Shave of the Day Thread - 2016

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Pre: Shower/ Face wash
Brush: Simpson's Chubby
Soap: First Canadian
Razor: Jenes Sandor's 6/8 Kamisori
Post: Alum, Thayers and Chatillion Lux
My first shave with a kamisori today and it went great. I lapped up about 50 times on my leather strop, got my lather ready and cautiously jumped straight in.
First off, the weight of it is a bit more then any of my straights, but that was a good thing due to me only relying on the weight to slice through my whiskers. And slice through whiskers it did, with about 4 days growth it was gone with 2.5 passes; a little bit of clean up on the chin at the end did lead to a little nick.
After that I washed my face, applied the alum block; I did notice a bit of sting on the neck, but that was from me over stretching the skin. The Witch Hazel & Cucumber Thayers is always great on soothing the skin, as is the Chatillion Lux, my face is a little bit greasy after an hour of putting it on due to the humidity today. I would like to try one day the Aftershave Tonic that they have for Chatillion Lux.
So all in all a DFS with my first ever shave with a Kamisori.

Enjoy your shaves gents (y)

P.S. I can't wait to see how you (@silver) go on your journey with your kamisori.:)

Pre: Shower/ Face wash
Brush: Simpson's Chubby
Soap: First Canadian
Razor: Jenes Sandor's 6/8 Kamisori
Post: Alum, Thayers and Chatillion Lux
My first shave with a kamisori today and it went great. I lapped up about 50 times on my leather strop, got my lather ready and cautiously jumped straight in.
First off, the weight of it is a bit more then any of my straights, but that was a good thing due to me only relying on the weight to slice through my whiskers. And slice through whiskers it did, with about 4 days growth it was gone with 2.5 passes; a little bit of clean up on the chin at the end did lead to a little nick.
After that I washed my face, applied the alum block; I did notice a bit of sting on the neck, but that was from me over stretching the skin. The Witch Hazel & Cucumber Thayers is always great on soothing the skin, as is the Chatillion Lux, my face is a little bit greasy after an hour of putting it on due to the humidity today. I would like to try one day the Aftershave Tonic that they have for Chatillion Lux.
So all in all a DFS with my first ever shave with a Kamisori.

Enjoy your shaves gents (y)

P.S. I can't wait to see how you (@silver) go on your journey with your kamisori.:)
great write up! I can't wait as well. Been on the road lately, so been using hotel razors for convenience sake. Good to see how you are going with your first go with the kami. Some insight for me to get kick started.

How was the shave overall? Do you like shaving with a kami so far? Does seems daunting, but I'm sure it's rewarding. [emoji4]
great write up! I can't wait as well. Been on the road lately, so been using hotel razors for convenience sake. Good to see how you are going with your first go with the kami. Some insight for me to get kick started.

How was the shave overall? Do you like shaving with a kami so far? Does seems daunting, but I'm sure it's rewarding. [emoji4]
Cheers, the shave overall was great. It was a little bit tricky to get the angle and feel for the razor at the start, but a few strokes it got more comfortable.
So far its was nice to shave with, it does feel more dangerous to use then a normal straight razor though haha

Pre: Shower/ Face wash
Brush: Simpson's Chubby
Soap: First Canadian
Razor: Jenes Sandor's 6/8 Kamisori
Post: Alum, Thayers and Chatillion Lux
My first shave with a kamisori today and it went great. I lapped up about 50 times on my leather strop, got my lather ready and cautiously jumped straight in.
First off, the weight of it is a bit more then any of my straights, but that was a good thing due to me only relying on the weight to slice through my whiskers. And slice through whiskers it did, with about 4 days growth it was gone with 2.5 passes; a little bit of clean up on the chin at the end did lead to a little nick.
After that I washed my face, applied the alum block; I did notice a bit of sting on the neck, but that was from me over stretching the skin. The Witch Hazel & Cucumber Thayers is always great on soothing the skin, as is the Chatillion Lux, my face is a little bit greasy after an hour of putting it on due to the humidity today. I would like to try one day the Aftershave Tonic that they have for Chatillion Lux.
So all in all a DFS with my first ever shave with a Kamisori.

Enjoy your shaves gents (y)

P.S. I can't wait to see how you (@silver) go on your journey with your kamisori.:)

That's one spectacular blade.

Is this modern steel and maker?...and a proper Eastern chisel grind?
That's the 2-band silvertip fan 25mm @ 50mm loft. Love it, but would consider setting it 2mm higher for a future one (2.1:1 ratio).
Mate if you decide to cash this brush in to fund the small knot refinement, then hit that PM button and load up Stillsy (y)

Brush: Plisson HMW
Razor: Wolfman
Blade: Treet Carbon
Soap: D.R. Harris Lavender
A/S: Real Shaving Balm
Cologne: D.R. Harris Lavender Water

Very enjoyable shave. The Plisson performed flawlessly worked with the D.R. Harris soap. Ended up with more lather than I could use.
Still working out the best blade for the Wolfman, the Treet Carbon worked very nicely today, hopefully it will tomorrow.

Brush: Plisson HMW
Razor: Wolfman
Blade: Treet Carbon
Soap: D.R. Harris Lavender
A/S: Real Shaving Balm
Cologne: D.R. Harris Lavender Water

Very enjoyable shave. The Plisson performed flawlessly worked with the D.R. Harris soap. Ended up with more lather than I could use.
Still working out the best blade for the Wolfman, the Treet Carbon worked very nicely today, hopefully it will tomorrow.
That Plisson suits you mate [emoji106]
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Pre: Shower/ Face wash
Brush: Simpson's Chubby
Soap: First Canadian
Razor: Jenes Sandor's 6/8 Kamisori
Post: Alum, Thayers and Chatillion Lux
My first shave with a kamisori today and it went great. I lapped up about 50 times on my leather strop, got my lather ready and cautiously jumped straight in.
First off, the weight of it is a bit more then any of my straights, but that was a good thing due to me only relying on the weight to slice through my whiskers. And slice through whiskers it did, with about 4 days growth it was gone with 2.5 passes; a little bit of clean up on the chin at the end did lead to a little nick.
After that I washed my face, applied the alum block; I did notice a bit of sting on the neck, but that was from me over stretching the skin. The Witch Hazel & Cucumber Thayers is always great on soothing the skin, as is the Chatillion Lux, my face is a little bit greasy after an hour of putting it on due to the humidity today. I would like to try one day the Aftershave Tonic that they have for Chatillion Lux.
So all in all a DFS with my first ever shave with a Kamisori.

Enjoy your shaves gents (y)

P.S. I can't wait to see how you (@silver) go on your journey with your kamisori.:)
How good is First Canadian! I picked up some of their samples and the performance is first class.

Brush: Plisson HMW
Razor: Wolfman
Blade: Treet Carbon
Soap: D.R. Harris Lavender
A/S: Real Shaving Balm
Cologne: D.R. Harris Lavender Water

Very enjoyable shave. The Plisson performed flawlessly worked with the D.R. Harris soap. Ended up with more lather than I could use.
Still working out the best blade for the Wolfman, the Treet Carbon worked very nicely today, hopefully it will tomorrow.

Great Combo, @Nightguard. What are your thoughts on the DR Harris Lavender cologne?
Razor: Vintage Gillette British NEW on TSW 'Bren' Handle
Blade: Vintage NOS Schick Platinum Plus (6)
Brush: Vintage Butterscotch distressed Culmak reknotted with TGN Finest
Soap/Cream: Barrister & Man - Cologne Russe Shaving Soap
Aftershave: Barrister & Man - Cologne Russe Tonique Splash

Day Six - same kit, same great result.

It does make the SOTD post a simple cut and paste (except for the brushes)

Early flight to MEL for the day. Meetings at the airport are horribly convenient for a national organisation - but kinda soul destroying too. Get up, drive to airport, sit in lounge, fly, walk to meeting, sit in lounge, fly, drive home - just like any other day in the office really!

Pre: La Toja Pre Shave Soap
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Feather
Brush: Simpson CH1 SB
Cream: La Toja
Salve: Chatillon Lux - Bon Vivant
Aftershave: La Toja - Agua De Colonia

Fantastic lather and performance from the La Toja today, thank god it's Friday!

Shave well Gentlemen :)

Brush: Plisson HMW
Razor: Wolfman
Blade: Treet Carbon
Soap: D.R. Harris Lavender
A/S: Real Shaving Balm
Cologne: D.R. Harris Lavender Water

Very enjoyable shave. The Plisson performed flawlessly worked with the D.R. Harris soap. Ended up with more lather than I could use.
Still working out the best blade for the Wolfman, the Treet Carbon worked very nicely today, hopefully it will tomorrow.
This is a super high class shave @Nightguard (y)
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