Shave of the Day Thread - 2016

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Pre: Occam's Crushed Lime Pre Shave Soap
Brush: Simpson CH1 SB
Razor: 1966 Gillette SLIM L3
Blade: Feather
Cream: D. R. Harris - Arlington
After: D. R. Harris - Arlington After Shave Milk
Aftershave: D. R. Harris - Arlington Aftershave

Took the SLIM out for a shave this morning, it's heading to NZ later this week but I was eager for something different. It shaves beautifully and stands head to head with my ATT or even Merkur's Progress. I set it to 5 on the dial based on a lot of reading I had done on the particular razor and as I suspected my judgement was spot on. A wonderfully close and smooth shave, not a nick to be seen. I am though used to larger handled razors, particularly my XL Progress and the Colossus however the deftness of the SLIM I adapted too easily and a very enjoyable shave ensued. I was tempted to use one of the Vintage blades I was kindly sent too but I reckoned it being the first shave with a new razor that keeping the variables under a little more control was probably wise.

Felt like a bit of a treat after staying up later than intended last night doing some work so I broke out the freshness of the Arlington scent, it's a spring summer favourite that is going to see a fair bit of use particularly when the hot weather hits. A very nice cream from D.R Harris, it's very hard not to make a fantastic lather with their creams and the smell that suffuses in the bathroom when lathering is just wonderful. The scent composition and particularly the balance of the citrus notes really lends themselves to warmer weather.

A great shave from this Razor, I'm expecting it will be in NZ getting re-plated for 5 to 6 weeks with a Fatboy I picked up however I will be very glad to have both of them back and ready for regular duty, it really does shave beautifully for a 50 year old piece.

Pre-Shave: Cyprusian Olive/Argan Oil soap, cold water
Razor: Weber PH UFO Titan L
Blade: Ladas (2)
Brush: Doug Korn TGN Finest
Lather: Mystic Water Bergamot, Cedarwood & Juniper
Post-shave: Alum, Barrister & Man Kyovu Original, South Australian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil​

Really nice Sunday shave - got up bright and early and had lots of time in the bathroom for myself...

I am seriously impressed, how this brush lathers. It took no time to load up the Mystic Water for 5+ passes - and sensational lather it was (picture here). None of my other brushes come close in this department (including my synthetic). It seems to hold just the perfect amount of water in the knot and the backbone is of course seriously there. The knot has loosened up a bit since the last shave and I really hope it will continue to do so, as the face feel is still very strong.

Super close shave and a very happy face - I hope you all enjoy your Sunday (y)
Razor: Vintage Gillette British NEW on TSW 'Bren' Handle
Blade: Vintage NOS Schick Platinum Plus (8)
Brush: Vintage Butterscotch Simpson reknotted in pure
Soap/Cream: Barrister & Man - Cologne Russe Shaving Soap
Aftershave: Barrister & Man - Cologne Russe Tonique Splash

Dropped the whole container of soap into the water in the sink - so the lather was well hydrated!

In the same vein the brush slipped out of my hand and went flying across the bathroom - fortunately landing in the dirty washing tub not the hard tile floor. Lather thrown everywhere.

Despite those klutz moments a great shave! Does it get any better than this?

Pre-Shave: Cyprusian Olive/Argan Oil soap, cold water
Razor: Weber PH UFO Titan L
Blade: Ladas (2)
Brush: Doug Korn TGN Finest
Lather: Mystic Water Bergamot, Cedarwood & Juniper
Post-shave: Alum, Barrister & Man Kyovu Original, South Australian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil​

Really nice Sunday shave - got up bright and early and had lots of time in the bathroom for myself...

I am seriously impressed, how this brush lathers. It took no time to load up the Mystic Water for 5+ passes - and sensational lather it was (picture here). None of my other brushes come close in this department (including my synthetic). It seems to hold just the perfect amount of water in the knot and the backbone is of course seriously there. The knot has loosened up a bit since the last shave and I really hope it will continue to do so, as the face feel is still very strong.

Super close shave and a very happy face - I hope you all enjoy your Sunday (y)
Great photo!

Pre-Shave: Cyprusian Olive/Argan Oil soap, cold water
Razor: Weber PH UFO Titan L
Blade: Ladas (2)
Brush: Doug Korn TGN Finest
Lather: Mystic Water Bergamot, Cedarwood & Juniper
Post-shave: Alum, Barrister & Man Kyovu Original, South Australian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil​

Really nice Sunday shave - got up bright and early and had lots of time in the bathroom for myself...

I am seriously impressed, how this brush lathers. It took no time to load up the Mystic Water for 5+ passes - and sensational lather it was (picture here). None of my other brushes come close in this department (including my synthetic). It seems to hold just the perfect amount of water in the knot and the backbone is of course seriously there. The knot has loosened up a bit since the last shave and I really hope it will continue to do so, as the face feel is still very strong.

Super close shave and a very happy face - I hope you all enjoy your Sunday (y)

Absolutely top shelf composition and photography my friend!
Pre: Shower
Razor: iKon X3
Blade: GSB (7)
Brush: Omega Boar
Soap: Soap Commander "Purpose" (Thanks @Mark1966)
After: Alum, Stirling "Ozark Mountain", TSW After Balm

Nice shave this morning. Can't believe I was going to ditch the GSB blade 2 shaves ago.
Just a small amount of tugging, I think I will bin it before the next shave but it seems that blades may last longer in the X3?
The SC soap performed brilliantly again, and I think it is definitely a good soap.
The Omega boar is breaking in nicely and is already nice and soft!
The scent of the Ozark mountain is nice, but I'm not sure it's for me. Can't wait to try the other scents (Thanks @todras!)

Kathmandu shave
Proraso pre
Omega boar badger mighty midget
Occam's Lime
Merkur 34C HD
Feather blade
Thayer's Superhazel
Soapy Sudsery Citrus & Bay Oil
Terre D'Hermes EDT

Travel kit shave while in Nepal for a few days with work. Picked up the Terre D'Hermes on my way through duty free. Pretty good stuff I haven't previously tried. Finished off the Occam's lime sample I had sitting around for ages. Lots of little bottles and containers to use over the next few days. Fiddly but at least I have some variety with me.
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Pre: Musgo Real Glyce Soap
Brush: Simpson Persian Jar 2 Super
Soap: Mystic Water Maestrale
Razor: iKon Tech with OSS Handle
Blade: Polsilver Stainless (3)
After: Alum, Myrsol Plastic

The Tech really is an 'aggressive masterpiece'. It can bite, but if used with focus it gives an incredible shave. I used a very steep angle (handle parallel with face) and it gave me one of the closest shave I've ever had. No irritation, no weepers or nicks, even after a bit of buffing on my top lip. I'd still be reluctant to use it before an important meeting (the risk of slicing my face to shreds is quite high) but it is a great razor to have in the den.
Sunday 18 September 2016


Mastro Livi "Rasoio Italiano" Stainless Damascus, 8/8 Full Hollow, Spanish Point

When you shave with a Mastro Livi razor, you know you are not simply shaving, indeed you realize and know you are enjoying a masterpiece of art, technique, craftsmanship and talent. This is the case of this straight razor made of genuine artisan martensitic stainless steel damascus made by Mastro Livi in his laboratory and by using artisan techniques only. This damascus is in fact made of martensitic stainless steels, something not to easy to make by using artisan techniques. Scales, too, are fascinating as they are made from African black ebony with precious inserts of jade, white turquoise and coral - forming the Italian flag - and a middle plate made of fossil mammoth ivory. A tribute to Italy, of course, and the magnificent artisan tradition of my country. I am also liking the new Mastro Livi shave brush range, including this best badger brush which is very good in mounting lather. As for soap, I used one of the very best around - Martin De Candre - with a lovely and fascinating Mediterranean fragrance to which I coupled my favorite aftershave and, in my opinion, one of the most effective ones: Floïd mentolado vigoroso. What a shave!​
  • Pre-Shave: RazorGuy Pre-Shave Oil
  • Soap: Martin De Candre
  • Brush: Mastro Livi Best Badger, African Black Ebony Handle, 24mm knot
  • Bowl: Old Barber Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Medium Loom Strop "Coramella Italiana" and Hand Palm
  • Razor: Mastro Livi "Rasoio Italiano" Stainless Damascus, 8/8 Full Hollow, Spanish Point
  • Post-Shave: Alum Block
  • Post-Shave: Umbrian Extravirgin Olive Oil
  • After Shave: Floïd Mentolado Vigoroso
Pre: Myrsol Antesol
Brush:Wolfwhiskers Envy White Supreme 26mm
Soap: Stirling Ozark Mountain
Razor: ATT S1
Blade: Vintage Polsilver
Post: alum, witch hazel, Stirling Ozark Mountain

Been 5 days since I have shaved, as I was on the go. It sure is glad to be back home instead of using the disposable razors.

It was so satisfying slashing through 5 days' growth. Back to clean shaven now, couldn't be happier.
Pre-Shave: Hot Towel
Razor: Above the Tie Atlas R1
Blade: Gillette Nacet
Soap: Barrister & Mann - Seville
Brush: RazoRock Plissoft
Post-Routine: Cold water and Alum
Aftershave: Floid Mentolado Vigoroso Aftershave

I have to say the Shaving gods were smiling down upon me today gentlemen. This is the first time having used the Nacet blades and also using this particular aftershave. I have always heard good things about both the Nacet blades and Floid aftershaves and I was not disappointed.
That Floid Aftershave is really something! The sensation it leaves on your face is... well... sensational!
I love the feeling it has on the face and it only gets better with a little bit of a breeze, the powdery finish is marvelous and added towards one of the best post-shave experiences I have ever had.
Razor: Standard
Blade: Polsilver SS (7)
Brush: EJ Best Badger
Soap: Latha Limon
After: TSW After Balm

Shave #7 with the Polsilver, and still able to get a pretty good shave, but a fair bit of work needed on the neck in cleanup - always my trouble spot.

I could probably push on for one more shave, but it has reached the point of diminishing returns for me so I've decided to let it retire undefeated ;)

Getting better results with the Latha now, really nice and easy soap to get a good lather from, nice citrus fragrance just adds to the enjoyment of the shave.

Pre: Occam's Crushed Lime Pre Shave Soap
Brush: Simpson CH1 SB
Razor: 1966 Gillette SLIM L3
Blade: Feather
Cream: D. R. Harris - Arlington
After: D. R. Harris - Arlington After Shave Milk
Aftershave: D. R. Harris - Arlington Aftershave

Took the SLIM out for a shave this morning, it's heading to NZ later this week but I was eager for something different. It shaves beautifully and stands head to head with my ATT or even Merkur's Progress. I set it to 5 on the dial based on a lot of reading I had done on the particular razor and as I suspected my judgement was spot on. A wonderfully close and smooth shave, not a nick to be seen. I am though used to larger handled razors, particularly my XL Progress and the Colossus however the deftness of the SLIM I adapted too easily and a very enjoyable shave ensued. I was tempted to use one of the Vintage blades I was kindly sent too but I reckoned it being the first shave with a new razor that keeping the variables under a little more control was probably wise.

Felt like a bit of a treat after staying up later than intended last night doing some work so I broke out the freshness of the Arlington scent, it's a spring summer favourite that is going to see a fair bit of use particularly when the hot weather hits. A very nice cream from D.R Harris, it's very hard not to make a fantastic lather with their creams and the smell that suffuses in the bathroom when lathering is just wonderful. The scent composition and particularly the balance of the citrus notes really lends themselves to warmer weather.

A great shave from this Razor, I'm expecting it will be in NZ getting re-plated for 5 to 6 weeks with a Fatboy I picked up however I will be very glad to have both of them back and ready for regular duty, it really does shave beautifully for a 50 year old piece.
Ahhh - Arlington. What a terrific line-up of hardware and software.
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