Shave of the Day 2015

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OOPS missed yesterday's SOTD.
Brush: Omega 31025
Soap/Cream: MWF
Razor: American Button Company (ABC) Pocket
Blade: Feather
After-shave: Speick

Not bad, one thing I'll not be disappointed about come Winter is using the MWF more often. Lathers well for me. I feel lucky.

Brush: Aesop 23mm STF2
Soap/Cream: Speick
Razor: American Button Company (ABC) Pocket
Blade: Feather
After-shave: Floid

Forgotten how good the Aesop brush is - a little later I've got to compare it directly with the Plisson synth. Thinking the Germans might have it over the French on this count....we'll see. Certainly a win for the Germans with the Speick. Got the closest shave of the week. First time face lathering for a while and the STF2 and Speick worked this hand-in-glove.
Last shave on the road for now.

RRSS is being soaked in hot water to be cleaned and put to bed for at lest a week or two...

Did a Marco with Stirling Coniferous - had some left for maybe 2-3 more shaves, but as its not my favorite scent, I didn't want to bring it home and truly overloaded. Boy what a great lathering machine that is and as usual can't stop the facetrubation :)

Really like the Gillette Goal and really glad I got a couple hundred to take with me - not 100% sure if they are the same as the Super Platinums - will post pics in a couple of days.

And last but not least: finished my sample of Stirling Lavender and Sage Witch Hazel splash - fantastic product and love the scent.
Forgotten how good the Aesop brush is - a little later I've got to compare it directly with the Plisson synth. Thinking the Germans might have it over the French on this count....we'll see.
FWIW @Nightguard did this exact comparison recently, making the assumption that the Aesop is essentially the same knot and ~overall brush as the Muhle 33K256he preferred his Plisson Synth. Hence the Muhle got booted and found its way to my doorstep. Haha that said I'm going to be doing exactly the same comparison as Nightguard, so the poor ole Muhle is prolly sick of the sight of that lil Frenchman winking at him from across the rotation.

Shan't spoil the fun of a comparison thread but IMHO they're definitely different fibres with the Plisson being noticeably softer in the tips, geometry of the knot shape and also density differs too. Interested in hearing how you find them head to head.
FWIW @Nightguard did this exact comparison recently, making the assumption that the Aesop is essentially the same knot and ~overall brush as the Muhle 33K256he preferred his Plisson Synth. Hence the Muhle got booted and found its way to my doorstep. Haha that said I'm going to be doing exactly the same comparison as Nightguard, so the poor ole Muhle is prolly sick of the sight of that lil Frenchman winking at him from across the rotation.

Shan't spoil the fun of a comparison thread but IMHO they're definitely different fibres with the Plisson being noticeably softer in the tips, geometry of the knot shape and also density differs too. Interested in hearing how you find them head to head.

Thanks Nick. Yeah they are very different and I'd say any 'bitterness' is purely down to personal preference. But I will try to be as independent as possible when I do the comparison down the track...but if you have both you might try the same. Be great to hear!
Yesterday's SOTD,
Brush: Vintage Simpson Re-Knot in Super
Razor: Rocket HD
Blade: English Gillette Platinum
Cream: GFT Lime
A/S: GFT Lime Skinfood

Great shave ruined by a lousy A/S, I don't know what it is about the Limes skinfood but it always causes irritation, the Coral and Sandalwood both work great for me. A real shame as the scent is perfect.
Razor > Gillette Rocket 'Parat'
Blade > Gillette Super Thin Blade
Cream > Erasmic
A.F > Pinaud Clubman Virgin Island Bay Rum

The blade is one of two that I got with a lot of various vintage blades. I've no idea where it come from : /

How you find the XXX mate? I've got some for trade as I've never mastered it - just wondering what it needs?

Yeah, I like it, although I don't think the performance is as good as everyone raves about.

It's pretty thirsty, so you will need to use plenty of water. Plus, I find that sometimes I need to add a bit more water by the last pass, as it's drying out on me by then. I also find that the residual slickness on my face is minimal too, especially if the lather is on the dry side.
By the way, this was my first attempt at shaving this morning... DAISO SHAVE!!!


I picked it all up for $8.40

The result? It sucked. Hard. Besides the boar brush smelling like pig, it was small and pathetic. The razor was so mild I could hardly take off all the whiskers, and the shave cream was not of the lather variety.

Needless to say, I washed my face and started again from scratch with the shave above. The daiso products are going in the bin.
I love the XXX I was using my barrister and mann soap this morning and between them 2 I would say it's a tie for my all time best performer.

Interesting... I much prefer the performance of many of my other soaps. But maybe I need to learn it better.

How are you going with your Soap Commander soaps? I love mine. If you're unhappy I could always take them off your hands... ;)
My xxx sample is plenty thirsty.
Not really a SOTD - just prep for tomorrow's -

Safely in a wooden bowl (ex-C&E). Not before taking some off the bottom though -

to form part of you know what ...
to form part of you know what ...
Mate, you're the most generous bloke! Fancy sharing that with us uncouth larikins in a travelling box!!?
I must say, it's shaping up to be an impressive box of samples: B&M, Shaver Heaven, MdC, AdP and now this. Strewth! We'll have to insure the box when mailing it!
Interesting... I much prefer the performance of many of my other soaps. But maybe I need to learn it better.

How are you going with your Soap Commander soaps? I love mine. If you're unhappy I could always take them off your hands... ;)

Not sure, could be different water or even different batches vary in performance but I have never had any trouble and also one of the easiest soaps to lather I have used.
Soap commander is ok, very thirsty soap for me it actually dried on my face on one of its first uses. The scent takes some getting used to, probably the strongest and speciest scent I have come across.
Just finished my daily ritual (DE morning & straight evening). I finally cracked out the Palmolive Shave Stick with Palm Extract that @Mark1966 sent up. I just sliced a piece off the end (enough for about 4-5 shaves) and placed it in my lather bowl (a nice wooden C&E bowl that I purchased when I bought my straight and knew nothing about soaps or wet shaving. That is until I joined this knowledgeable forum). I found the Berkeley Badger got a good lather though I had to work it a little longer. That may have been as I had a small disk of soap loose in a wooden bowl - a bit slippery. The lather was not super slick but performed well. I did not experience any dragging on my skin and moving the straight on my face was too easy Campese. Though lacking that super slickness and any any discernible scent (certainly one that stays with you) I found the Palmolive Shave Stick with Palm Extract a pleasure to use and recommend it as an efficient shaving aid.
Brush: Vulfix 2233
Razor: Weber PH
Blade: Polsilver (3)
Cream: Castle Forbes Lavender
A/S: Captain's Choice Bay Rum

I always seem to forget just how nice the lather from Castle Forbes is. Works up very quickly to a nice dense, cushioning and slick lather. And the scent is just divine, smells just like lavender with a very slight hint of vetiver. Now I need to find a matching A/S splash.
The Polsilver could be made for the Weber, barely even felt the razor but a perfect, irritation free shave was had.
The scent takes some getting used to, probably the strongest and speciest scent I have come across.
What scent do you have?
I finally cracked out the Palmolive Shave Stick with Palm Extract that @Mark1966 sent up. I just sliced a piece off the end (enough for about 4-5 shaves) and placed it in my lather bowl (a nice wooden C&E bowl...
You can also grate it and press it down into your bowl. That would possibly be easier.

The other option if you prefer to face lather is simply to wet your face and rub the stick over your face. Then you directly face lather it.
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