Shave of the Day 2015

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Razor: Wolfman WR1-SB on WRH1
Blade: Polsilver SI
Brush: Simpson CH2 Super Badger
Soap: Mitchell's Wool Fat (in Tabac dish)
Aftershave: Fine American Blend

The Wolfman produces an effortless shave every time and it is the most well made shaving tool that I own. The low profile head makes it easy to maneuver and get into tight spots while the head design really clamps the blade in place so there is no chatter as I sometimes find with the R41. It has a fair amount of blade exposure which makes it quite efficient but not at all harsh. It isn't as efficient as an R41 but it is efficient enough for heavy beard types and for every day use. I really like my R41 as well but it requires close attention, works best after a few days growth and can be a bit harsh for more than two consecutive days use.

SWMBO conveys so much of this PC c**p and the neutering of most men seeking permission from the fiery little or not so little dragon in the corner. Oh I can't do this cause the "little lady" won't like it or "won't approve of that".
So sad. Just communicate and grow a p**r.

Any room on the balcony?
Personally I prefer SWWISBF - it really says it all (and the balcony is starting to get crowded :)
As a kid watching the Muppet Show - the balcony was always one of my most favourite parts - so anything I can do to get you guys up there ranting even more - I will be delighted to do so :D
all seems a bit elaborate to me (Bloom water to face....really?
bwahaha.. hardly call throwing some soapy water on my face elaborate :) Don't think the oil does anything for me either tbh

My advice is not to change anything until your technique is locked and loaded
You're totally right about the lure. Get a few good shaves under the belt and think it would be good to try something new, only to be caught out.
@borked i was referring to the razors more so than the blades. I still havent tried any of my vintage blades. Are there any particular blades you are after? If i have any i'd be happy to send them on.
Razors too ?
Hmm ;)
You know how to pique my interest mate.

As a kid watching the Muppet Show - the balcony was always one of my most favourite parts - so anything I can do to get you guys up there ranting even more - I will be delighted to do so :D
"Bork, bork, bork!"
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As a kid watching the Muppet Show - the balcony was always one of my most favourite parts - so anything I can do to get you guys up there ranting even more - I will be delighted to do so :D

Just become a honemeister (sorry I mean a to-gi-shi), post sexy pictures with lots of Japaneses stuff in it and the now overcrowded balcony will erupt.
Nice shave tonight. Face is still really messed up but I'm actually finding a straight is easier to navigate the bumps etc than an SE or DE. That may sound odd if you have never used a straight but being able to see the blade is a major help.
Tonight I used the original @Mark honed Gold Dollar which was the reason I started this unusual entertaining journey. 2 passes with a solid DFS. It is still lovely and sharp as it has been sitting in the background and shadows of other razors in my arsenal.
Just become a honemeister (sorry I mean a to-gi-shi), post sexy pictures with lots of Japaneses stuff in it and the now overcrowded balcony will erupt.
I just realised I have nothing to hone (well except my kitchen knives) nor any Japanse shave gear (well again except my kitchen knives) - no other way for me to erupt the overcrowded balcony :whistle:

Face Wash : Shower
Pre-Shave : Myrsol Emulsion
Brush : Vie Long Epsilon Horsehair
Soap : Mike's Lime
Razor : Kamisori - Katanaya Tamahagane
After Shave : Argan Oil
After Shave Splash : Alvarez Gomez EDT

Today's shave is dedicated to @Mark1966 :
  • Honemeister accessories - Check (y)
  • Kamisori - Check (y)
  • Artsy fartsy photo - Check (y)
  • Bloody candlelight - Check (y)
And as a side note - it was a lovely shave! The Epsilon made easy work of producing a near perfect lather from the Mike's Lime, and the Kami was brilliant, as you'd expect from a razor made from samurai sword steel (Tamahagane). The Alvarez Gomez EDT has a really super fresh, citrusy, Summery fragrance and is very affordable from our friends at Gifts and Care.
Great photo!

What a set up.[emoji7] the stone, what breed is it mate??
1000 likes upon your head young @Mark1966. You have expressed my thoughts in a much politer way than I would have. I did suggest some time ago that there should be a separate area for those who felt the need to play artsy crafty buggers with their shaving gear. I have no problem with them doing this but please give them their own area where they can display their visual pornography to their hearts content (and like the hell out of each other at the same time.)
Twas created.
Twas called SOTD.
Twas good.

...thou hasth the Finished Products thread for thou surly pleasure. Go forth and populate.
Formerly is was @gthomas04 and myself who were "the muppet show old boys on the balcony" but based on that tirade I think we can dispense with convention and invite @Mark1966 to the balcony..

No, @Mark1966 - stay down here where the action is. Leave the balcony to those who want to play the age card instead of other things they could be doing :(

Great photo!

What a set up.
emoji7.png the stone, what breed is it mate??

Thanks for the compliment @stillshunter - unfortunately @Mark1966 detected some micro alignment issues involving the creases in the fabric and marked it down in the Zen score. Note to self : iron backdrops some time soon. Besides which, didn't you know that photos have been declared evil, along with positive contributions to this thread and the egregious crime of "liking" said contributions? o_O

The stone is a Nakayama Kamisori Mizu Asagi (mouthful lol) and is a hard (Lvl5) and fine finisher. It is indeed beautiful - I'll be sad when the stamps get honed off it :(

...thou hasth the Finished Products thread for thou surly pleasure. Go forth and populate.

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Thanks for the compliment @stillshunter - unfortunately @Mark1966 detected some micro alignment issues involving the creases in the fabric and marked it down in the Zen score. Note to self : iron backdrops some time soon. Besides which, didn't you know that photos have been declared evil, along with positive contributions to this thread and the egregious crime of "liking" said contributions? o_O

Actually I scored it very high both shave wise and photographically. In photography as in shaving there is a balance point that delivers a sense of harmony. It may be the length of the handle or the position of the scales. In @Draco Noir's shave image there is either an unconscious or chosen use of the Fibonacci or golden mean positioning of the crease in the fabric which provides a counter point to the shaving elements.

Twas created.
Twas called SOTD.
Twas good.

...thou hasth the Finished Products thread for thou surly pleasure. Go forth and populate.

I doubt squeezed out tubes of cream or empty, tatty looking soap tubs would make good objects for photographic porn.
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