Shave of the Day 2015

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@Maxime D. did you end up trying your Gillette traitee blades, like the one below? I got a few in an ebay deal a while back, and have not been very impressed with them.
The Micor 3000 I bought from @Mark recently (see #5 here) will occupy the place I intend to one day fill with a Hoshi Tombo.
An absolutely gorgeous razor mate, cherish it!

Why @stillshunter? AFAIK it's quite possible the Micor 3000 is just as good a razor as the Hoshi Tombo - it's actually not that easy to buy a crappy Japanese straight razor. Except for outright collectibles like Iwasaki Tamahagane Kamisoris and Westerns, it seems to me the prices you see on on the bay are driven more by rarity and condition (and opportunistic greed) than by any intrinsic quality. Be happy with the razor you have - it's obviously a little beauty and it's had the incomparable @Mark treatment. The "Grass is Greener" syndrome is something which if allowed to grow can result in a lifetime of dissatisfaction.

And btw, the Hoshi 6000 in the photo is no centrefold - it started out much like @StueyB's current project and took a lot of buffing etc to bring it up to acceptable appearance before I sent it off to Mark...
I have been shaving very simply the last week or so. Trying various soap formulations and the past few shaves using the Olive oil type soap we have made. It is just a really comfortable soap. I have been preparing the soap in the scuttle I got from @stillshunter . I'm also enjoying my Schick adjustable, I can maybe understand why some consider it like a cartridge but to my mind appearance is the only similarity. Press and drag like a cart and the shave will be far less than the perfection you can get with a gentle caressing touch, they are a wonderful razor. It is a true SE blade, no flex, smooth and exceptionally sharp.
@Maxime D. did you end up trying your Gillette traitee blades, like the one below? I got a few in an ebay deal a while back, and have not been very impressed with them.

I haven't tried them yet but thanks for reminding me that I own some : ) I'll try one on my next shave.

What's this look like mate?

I had to do some modification as the screw was already broken when I purchased it ( 10$ for the records), still it produce a very decent shave & is quite aggressive. I use it for my Double WTG shaves.

Not the greatest shave I've ever had. Reminded me why I hate cartridges. Luckily the rest of my overnight travel kit made it reasonable. The Speick soap is a great travel item and always manages to impress me.

Proraso pre original
Schick "Extreme" 3
(Extremely crappy is all I can say)
Omega mighty midget
Speick stick
Cade ASB
Creed Aventus

3P preshave
Rooney Emillion
Figaro Monsieur Gold
Gillette Tech on SABI handle
Gillette Silver Blue (1)
Figaro Monsieur aftershave

I've been meaning to use the Tech head with a heavy handle for ages so today I paired up this heavy made in England head with the SABI handle. It made for a really nice combo with the mild head but it seemed to shave nice and close with the extra weight in the handle.

What's your feedback/opinion upon the Figaro Monsieur Gold ?

Pre-Shave: Occams pre-shave soap, cold water
Razor: Wolfman WR1-SB with WRH2
Blade: Voskhod (2)
Brush: Paladin Chief
Soap: Bald As Olive Oil #1 (Soap made and kindly donated by @bald as)
Post-shave: Alum, Stirling Vetiver alcohol free Witch Hazel​

Finally used the olive oil soap kindly donated by @bald as:
Super easy to lather - I think it is by far he easiest soap to lather in my stable
Fantastic glide
Hold its shape perfectly

If you still don't believe it - the proof is in the Paladin :D
Before the first pass and after 4 passes:


Congratulations to @bald as for another great formulation!

Oh and the shave was great:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Slicker than a slippery thing. Lathered up very easily and smells really nice. It's an oud scent apparently. I don't have much oud experience but I liked it. A LOT.
Oh, so otherwise, you're going to PIF it my way you dislike it that much ? :p
Stupid me one day might learn not to ask enabling questions :)
3P preshave
Carsons Apocathary Exotic Oud cream
Rooney Emillion
Gillette Tech
GSB (2)

Testing out a new cream on passaround at the moment.

Strange consistency, kind of like paint or really runny custard.

The scent is kind of flowery and not really my thing.

I found the lather quite slick and yoghurty and it had a fair amount of residual slickness. Good post shave feel so no aftershave today.
Razor: Mohle RM30
Pre-wash:Kalamzoo Face and Beard by Lush
Soap: Proraso Red
Brush:Frank Shaving badger
ASB: nivea alcohol free
Thoughts:I found the pre-wash helped to soften my bristles up nicely especially when i left it on for 10 minutes while i had a vape and finished my coffee.
using fingers to apply some none lathered up soap was a huge help in removing the last few stubborn spots i seem to keep missing in my usual passes. being able to see the skin was a huge help. i'm sure in time i'll get better at it by touch alone.
Balm while not exactly best thing since sliced bread did a good job of calming my face down immediately the longer i sit here the more that warm "raw" type feeling is slowly building back up. isn't to the level of being painful or anything but it has returned a touch. besides that face is actually feeling nice to the touch and it's very low scent which i quite enjoy since i'm not much of a cologne person
I would but erm....I'm running low on soap lol. I got mine from italian barber but I'm told tvbshaving has it now. Not sure who delivers cheaply to the colonies :)
I've got you covered then.
Will send a few pucks of Col Cok :)
Deal ?
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