Doug Korn D7 TGN
Gillette Fatboy
Derby Premium
Barrister & Man Seville Shaving Soap
Australian Private Reserve sachet de thé aftershave balm
Australian Private Reserve sachet de thé après-rasage
I was waiting all week for this shave, I am of course referring to the chance to use the new Derby's in the Fatboy which proved to be a worthwhile exercise. Quite a decent shave but I feel they work better in the slim for whatever reasons, either that or my pre shave prep was found wanting. Usual 2 passes, plenty of cold water to clean the face then on to the tea-bagging.
I had designs on making a splash and balm for this soap for a long while, I tried to obtain one from the existing market but to no avail (the earl grey and ginger from one outfit was not even close) so after a lot of tinkering I came up with 'Tea Bag' or
sachet de thé for the continental among us. I am very pleased with this one, it pairs with the soap almost identically and shares the same beautiful notes of sage and bergamot. It's not a scent for everyone, some people don't like the scent of Cheshire however I do, I love the scent and what Will achieved with this soap. I'm bloody stoked with this, next to White Tea and Ginger this was the reason my project kicked off to begin with - the search for a paired aftershave and balm is over!
Have a great day, and have great shaves