Shave of the Day Thread - 2017

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I have become a creature of habit, or just lazy, the same continues - same soap, brush and blade and the result continues to please :)

I really wish I could identify this mystery soap I've been using, @nsavage if you or any other Adelaide members have a puck of MWF surplus to requirements I'm certain [ish] that is the soap. Very pleasing result.

I don’t have any more Steve. If you bring what is left to the meet up I will be able to tell you if it is MWF or not though.

Pre: Warm Coconut Oil
Soap: Mitchell's Wool Fat
Brush: Vie Long Horse/Badger (from Draco Noir stable)
Razor: Asylum Rx
Blade: Kai Captain Titan
Post: Jojoba Oil
I had seen Mitchell's Wool Fat soap plenty of times in online shaving shops and always assumed I'd pass it over until the recent thread that was discussing the MWF saying it could be difficult. The magic words for me were 'triple milled' and I wanted to give it a try. Picked this puck up from Walklikeaduck's recent BST and very glad I did. I tried a couple of brushes on it yesterday out of curiosity and found it very easy to lather and again today with the Vie Long. I think I'm going to enjoy having it in the soap rotation.
The Vie Long is a great little brush (I've gotten used to the larger boar brushes). I was curious to try it as I had read that horse hair provides more backbone. I wondered whether the horse/badger would be up for the triple milled soap but it handled it easily. Lather shot here. The Vie Long is a nice combination of softness w/backbone and I really like it.
I'm a little disappointed in the performance of the Asylum Rx with the Titan blade today. I had really hoped the blade would rein in some of the aggressiveness of this razor and provide some comfort that previous shaves with this razor lacked. It did achieve that to some extent but it remains an aggressive razor. I shaved with two passes (I never do that) with touch ups but was still left with a number of weepers. So I won't be using this razor as a daily driver but will be happy to pull it out occasionally when I want something with more punch (just not five minutes before an event where you can't risk blood on your clothes). If anybody is looking for an Asylum Rx to try there's one going cheap on eBay at the moment. I will be keeping the Feather Pro Supers away from this razor;).
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Razor: Ever-ready 'E' bar
Blade: GEM (5)
Brush: Simpson 'Jubilee' LE 14/150
Soap/Cream: Santa Maria Novella Crema da Barba
Aftershave Splash: Santa Maria Novella Tabacco Toscano Lozione dopo Barba
Cologne: N/A


Happy Friday guys!
Teddy & Mandy Shave

Razor: Gillette New Improved Bostonian Set (first use)
Blade: Gillette Stainless (1)
Soap: Tim's Soap Signature Scent
Post: Alum + Pinaud Special Reserve AS + Cerruti 1881 EdT

- Before I polish the razor, I thought I should use it. This was a great, smooth BBS in 3 passes after 2 days growth. What a great find this Teddy and Mandy razor set was. The weight is good and I prefer it to the Tuckaway's length. I really need to compare it to the New Style slotted head that replaced it now because I think I might like this just as much. Wow.
- THIS post combo, by the way, is the bomb. I'm a fruity man today.
Razor: gem 1912
Blade: gem carbon
Soap: Dr Johns classic
Post: myrsol f/extra

The carbon was fantastic, more comfortable and easy today.
The soap performance was excellent, scent is kinda meh for me.
Myrsol.... meh.. it's okay but I don't think I'd buy it, performs well but the scent is nothing to write home about.
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Acqua Di Parma Oud Shower Gel
Le Père Lucien Oud-Santal
Acqua Di Parma Collezione Barbiere Brush
Nichiri Pelican Strop
Nichiri King Pelican 15
Acqua Di Parma Collezion Barbiere Balm
Acqua Di Parma Oud Cologne Concentrée


Borderline orgasmic

You REALLY need to get out more mate ... :whistle:
I thought I had run out of soap :) So I made another batch this morning. Tallow and Stearic equal parts with Coconut oil. Bentonite clay mixed with the Hydroxides. Added Lanolin half way through the cook. Finished off with 6% of the original oil weight with Shea Butter for the last minute of the cook for great skin feel. No scent and as slick as a feral politician.

6/8" Sonnal Straight point
My new soap applied with a Semogue 2000
Post shave was my Macadamia Nut oil/Lemon Myrtle mix.

2 passes and DFS +++++

Brush: Simpsons PJ2
Soap: APR, SAA
Razor: Ever Ready, Streamline
Blade: PAL (6)
Post: APR, SAA

Another great shave with the Streamline. The PAL carbon still going strong on 6.
A nice long weekend coming up, relax, relax​
Annual trip to the Canstatter Volkfest in Stuttgart next week (y)


Shoot me a PM when you are done with the sojourns, as I have a rather large box of 'mums home made soap' I need to send you sometime, me old.
The more I think about it, I should have grabbed the opportunity when you got back from your Villa :)
Razor: Ever-ready 'E' bar
Blade: GEM (5)
Brush: Simpson 'Jubilee' LE 14/150
Soap/Cream: Santa Maria Novella Crema da Barba
Aftershave Splash: Santa Maria Novella Tabacco Toscano Lozione dopo Barba
Cologne: N/A


Happy Friday guys!
I have noticed that, after a shaky start, you have stuck with the SE throughout SEptember. Very commendable for a man with an epic DE collection, good work! Just one more shave to go.
Razor: Ever-ready 'E' bar
Blade: GEM (6)
Brush: Vintage butterscotch Rooney Badger and Bristle brush
Soap/Cream: Santa Maria Novella Crema da Barba
Aftershave Splash: Santa Maria Novella Tabacco Toscano Lozione dopo Barba
Cologne: N/A

... and that is a wrap!

Yes @Sticky - the month of SEptember once I go into the groove I stuck with an SE. I even kept it simple and stuck with the one SE, I do have a few in the stash.

The SMN is a great way to finish the month and the vintage Rooney is an interesting beast on its first run. Certainly has some backbone and I think it might be a keeper.

At the risk of being repetitive (again :)) -


Have a great (long) weekend guys

Pre: Warm Coconut Oil
Soap: Pb Lemon Myrtle, Lanolin & Wormwood
Brush: Omega Boar 10019
Razor: Friodur Henckels 6/8
Post: Jojoba Oil
@bald as , I knew I definitely was not out of soap but did a cook anyway. I guess that's SAD. :) There's a few essential oils in the scent and I'm thinking the Vetiver and Oakmoss linger on the face post shave. I had been reading of the benefits of Wormwood on the skin, so into the cauldron it went. The Omega is still a bit stiff, but did a great job of lathering. Handle is a bit small on this brush and it's fairly compact so it might end up on a few trips as a travel brush. Scored a nick as I got too keen on clean up but overall nice shave.

Razor: Colonial Razors – The General
Blade: Schick P-30 (1)
Brush: Razorock Plissoft
Soap: B&M 42
Post: Witchhazel, Bulldog Balm

Damn I get a good shave out of this razor! :happy:
Did some more experimenting with the synthetic brush, still can’t get the sort of glossy lather I can with a natural brush. (n)

Enjoy your weekends all!
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