generally avoided. The Virgin Island Bay Rum, however, is outstanding. Its scent is highly medicinal and it's one of my favourite aftershaves at any price.
Pinaud, in the main, are very low-rent aftershaves that should be generally avoided. The Virgin Island Bay Rum, however, is outstanding. Its scent is highly medicinal and it's one of my favourite aftershaves at any price.


Pinaud Special Reserve is magnificent, complex and multi layered. Even 'The Veg' which doesn't like me is very complex and an amazing scent
Brush: 1305
Soap: MdC fougere
Razor: DE89
Blade: PSS (1)
Aftershave: Lucky Tiger

Close but no cigar....well not the smoothest of Cubans anyway.

First shave with Sir Irisch Moos. A slippery chap that's a good mate to keep around. [emoji6]
Opinion upon scent ?
Opinion upon scent ?

I like it a lot. Don't know how to describe it but it's completely different to the scent of Tabac. Don't know why they discontinued it. You'd think with the increased interest in traditional shaving that having two different soaps on the market wouldn't be that bad. Particularly as Tabac has a scent that isn't universally liked.
Brush: Simpsons chubby 2 super
Razor: Fatboy (3)
Blade: Feather
Cream: Baum be
Post: old spice

Lovely shave this morning. My chubby is now on its way to be broken in and it such a unique brush. It's like a warm velvet wall with just the right amount of flex. Despite its size it doesn't feel like a huge brush as it holds its shape magnificently.

As for Baum be its one if my all round favourites in terms of scent and performance.
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@Young Buck 's Chubby is a bit of a surprise packet. Not the lather hog that I had expected it to be. Really good brush!
I like it a lot. Don't know how to describe it but it's completely different to the scent of Tabac. Don't know why they discontinued it. You'd think with the increased interest in traditional shaving that having two different soaps on the market wouldn't be that bad. Particularly as Tabac has a scent that isn't universally liked.
Mate @borked knows full well the scent of Irisch that schtick looks familiar ;)
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